Villages of Westcreek
Owners' Association Inc.
March 2018
Quote for the month
The seasons are what a symphony ought to be: four perfect movements in harmony with each other."
Arthur Rubenstein

In The Kitchen with
Villages of Westcreek
E asy Lemonade Pie

I ngredients

Graham Cracker Crust

  • 1 1/2 Cups finely crushed graham crackers (20 squares)
  • 1/3 cup margarine or butter melted

  • 3 tablespoons sugar

Lemonade Filling

  • 1 quart (4 cups) vanilla ice cream softened

  • 1 can (6 ounces) frozen lemonade concentrate thawed

  • Few drops of yellow food coloring if desired

  • Grated lemon or lime peel, if desired


  • Heat oven to "375 F". In the medium bowl, mix all Graham Cracker Crust ingredients. Press mixture firmly against bottom and side of pie plate, 9x1 1/4 inches. Bake about 10 minutes or until light brown. Cool 30 minutes.

  • In the large bowl mix ice cream, lemonade concentrate, and food color. Mound ice-cream mixture in crust.

  • Freeze about 4 hours or until firm. Let stand at room temperature a few minutes before cutting. Garnish with a grated lemon peel. Store covered in freezer.


From the Community Manager's Desk  

Dear VWOA residents, 

March is here and we have a lot of things going on around the community. As I am sure you have seen, the pools have been emptied and the work has started to refurbish the pools. We have fixed several leaks and are getting ready to have new plaster installed along with new tile and coping. The decks and bathroom floors will also get new surfaces, making for a more enjoyable time for your feet when the summer heat hits. 
The spring rains and summer heat will also bring back mowing season. It is important that you make sure to keep your lawns maintained in order to keep the Villages looking good. If you know someone who is no longer able to maintain their lawns due to a health or physical limitation, please make sure to let the office know. As people are getting out more due to the improving weather, I would like to remind all dog owners about the dog park. It has had quite a bit of visitors since we finished it in 2017, and we would like to see it get more use.The major bonus to the dog park is No Leashes!!! With that being said, we are still having quite a few people visit the Sports Park with their dogs and not utilizing the use of a leash. This is a Bexar County ordinance so please do not forget the leash if you go to the Sports Park with Fido. 

Fido Faux Paws
It’s hard not to be a dog lover; after all, mankind entered into a societal pact with them centuries ago. In exchange for food, our dogs will offer us unconditional affection, companionship, and play. In fact, did you know that dogs really want nothing more than to please their masters? It is an undisputed fact, and if you don’t believe me tune in to The Learning Channel the next time they profile man’s best friend. Some dogs will roll over and play dead on command. Others will fetch your slippers and newspaper. Some canines have even been known to traverse incredible distances to be reunited with families who were lost in a move. However, one thing that our bowzer buddies are unable to do is to clean up after themselves. If you have a canine collaborator, please do pick up his droppings for him-remembering that he doesn’t have opposing thumbs with which to handle a pooper-scooper. Failure to do so is not only inconsiderate of your neighbors, or disconcerting to the landscapers. can you imagine the embarrassment Fido would feel if it ever got out that it was his droppings that all his puppy pals were discovering out in the open like that? Sensitivity: It’s a dog thing. 

One last note  

With all of the construction occurring on 1604 and Potranco, we have higher than normal traffic through the neighborhood. Unfortunately, there are more than a couple people who choose to use Military Drive, Grosenbacher, Westcreek View, Westcreek Oaks, and Sage Run as a place to test out their engines. If you see this please help me by getting the license plate and calling the Sheriff's office (210-335-6000), the Constables office (210-335-2806) or the VWOA office (210-679-8761). The more people we have reporting this, the sooner we will get more patrols and the safer the residents and children will be on our streets.  
Mike Hunsucker
Community Manager-VWOA
From The Desk of
The Administrative Director
Casino Night
VWOA Community Center
Saturday, March 17, 2018
Must be 18 to attend, 21 to drink
$25 per ticket, $40 per couple
(Non-residents, $40 per ticket and $55 per couple)
$1,000 in chips with ticket
B.Y.O.B. and Cash Bar for mixers
Cash in chips for raffle tickets for prizes

Register in advance at the VWOA office.
Tickets are limited to 130 members and guest.
Additional chips will be available for $10.
Dress your best and come enjoy the fun!!!

Quote For March
“March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold
When it is summer in the light and winter in the shade.”
Hello March!
Sports Park Pavilion Reservation

The Pavilion can be reserved between 10am and 9pm.
Minimum of 3 hours.
If a sports event is scheduled on a Saturday during a date of interest,
availability resumes after 1pm.
    In order to reserve the Sports Park Pavilion for exclusive use, you must reside in the Villages of Westcreek and be a member in good standing,
Tenants must have a current lease on file.
Damage & Cleaning Deposit Fees- $250.00/ $25.00
(Check or Money Order)
Usage Fee $35.00 an hour/Monitoring Officer(s) is needed when more than 100 people, $35.00 an hour

Villages of Westcreek

Now offers Zumba, Fitness in the Park,
and Cross Training
(see Calendar below for specific dates and times)
Spring Lawn Care

As your lawn wakes up from its winter slumber, there are things you can start doing almost immediately to clean it up and get a proactive start on maintenance.

A Note on Timing
While it may seem beneficial to get out as soon as the weather begins to warm up, a little patience can go a long way to maximize the results of your work. Wait until your lawn has mostly greened up to begin mowing, aeration or other maintenance. Too much traffic on the lawn before its green and actively growing increases the chances of killing off new shoots before they mature, or compacting the soil.

Turf Type Matters
Understanding whether you've got cool-season grasses (such as bluegrass, fescue, and rye) or warm-season grasses (such as Bermuda, St. Augustine and Zoysia) is important to know which maintenance tasks you'll need to perform, and when it's best to perform them.

Cool-season grasses have two primary growth periods: one in the spring and another in the fall. They can struggle and go dormant in the heat of the summer, so spring maintenance should focus on strengthening the lawn to better deal with summer heat.

Warm-season turf grasses begin growing shortly after the final spring frost and hit their full growth stride as the midsummer heat cranks up.

Here are some maintenance items you can perform to help your lawn be more beautiful and weed-free this season, with notes on timing for warm- and cool-season grasses:

Yard raking and cleanup
Most lawns require some debris cleanup first thing in the spring. Raking up leaves and other organic material helps ensure your lawn is getting the sunlight needs to green up quickly. As you rake, make sure you are being gentle as not to damage the turf, and use a leaf rake and not a hard garden rake. Make note of any areas of the lawn that may be compacted (and need to be aerated) or have excessive thatch (and need to be dethatched).

You won't necessarily need to fertilize your lawn in the spring, particularly if you applied fertilizer last fall. But depending on what type of fertilizer program you're on, spring can be a good time to have your soil tested to check available nutrient levels. Cool-season grasses can benefit from a light fertilizer application in spring, once the grass is actively growing. Note that some pre-emergent weed control also includes a fertilizer, so you do not want to over fertilize. For warm-season grasses, it's best to fertilize in late spring as soon as the lawn greens up and is actively growing.

Weed control
Regardless of whether you have warm- or cool-season grasses, a spring application of pre-emergent herbicide can be very beneficial for your lawn.
For control of annual weeds, such as crabgrass and foxtail, you want to apply the weed control as soon as the soil temperature consistently reaches
55 degrees. Often, your local extension office can help you understand the soil temperatures for your area. If you plan to perform any seeding to your lawn, you will want to choose your herbicide carefully, as most will prevent the germination of grass seed. According to the University of Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County, the only pre-emergent herbicide that can be used with new seeding is siduron, which is commonly sold as Tupersan.

Cool-season grasses can be planted anytime the ground is not frozen and the soil is not too wet. Then, as the ground temperature rises above 50 degrees, the seed will begin to germinate. The goal is to plant as soon as conditions allow to giving the grass as much time to establish before the stress of summer heat bears down on it. Fall is a better time to plant cool-season grasses, so your focus for spring planting should ideally be on filling in bare spots. Warm-season grasses should be planted when soil temperatures are consistently in the 60s and all threat of frost has passed.
You may find that if your lawn went into the winter in a well-maintained condition, it may not need all of these steps to be ready for spring. Lawn maintenance you performed in the fall, such as aeration or dethatching, may or may not need an additional spring application. It all depends on the condition of your lawn coming out of winter. And if you maintained your mower in the fall, you won't need to do another comprehensive service in the spring.

Charlie Wilkerson
Standards Manager-VWOA
Physical, Social, Emotional & Intellectual Benefits of Outdoor Recreation

Outdoor recreation is enjoyable for men, women, and children of all ages. Performing physical exercise while outdoors provides a way to get outside and enjoy your natural surroundings. Aside from breathing fresh air and discovering nature's many wonders, the outdoors provides various activities to keep you wanting to go back outside for more. The benefits of outdoor recreation are endless and will help keep you and your family physically and mentally healthy .

Better Body
Outdoor recreation provides a multitude of advantageous physical activities that may be performed in solitude, with several friends and family members, or with your local recreational sports team. Sports such as hiking, canoeing, swimming, racket and ball sports and numerous other physical activities give you more choices for enjoyable exercise, which is likely to keep you motivated. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests that adults perform at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of intense activity every week .

Social Benefits
Adults and children alike benefit socially from an outdoor physical activity. Participating in sports and recreation provides kids to seniors with an opportunity to meet and build relationships with others. Participating on a team will help you to form lasting friendships with people who share your passion for outdoor recreation.

Feel Good Factor
Physical activity helps reduce stress and prevents some cases of depression. Exercise reduces anxiety, and consistent activity provides more relief for anxiety and depression. Better self-esteem often results from consistent recreation, partially due to a decrease in stress and to the overall feeling of well-being that occurs from regular aerobic exercise. Breathing fresh air in a natural, serene environment also helps many people to relax and reduce stress and anxiety.

Mind and Movement
Studies show that people who exercise regularly experience longer, deeper, more restful sleep. Better sleep results in more energy and alertness the following day, allowing better concentration and ability to think on higher levels. Along with better rest and rejuvenation for your body during the night, regular physical activity that reduces stress, anxiety and symptoms of depression will help you to concentrate more during the day .
If you would like to sign up your kids for the upcoming season please visit or you can contact Jason at

We are planning for VWOA to have a night all
about us again this year!

On May 5th we would like to have 16 of our children as the ball runners on the field, 22 of the younger children be a part of the dream team that walk out with the players, plus we will need about 150 plus people, to hold the large flag in the middle of the field at the opening ceremony .

Ticket Sales

Collectively, we all need to sell 150 tickets through the link below. The tickets have 2 prices, one with food and drink and one ticket without. This is where we all need to come together as a Soccer League and as a community to bring this opportunity to our children. Let's share the link listed below with family members, friends, and on our social media. Let's see how many tickets we can sell collectively to reach the goal of 150. Remember we need at least 150 people to hold the flag. We can do it

The following owners have self-nominated and declared themselves as Candidates for the Villages of Westcreek Owners' Association's Board of Directors. Please read the Bios below to learn more about that candidate.

Judy Cannon
I became a proud homeowner/resident of the Villages of Westcreek in March 2005. I previously served on the Board as Treasurer for two years so I have a good understanding of our HOA operations, and am a firm believer in abiding by our Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions, Administrative Resolutions, and By-Laws, as well as Federal and State laws. 

I enjoyed a 38-year career in financial management and accounting as a Federal Civilian employee of the USAF. During that career I served as Resource Manager at RAF Mildenhall Services (Morale, Welfare, and Recreation) in the UK, Resource Manager for Services at Lackland AFB, and from 2009 until my retirement I was Manpower, Personnel and Services Resource Manager for Joint Base San Antonio, overseeing the financial operations of all Non-appropriated Funds for Lackland AFB, Randolph AFB, and Ft Sam Houston.

Since my retirement, I have taken up watercolor and acrylic painting. Although I don’t consider myself an “artist,” others seem to like my work and some have even commissioned me to do paintings for them. That’s nice, but painting is primarily an enjoyable pastime and hobby. Other pastimes I enjoy are doing things with my adult daughter, Dawn, when she’s in town, attending musical concerts with friends, and playing with Scruffy, my sweet little terrier mix fur baby.

Now that I’m retired, I have more time to devote to my community and would very much like to help keep our Villages of Westcreek a neighborhood where all residents, whether large families, singles, young couples just starting out, or seniors like myself, feel welcome, safe, and confident they made to right decision when they came to live in our wonderful community. 
Richard Gentry
My name is Richard Gentry, and I have been a resident of Westcreek for almost 10 years. During this time I have served on the Board of Directors on two different occasions, participated on various committees, and I commit to coaching our youth programs every season. I have been married to my wife Diandra for 10 years, and we have 3 boys ages 15, 6, and 4. I have always been known for my passion, honesty, and commitment. I have been off of the board for the last year, but during my last term on the Board, I headed the effort to disclose issues that were kept from the community regarding the truth about our ex community manager, as wells as the mishandling of association money. I pushed to hire an independent forensic auditor, and this audit was able to provide the board, and future boards’ expert guidance on how to prevent the past from happening again in the future. I also have pushed for tangible upgrades to our facilities, so that the homeowners can get the most from this community, while rising our home values at the same time. A few examples of what I have pushed for would be the baseball field upgrades, the playground and tot lot, resurfacing the basketball and tennis courts, lighting in the park, the park parking lot, the kiddie basketball court, and the dog park are just a few things I fought for. I am always here to represent the homeowners first and foremost, before anything else. I don’t shy away from the hard choices, and I don’t believe in sugar coating the facts. I will always let you know where I stand on a subject, but I will always be open to listen to other’s opinions before I make my choice. I would love the opportunity to serve you again, and rest assured that with me you will always get 100% in passion, effort, honesty, and responsibility. I ask for your vote in the upcoming election, and I would be honored to represent you again, should you allow me to do so .

Heather Mallia 
Question #1 - PLEASE TELL US A LITTLE ABOUT YOURSELF (Family, Hobbies/Interests, ETC)
My name is Heather Mallia, I’m a stay-at-home homeschooling mom to two awesome boys. My husband and I have been married 21 years, sixteen of which we’ve lived in Westcreek. My hobbies include hiking, running, reading, spending time with my family, and volunteering.


I was previously a Westcreek board member in 2006 (Member at Large, now called Asst Secretary) and 2007 (Vice President). I understand the enormous commitment and time it takes to be a board member. 
I have also served on the PTA board for Ott Elementary for 5 years. Two of those years as treasurer and two years as President. During my time on the PTA, we received several awards and recognitions. 
During my time volunteering at the school, I was also able to serve on several committees within Westcreek. These committees include the Sports Park Committee (Chair), the current RFID Committee, Finance Committee, Ad Hoc Fence Committee, Strategic Planning Committee, and the Elections Committee.


I would like to bring back open communication and transparency with our community. I believe all homeowners should have a voice and the ability to have an open dialog with the board. I would like make sure all decisions made are for the best interest of homeowners and the association to maintain home values.  
Lori Rangel

I have lived in the Villages of Westcreek since 2010. My two children attend(ed) school here from kindergarten and my youngest is now a freshman at Brennan High School. I have been a renter and now a home owner in the Villages. I have recently been appointed assistant secretary on the board of directors and have enjoyed participating in the meetings and
decisions that affect our community. I am an avid runner, I practice Shotokan marshall arts and work from home as a director for a technology company. I also work with Habitat for Humanity and animal rescue organizations in my free time. I feel that all residents should be given a voice in the community and have a responsibility to become stewards of their neighborhoods, keeping them safe and clean for everyone to enjoy.


I have worked in forensic accounting as well as the technology sector my entire life. I’ve prepared financials for multi-million dollar companies as well as budgets for 20,000 member non-profit organizations. In my role as a technologist, I have run teams of engineers across the globe, so I have a skill set in working with diverse, multi-cultural and multi-lingual groups of highly skilled, educated individuals. This requires a certain acumen for planning, organizing and flexibility, not to mention compromise.
I also hold a Competent Communicator’s certificate from Toastmasters International where I participated as President and previous Education Coordinator.


The Villages of Westcreek Association governing board is a body of volunteers who act as stewards to the investments of our neighbors. It is our primary responsibility to listen to the needs of the community and see to it that funds are well managed and appropriately allocated to maintain the beauty and value of each of our properties. If elected, it would be an honor to build relationships amongst our neighbors, to garner involvement from more home-owners in board meetings and improve the grounds of this beautiful community. Property values are on a steady 1.5% rise over the last two years. If we can get each and every home owner and renter vested in maintaining the beauty and value of their properties we will be one of the most desirable communities in San Antonio, despite encroaching city developments. One of my main goals, if elected, will be to work
closely with Bexar County Sherrif’s office to improve the safety of our community and tackle the petty crime issues that have
been plaguing our streets.

John Steele
I was born and raised in upstate New York and enlisted in the U.S. Air Force in 1978. I earned a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from Syracuse University. I also earned a master's degree in management and completed senior level professional development courses, including Air War College.

I was commissioned in the Air Force in 1984 with assignments in New Mexico, Massachusetts, Ohio, Florida, Texas, Republic of Korea, and Washington DC. My career spanned 30 years, including being a defense contractor for four years and a Department of the Air Force Civil Service member for 3 ½ years.

While living in New Mexico I served as a block captain for on-base housing, addressing resident concerns to the installation senior leadership. My assignment in Ohio was my first experience with an HOA, where I served on the Board for my community for two years. My wife, son, and I moved to San Antonio in 2002 and bought a home in Westcreek. I was elected to the Board of Directors, where I served as president for four years, 2010-2014. I have also served on the Air Force Association National Board of Directors and led my local Ohio Freemason Lodge in 1996.
My wife and I enjoy our home and community. My son is now in school training to be a diesel technician. My family are active members of Vista Community Church where I serve as the head usher and on the church building committee. I look forward to serving my community again as your elected Board member.
Billy Teeter
"Our family recently celebrated my retirement from the U.S. Army, and this year, my wife and I will celebrate our 21st year of marriage. We discovered Westcreek and fell in love with the community when we were looking for our retirement home. We were so determined to make Westcreek our home, that we bid on 3 different houses in Westcreek until we successfully purchased our home. My wife and I have a blended family of 8 children (his, hers, ours, and we also adopted two children), although most of them have grown up and left home. I achieved the rank of Eagle Scout before joining the U.S. Army. I believe that sports for our children should be a priority. I have coached basketball, soccer, and I served as a High School soccer referee.

In late October 2016, the Board of Directors asked me to fill the vacant BOD seat and I humbly accepted that responsibly. My first board meeting was in November 2016 and I have served on the board since. The primary purpose of a homeowners’ association is to ensure that an individual or group cannot negatively impact the market value of homes in the neighborhood. The rules and regulations established by a HOA are designed to protect the value of each property. It has been my priority, and it will remain my priority, to ensure that we are enforcing the rules and Standards for our community’s appearance. If we are NOT going to enforce a rule, then it should NOT be a rule. When potential homebuyers drive though our community, we want them to be determined to buy within our community. You only get one chance to make a great 1st impression! Appearance Matters.

I want EVERY homeowner in the Villages of Westcreek to have an active voice in the decision-making process for our community! For many years, the decisions for our community have been made by an extremely small group of volunteer homeowners that found the time to attend monthly meetings where these decisions were made. At a board meeting on May 21, 2009, 4 board members voted to approve AR32 that made the fences along the main roads the sole responsibility of the homeowners. There were only 3 residents in attendance. That is our history, be it can’t be our future. I have pushed for online electronic voting and surveys, and it has arrived! We now have the ability to listen to ALL members, not just the ones that can attend a meeting. ALL members will now have a voice in deciding the future direction of our community !
Just a little Reminder
Report any suspicious activities or persons to
Bexar County Sheriff's office at 210-335-6000 .
If you see graffiti or vandalism in the Villages of Westcreek, please report it to the office at 210-679-8761 .

To monitor your account online, register your account at      

~ VWOA Scheduled Meetings ~
March 2018
~ VWOA Scheduled Events ~
March 2018