Year of You - Spring into Beauty!

With the warm weather quickly approaching when we bare more skin, body treatments at EsthetixMD are in high demand.

Cellulite, while a harmless skin condition, is something that concerns 80-90 percent of women.

While many experts believe there may be hereditary reasons for cellulite, the actual root cause is unknown. However, when looking at cellulite, we can make some observations of the skin structures that can be very illuminating in regard to the reason for cellulite and beneficial treatments.

Cellulite is characterized as “unsightly dimpling of the skin generally on the thighs, hips, buttocks, and abdomen”. Our skin is made up of multiple layers, the surface layer (epidermis), lower layer (dermis), and beneath that the subcutaneous tissue that lies between the dermis and fascia, which is connected by fibrous septae (rigid bands of connective tissue). While the subcutaneous layer plays a very large part in cellulite, each layer has a role.

The skin loses collagen and elastin, thins, and loses firmness. The subcutaneous fat expands, and the fibrous septae tighten and pull. These culminate in that “lumpy” dimpling effect where the subcutaneous fat pushes up through the connective tissues. So, what treatments can be done to effectively treat these 3 areas of concern?

1.   Radio-Frequency Technologies (ThermageFLX, Exilis Ultra, Vivace): The principal reason behind using radio-frequency is it induces production of collagen and elastin, and can also at specific temperatures reduce subcutaneous fat. This smooths, tightens, and thickens the skin, and reduces the fat cells, smoothing out the thighs, buttocks, abdomen and more.
2.   Acoustic Radial Shockwave Therapy (Zwave): This is a long-standing non-invasive therapy for cellulite. It is shown to have superior results when combined with radio-frequency or other fat reduction procedures. This treatment causes cavitation and can help break down and push out gas bubbles from fat. It also improves skin structure and connective tissue. It has proven to smooth the appearance of dimples with multiple sessions as a stand-alone treatment.
3.   Injectable Cellulite Treatments (Radiesse Biostimulation): The novel hyperdilute injectable treatment, Radiesse, (among several other uses) is popularly used to treat cellulite. When injected into the area of concern (arms, buttocks, thighs, and knees), the skin plumps thereby reducing visible dimples. Since Radiesse is a heavier dermal filler it enhances the quality and firmness of the overlying skin. Radiessealso rejuvenates the skin inducing Type I collagen production and can last up to 24 months.

Spring Special ~ Purchase any Radio Frequency skin tightening or Injectable Cellulite treatment for the body and receive a FREE Zwave package. (Offer expires 04/30/2021, participating providers only & cannot be combined with other promo offers, 6tx.)

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Sara Nicole welcomed her new baby!

Review from a happy patient!

Everyone here is so warm and accommodating. Front staff loves to help you with information about the procedure you may want to perform. They are patient and kind as well.
Allison is amazing with her skills with the co2. She called me 3 times caring and concerned. I would recommend the staff, the products as well as the service. I felt really cared for. If something is not right they dial you in.
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