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Welcome to the PACE CFCE Monthly Newsletter! The Coordinated Family & Community Engagement program assists families in reaching their children's developmental and educational goals. If you are a parent, grandparent, or caregiver of a child up to the age of 8, we have fun, educational, and engaging programs for your family. We offer Play and Learns, Music, Parent Cafés, the ParentChild+ program, and more. To receive news about our programs throughout the 11 towns we serve – New Bedford, Dartmouth, Fairhaven, Acushnet, Freetown, Lakeville, Berkley, Dighton, Rehoboth, Seekonk, and Swansea, sign up hereYou are your child’s first and most important teacher and our goal is to support you as you are “laying the foundation for lifelong learning”. Reach out today and let us know how we can be of service to your family!


Monthly Newsletter

March 2023

Boletín Mensual

Marzo 2023

¡Bienvenido al Boletín Mensual de PACE CFCE! ¡Somos el equipo de PACE CFCE y queremos informarle sobre nuestro programa! Si usted es padre, abuelo o cuidador de un niño hasta la edad de 8 años, tenemos programas divertidos, educativos e informativos para su familia. Ofrecemos Play and Learns (grupos de jugar y aprender), música, cafés para padres, programa ParentChild+ y más. Para recibir noticias sobre nuestros programas en las 11 ciudades que cubrimos: New Bedford, Dartmouth, Fairhaven, Acushnet, Freetown, Lakeville, Berkley, Dighton, Rehoboth, Seekonk, Swansea, regístrese aquí. Usted es el primer y más importante maestro de su hijo y queremos asociarnos con usted ya que está "enseñando las bases para el aprendizaje permanente". Comuníquese hoy y háganos saber cómo podemos ser de utilidad a su familia.

ParentChild+ Program

You are your child’s first and most important teacher. Our ParentChild+ program provides your child with FREE educational books and toys each week for you to keep. A trained community-based Early Learning Specialist who speaks your home language connects with you twice weekly for 30 minutes via telecommunication and/or home visits to help you get your child ready for school. You will learn fun and creative ways to read and play with your child. This program is for children ages 16 months to 48 months.

All of our programs are


to you!!

Usted es el primer y más importante maestro de su hijo. Nuestro programa ParentChild+ le proporciona a su hijo libros y juguetes educativos GRATUITOS cada semana para que usted los conserve. Un especialista capacitado en aprendizaje temprano basado en la comunidad que habla su idioma materno se conecta con usted dos veces por semana durante 30 minutos a través de las telecomunicaciones y / o visitas domiciliarias para ayudarlo a preparar a su hijo para la escuela. Aprenderá formas divertidas y creativas de leer y jugar con su niño. Este programa es para niños de 16 a 48 meses.

¡¡¡No hay costo alguno para usted!!!

Follow our ParentChild+ Program on Facebook!


ASQ - Ages and Stages Questionnaires

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The PACE CFCE Team is currently offering the ASQ ONLINE, and at NO COST to your child(ren)!​ Please contact us for more information OR click below to get started!

Click here to screen your child today!

As a parent/guardian, you want to give your child the best start in life. One way you can do this is by ensuring they are meeting their developmental milestones. You can check your child’s development today for FREE using the Ages and Stages

Questionnaire (ASQ) available for children 1 month to 5 years.

The questionnaire is easy, and takes 10-15 minutes to complete. 

You are the expert on your child and through the ASQ you will receive:

  •  A snapshot of your child’s current skills and development
  •  Fun and free activities to help your child play and learn
  •  Information about any recommended next steps for your child’s development


Pyramid Model

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The Pyramid Model for Promoting Social Emotional Competence in Infants and Young Children

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What is the Pyramid Model?

The Pyramid Model is a conceptual framework of evidence-based practices for promoting young children’s healthy social and emotional development.

This model has been adopted by the

Massachusetts Department of Education.


The first step to helping children manage their emotions is their ability to identify them, visually and/or verbally. You can help your child grow in this area by using the chart you see below. You can attach it to the refrigerator and use a clothespin to have your child “check-in” and clip the clothespin to image that illustrates how they are feeling.

(if you need us to mail you a chart, please contact

Learn more at:

Click on the chart to print or download.

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How to Get Your Child Ready for Kindergarten

Kindergarten is a big life change for all kids. Kids are often nervous about starting kindergarten. Getting ready for the changes can make the transition easier. Kindergarten brings big changes for kids. For some, it's their first time in a structured school setting.

Read More

It's that time!

We have the information you need to register your kids for Kindergarten.

If your town isn't listed, please reach out to your local school department.

New Bedford:

The New Bedford Public Schools

website has the phone numbers and links you need to register your children. Use the New Bedford Public Schools link above to get started.


For Kindergarten, children need to be five years old prior to September 1st. Although age 5 is the appropriate age for students to enter kindergarten, parents may choose to have their child start kindergarten at age 6

Register here


To be eligible to attend kindergarten, a child shall not be less than five (5) years of age as of August 31st of the calendar year in which he/she attains the age of five.


Lucy M. Sousa 

Administrative Assistant 

Office of Student Services  

Acushnet Public Schools 

708 Middle Road, Acushnet, MA 02743 

tel: 508-998-0258 

fax: 508-998-8321


Current Preschool students entering Kindergarten at either Wood or East Fairhaven Elementary schools do not need to fill out new student registration forms*

Online registration and more information can be found here.


Contact Information:

Berkley Community School Preschool Program

59 South Main Street Berkley, MA 02779

Sarah A. Cogar


Use the Berkley Public Schools website for more information and how to register for preschool.


Visit the Dighton-Rehoboth Regional School District

website for online registration and to access more information for Dighton Elementary School and Palmer River Elementary.


Seekonk Public Schools

25 Water Lane

Seekonk MA 02771

P: (508) 399-5106

F: (508) 399-5128

Use this link for registration


Kindergarten registration for children who will be five on or before August 31, 2023.

If you are new to Swansea or have not received a registration packet, please contact your closest school office.

If you have a child who is age eligible who will be attending a private school, your child is welcome to participate in the developmental screening portion of the registration process. The purpose of the screening is to find children who may have any of the following problems: 

seeing, hearing, speaking, getting along with others, physical coordination, or other conditions that would affect learning. 


Please call 508-679-4049 (Hoyle) or 508-675-7899 (Gardner) if you have not been contacted by mail or if you have any questions.


Before spring comes, the trees are dark sticks, the grass is brown, and the ground is covered in snow. But if you wait, leaves unfurl and flowers blossom, the grass turns green, and the mounds of snow shrink and shrink. Spring brings baby birds, sprouting seeds, rain and mud, and puddles. You can feel it and smell it and hear it—and you can read it!

When Spring Comes

Written by: Kevin Henkes

Illustrated by: Laura Dronzek

Extension Activity:

Talk with your child about what happens in spring:

  • signs of spring
  • Life cycles (plants, insects, birds, frogs, animals, etc.)
  • light and rainbow
  • caring for plants & gardening 
  • rain and weather (in spring the weather usually turns warmer)
  • the clothing we wear in spring
  • Spring colors

You and your child can:

  • Go for a walk *March 30th is Take a Walk in the Park Day!*
  • Go on a Nature Scavenger Hunt
  • Have a backyard picnic
  • Fly a kite

Just having a discussion about the book, whether it's initiated by you or your child, will build interest in literacy, great communication skills, and a lasting connection between you and your child.

5 Tips for Promoting Healthy Eating Habits in Children

The food that is aggressively marketed to children (think sugar filled cereals, neon colored yogurt, and pressed chicken nuggets shaped like dinosaurs) is filled with unhealthy ingredients, including chemicals and preservatives.

Read More to learn ways to incorporate healthy foods in your children's diet.

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Be an active family:

10 tips for becoming more active as a family

Physical activity is important for children and adults of all ages. Being active as a family can benefit everyone. Adults need 2½ hours a week of physical activity, and children need 60 minutes a day. Follow these tips to add more activity to your family's busy schedule.

Read More



Why is 

play and learning 

important? Play helps to nurture imagination and give a child a sense of adventure. They can learn essential skills such as problem solving, working with others, sharing, and much more. In turn, this helps with concentration, critical thinking skills, and child development.

11 Fine Motor Activities for

9-12 Months Old

As a parent, it's our job to support and encourage our baby's growth. We want our children to learn as much as they can while also having fun. Children at this age learn best through play. From tapping buttons on a toy to exploring a basket of knick-knacks, they are constantly learning by touching, feeling, seeing, and entertaining themselves.

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STEM/STEAM is science, technology, engineering, and math. These are areas of learning that will become key components of your child's education. STEM/STEAM makes creators, thinkers, problem solvers, doers, innovators, and inventors.

Exploring Volume STEM Activity

Learn along with

Miss Jocelyn!

Your child can explore the concept of volume, size, and capacity with just a few simple materials. This easy measurement and math activity is a fine way to introduce this concept while incorporating great fine motor skills practice.

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Información en Español

Cómo elegir alimentos saludables

¿Cómo puede asegurarse de que su hijo esté bien nutrido? Aquí le brindamos algunos principios directivos que debe tener en cuenta para planificar y preparar las comidas de su familia de acuerdo con las recomendaciones del Departamento de Agricultura y el Departamento de Salud y Servicios Sociales de los Estados Unidos.

Read More

Community Resources

The 2022/2023 Fuel Assistance application is now LIVE on the PACE, inc. website!

PACE Fuel Assistance administers the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), a federal program that helps low income individuals and families with heating costs during the winter months. If eligible, Fuel Assistance will help pay a portion of winter heating bills. Homeowners and renters, including those whose heat is included in their rent, can apply for fuel assistance.

Would you like some assistance with your utility bills?

The Fuel Assistance Program at PACE serves:

  • New Bedford
  • Fairhaven
  • Marion
  • Mattapoisett
  • Dartmouth
  • Acushnet
  • Rochester

Please visit the Fuel Assistance page for eligibility information and to access the application!

We invite you to our

Community Needs Assessment!

Your participation helps us identify the needs of our community and how we can help families like yours!

Fill out the survey for a chance to win a $25 gift card!

One name will be pulled each week; the deadline to participate in this survey is 

March 13th, 2023!

Below are links to the survey in English, Haitian Creole, Portuguese, and Spanish.

Access the English version here

Use este enlace

Toque neste indicativo electrónico

Haitian Creole

Diapers 'N Things  has moved to a new location!

PACE Community Food Center

477 Park St.

New Bedford, MA



The Acushnet Ave. location will not change. Day of the week & time remain the same at both locations.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but we know this new location change will only help us better serve our community!

Check out our Parent Café!

Caregivers! Join us as we discuss different topics you may experience. Coffee and pastries will be served!

March 2nd, 16th & 30th


Hayden McFadden Elementary School

361 Cedar Grove St. New Bedford

Check out these

fun things to do:

Card to Culture

The Z believes the arts should be accessible to all!

That’s why they're proud to partner with the Mass Cultural Council– in collaboration with the Department of Transitional Assistance, the Women, Infants & Children (WIC) Nutrition Program, and the Massachusetts Health Connector to offer the Card to Culture program; the most comprehensive effort of its kind in the nation to open doors to arts and culture experiences for low-income families.

Use this link to check out the full list of participating organizations offering EBTWIC, and ConnectorCare discounts.

Card to Culture lets EBT, WIC, and ConnectorCare card holders purchase tickets to most Zeiterion events for $5 each. This special Card to Culture ticket price offers the experience of performances that span the genres – from dance, to comedy, to musicals, and more.

Use this link to look through eligible shows. 

Not sure which shows are eligible for Card to Culture?

The Z box office staff is happy to help!

Schooltime Performance Series

This program gives young students opportunities to experience the performing arts; some for their first time.

Follow this link to find the current schedule & pricing.

You can use the filter on the left-side of the page to sort by grade and subject. Tickets range from $8-$12.

New Bedford Farmers Market doesn't end when it gets cold!

Have you heard of the Healthy Incentives Program?

What is HIP?

HIP puts money back on your EBT card* when you use SNAP to buy healthy, local fruits and vegetables from the New Bedford Farmers Market (and other HIP vendors).

*$40, $60, or $80/month depending on household size*

How do I sign up for HIP?

There is no special sign-up for HIP! If you live in Massachusetts and get SNAP benefits, your household is automatically able to participate in HIP.

Visit the MA DTA website to learn more!


Rosemarie Ricci:

Tammy Desnoyers:

Jocelyn Carvalho:

Gloria Cardona:

Meagan Lincoln:

ParentChild+ Program:

Idalina Veiga:

                            Elizabeth Wilkinson:

                            Aubriana Melo: 

Visit our Website
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PACE Child Care Works

Coordinated Family & Community Engagement

program is funded through the

MA Department of Early Education and Care