Featured MKI Training
Upcoming MKI Events
Public Housing Training Program
Hello and Welcome!
Rodolfo Saldarriaga Huallpa,
Community Engagement Consultant
Rodolfo will serve as a consultant as the Public Housing Training Program expands and evolves. He has extensive experience in the nonprofit world both in the United States and Peru.

Welcome to the MKI team, Rodolfo!
MKI Certificate Program
A Congratulations are in Order...

Congratulations to
Seth Jenkins, our most recent Certificate Cohort graduate.

Best wishes from everyone at Mel King Institute!
MKI Inspired Program
STL Community LAB: Learn. Act. Build.
After discussions with our very own Shirronda Almeida, the University of Missouri has recently launched the STL Community LAB as a community development training collaborative platform.

Program Spotlight
Partner Events
Community Organizing & Planning

Nonprofit Governance

Racial Equity

Economic Development

Real Estate Development

Application Deadlines
Education Opportunity
Featured Resources
The Urban Institute’s Housing Finance Policy Center has been conducting in-depth research pieces on these persistent issues, and convened a planning roundtable in 2018 to collect stakeholder feedback and experiences from a national and local perspective.
This toolkit focuses on the broader goal of identifying universal themes and values that tie together a range of issues.
What We're Reading...
(An Old Favorite!)
Chain of Change

It was so interesting to read this book about a local Boston legend. There were so many things he did for the city as an organizer, activist, & community member. The uphill battles he had to endure throughout his life is still something he is...

Read more