I want to take this opportunity to congratulate all the Region 6 Administrator of the Year nominees from the Charters and our region winners for 2017. All nominees were exceptional and the selection was difficult due to the wealth of knowledge and experience of each nominee. Also, I want to recognize Cindy Matteoni for coordinating the annual Administrator of the Year selection process.
All the Region 6 nominees and region winners will be recognized at the annual Administrator of the Year Awards Dinner at the Casa Real at Ruby Hills Winery in Pleasanton on Thursday, June 15th. Also, do not forget the annual Regional 6 Conference “Thriving on the Vine Leading for Equity, Engagement and Belonging” on June 14th and 15th at Casa Real. See information in this newsletter.
In addition, this is a reminder that Region 6 encourages and will financially support staff development activities and events that Charters want to plan for their membership. One of our goals this year is to provide staff development and networking opportunities for all administrators in Region 6. For further information, contact
Bob Giannini or
Rose Lock
Congratulations to the following mini-grant winners! Due to the outstanding proposals submitted this year, the Executive Board approved an additional $6,000 on March 10 to fund a total of 11 grants each at $1,000.
- Kelly Bowers (Livermore USD) - Migrant education program partnered with Lawrence Hall of Science
- Cindy Hicks-Rodriguez (Fremont USD) - Engaging elementary students with digital media
- Jeff Brauning (John Swett USD) - Priority support materials for ELLs
- Heather Pereira (Pleasanton USD) - Trumpets and music for Mariachi program
- Erin Roberts (Oakley USD) - Coding robots for 4th/5th grade students
- Ken Nelson (John Swett USD) - Furniture for alternative ed programs
- Annie Flores Aikey (John Swett USD) - Coding materials
- Theodora Pappas (Mt. Diablo USD) - Robotic equipment for open space
- Barbara Walker (John Swett USD) - Furniture for students with special needs
- Evan Powell (San Ramon USD) - Powered dragsters for applied technology program
- Krishna Feeney (John Swett USD) - Outdoor community peace garden
ACSA and Region 6 on Twitter
How are you staying on top of the fast paced developments in the educational landscape these days?
Are you following ACSA @acsa.info and Region 6 @ACSARegion6 on Twitter?
ACSA has been providing outstanding information on the new CA School Dashboard as well as tweeting real time from various webinars and conferences.
In addition, visit their websites,
acsa.org and
regions.acsa.org/6 regularly for up-to-date information that supports your work as an educational leader.
Region 6 Superintendent Appointed to Blue Ribbon Commission on Early Childhood Education
From February 13, 2017 EdCal:
Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon recently announced the launch of a Blue Ribbon Commission on Early Childhood Education. The commission's goal is to develop solutions to improve results for California's youngest learners and their families. Parvin Ahmadi, Superintendent of Castro Valley USD and Region 6 representative to ACSA Superintendency Council, was appointed as a member of the commission. Other commissioners include legislators and leaders from educational and community groups across the state. Congratulations, Parvin!
Region 6 Leadership for 2017-2018
Congratulations to the 2017-2018 Region 6 Leadership:
Executive Board
Region 6 Representative to ACSA State Councils and Committees:
- Adult Education - Steven France (Acalanes UHSD)
- Business Services Committee - Annette Heldman (San Lorenzo USD)
- Career Technical Education - Julie Duncan (Tri-Valley ROP)
- Classified Educational Leaders - Kandi Gravenmier (Contra Costa COE)
- Co-Administrators - Elie Wasser (Newark USD)
- Educational Options - Darrel Avilla (Livermore USD)
- Curriculum, Instruction and Accountability - Carol Loflin (San Ramon USD)
- Equity - Tovi Scruggs (Partners in School Innovation)
- Elementary Education - Terry Dunn (Pittsburg USD)
- Human Resources - Melanie Jones (San Ramon USD)
- Legislative Policy - Lisa Murphy-Oates (Mt. Diablo USD)
- Middle Grades Education - Ean Ainsworth (Dublin USD)
- Retirees - Luann Duggan
- Student Services/Special Ed - Felicia Stuckey Smith (Mt. Diablo USD)
- Small School District - Molly Barnes (Sunol Glen SD)
- Secondary Education - Kibby Kleiman (West Contra Costa USD)
- Superintendency - Dana Eaton (Brentwood SD)
Do you want to get more involved in ACSA? See Bob Giannini's article below.
Thriving on the Vine: Leading for Equity, Engagement & Belonging
June 14-15, 2017
Casa Real at Ruby Hill Winery in Pleasanton
Early bird registration ends on April 7.
ACSA Councils and Committees
ACSA's effectiveness in shaping education policy at both the state and federal level lies in its grassroots strength. To that end, ACSA is structured with issue-focused committees and job-alike councils made up of education leaders. Here are reports from Region 6 reps to these councils and committees:
Superintendency Council
Parvin Ahmadi, Superintendent of Castro Valley USD
As the Superintendent Council Representative, I attended ACSA Superintendency Council meetings in Sacramento to hear updates and shared them with superintendents from Alameda and Contra Costa Counties. I communicated legislative activities with superintendents after each meeting. I attended meetings with CSBA and legislators where we discussed how the funding formula has impacted school districts. I also attended the CSBA hearing on the new accountability system along with several superintendents to advocate for a robust, non-punitive accountability system. I was recently appointed to the Blue Ribbon Commission that Speaker Rendon has formed to discuss early childhood education. It includes several folks from nonprofit organizations and me, representing superintendents in CA.
Educational Options Council
Darrel Avilla, Principal of Del Valle HS, Livermore
As the Region 6 Educational Options representative, I attended the Educational Options Council meeting on February 1, 2017 in Anaheim. Dr. Jorge Ruiz de Velasco spoke with our group about the alternative education accountability and Save Rate. At this point in time, there is not an alternative assessment plan in place for alternative schools. The group that Dr. Velasco heads is developing performance guidelines for alternative schools based on the current State Indicators, which include College and Career, Graduation Rate, Academics, English Learners, Chronic Absenteeism and Suspension Rate as well as the Local Indicators. Save Rate, which is a formula involving negative student transitions (dropping out) divided by positive student transition (graduating, returning to the comprehensive high school, continuing at the current school, transferring to another school or program, completing the GED, earning an adult education diploma, etc.) was discussed at length with various members sharing their school’s save rate. The Educational Options committee believes Save Rate should be a prime indicator of alternative school success. Dr. Velasco believes the performance system for alternative school is at least a year away.
Human Resources Council
Melanie Jones, Director of HR in San Ramon USD
The ACSA Human Resources Council meets three times per year in October, January, and April. One of the main agenda topics includes professional development discussion and planning for the two major events held annually, the Negotiator’s Symposium in January and the Personnel Institute held in October. The HR Council is dedicated to providing meaningful professional development regarding best practices, new legislation, as well as hot topics throughout the state. The events include interactive workshop sessions presented by practitioners, consultants, and attorneys and provide valuable information and insight into the issues and laws that confront HR departments.
Other important agenda items during the HR Council meetings include credentialing updates from the CCTC as well as legislative updates regarding pending legislation that impact school districts. ACSA lobbyists keep the council very informed and request feedback regarding pending legislation and possible ramifications to school districts. The HR Council will be holding their next meeting in Sacramento on April 25th. Members will be meeting with consultants from the Department of Finance, the Legislative Analyst’s Office and the California Department of Education to discuss HR related pending legislation and policy.
Looking for Financial Support For Your Professional Learning?
Region 6 supports their members in their professional learning. Scholarships are awarded to ACSA members who enroll in ACSA academies and institutes. Members are eligible to receive a scholarship (up to $500) once every three years. Applications are due on October 1 for fall/winter programs and June 1 for spring/summer programs. Click here.
From the Desk of Bob Giannini, Region Executive
How do you get involved in ACSA? Do you want to :
- Support California’s educational leaders?
- Ensure all students have the essential skills and knowledge to excel?
- Champion public education?
If the answer is yes, then you will want to get actively involved in the Association of California School Administrators. How do you go about getting involved?
- Start at your charter level. Contact your charter President and ask to get involved in the charter leadership or activities. Contact Rose Lock, Region Consultant.
- Participate in a Region/State Administrative (job alike) Committee or Council. Contact Bob Giannini, Executive, for councils and committees.
- Get involved in Region 6 Leadership (Executive Committee or Board of Directors). Contact Bob Giannini.
You will be a better administrator and leader if you take advantage of all the services, professional development and networking that active participation in ACSA provides. Click here to see the Region 6 leadership structure.
“Leadership Matters”
Bob Giannini, Region Executive
What's Happening in Our Charters?
Livermore Charter of ACSA - Dayna Taylor, President
Livermore charter has had professional developments on micro-aggression, data collection, and the new accountability system. Our charter also created two $1000 scholarships for first generation college students. We will be hosting the LVJUSD Retirement Dinner in May. This will honor all of the employees that have given so much to our district over the years. We will also begin the process of selecting our new President, as Dayna Taylor’s two-year term will end.
Amador Valley Charter Recognizes Leadership - Jacob Berg, President
The ACSA Amador Valley Charter recently recognized 23 of its members from Dublin, Pleasanton, and Sunol for outstanding work in 2016-17. During the local leadership awards event on March 6, awards were presented in categories including "Leading for Equity," "Exemplifying Leadership" and "Behind the Scenes Support." The Amador Charter looks forward to honoring our administrative assistants and other staff during the annual "Administrative Assistants Day" event on April 24 at Dublin Ranch Golf Course. Amador board members this year include: Jacob Berg (President - from Pleasanton), Lorianne Ventura (Vice President - from Dublin), Jennifer Tyson (Vice President - from Pleasanton), Jennifer Chiarelli (Secretary - from Dublin), Janet Gates (Treasurer - from Pleasanton), and Brett Nelson (Past President - from Dublin).
Jennifer Chiarelli awards Jason Krolikowski, Principal of Foothill High, for
Integrity in Leadership.
Lorianne Ventura awards Dr. Odie Douglas, Assistant Superintendent of Pleasanton USD, for
Leading for Equity
Welcome to new ACSA members
Region 6 welcomes the following new members in January and February:
Alameda COE Michael Hermosillo
Berkeley USD Janet Levenson
Castro Valley USD Aimee Cayere
Suzy Chan
Lisa Maloney
Gloria Mau
Hayward USD Guillermina Gutierrez
Lafayette ESD Patrick Gargiulo
Newark USD Jessica Bartok
Elie Wasser
Oakland USD Silke Bradford
Britnee Abbott
Susan Andrien
Marilu Boytes
John Paul Casanova
Sheila Clark
Simone Delucchi
Alesia Eutsler
Tom Guajardo
Kara Oettinger
Matthew Snow
Anita Watanuki
Herberta Zulueta
Pleasanton USD Joseph Meunier
San Ramon USD Randolph Linscheid
West Contra Costa USD Christy Chen
Jackie Kim
We welcome your feedback and suggestions.
Region 6 Leadership
Steve Collins
Essence Phillips
Past President: Janet Haun
Vice President, Staff Development: Pam Comfort
Vice President, Programs: Cindy Matteoni
Vice President, Legislation: Karen Sakata
Vice President, Membership: Kevin Grier
Secretary: Pam Hughes
Treasurer: Pam VandeKamp
Soleste Hilberg
ACSA Board Director: Rob Stockberger
Representatives: Fred Brill, Kris Martin-Meyer, Krista Taylor, Tovi Scruggs
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." - Nelson Mandela