In light of the COVID virus, we will be making some changes to how we handle our annual meeting. On March 6, 2021 at the Grand Point Conference Center, we will hold our business session. We will begin at 5:30pm and we will not be providing dinner or door prizes at this year’s meeting. Masks and social distancing will be required.
It will be our intention to keep the business meeting very short, which will include the election of three board members. Three candidates have been identified and with no nominations from the floor the nominating committee will be making a motion to approve by acclimation.
We will ask that you let us know if you plan to attend so we can assure proper social distancing. Please register here or notify a staff member if you will be attending.
We hope to video the meeting and if we are successful in doing so we will share it after the meeting.
We love seeing our members and always look forward to our annual meetings. We regret that we have to reduce our normal celebration of our credit union and our members. If any additional changes are necessary, we will do our best to notify our members.