The BBL, or "Brazilian Butt Lift," is a popular treatment meant to help add volume to the buttocks area to combat a flat or sagging back end. Some patients have genetics that keep them from having enough "junk in the trunk," per se, while others may notice volume loss with aging or weight loss. To achieve a more attractive contour to the butt area, many patients turn to plastic surgeons to ask about butt lifts or implants. Fortunately, there are other options. At EsthetixMD, our clinicians use Sculptra as an expansion of the BBL technique, ensuring a non-invasive butt lift without any surgical treatment.
What is Sculptra?
Sculptra is a cosmetic injectable containing poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), a synthetic, biodegradable compound that has been used for many years in dissolvable stitches and sutures. Primarily, Sculptra is used to correct volume loss in the face while reducing the appearance of surrounding fine lines and wrinkles. It does this by stimulating the amount of collagen and elastin produced by the body. This process tightens and firms the skin to combat mild skin laxity and the hollowing that can occur around the cheek area due to the natural loss that occurs after the age of 30. While great for the face, it can also be used to achieve a non-invasive butt lift as an alternative to the Brazilian Butt Lift treatment.