New Indigenous Early Learning Collaborative
headshot of Dr. Tarajean Yazzie-Mintz
We are thrilled to announce a new partnership with First Light Education Project, a Native-owned consulting initiative, to lead a national Indigenous Early Learning Collaborative (IELC) that will facilitate locally driven, community-based inquiry that is led by Native communities and will advance high-quality early care and learning opportunities for Native children and families.

The Collaborative will be led by Dr. Tarajean Yazzie-Mintz, an enrolled member of the Navajo Nation and Founder and Principal Consultant at First Light Education Project, who has more than 25 years of experience working within the field of Native education, teacher education, and community-based research. Joelfré Grant, Assistant Director for Partnership and Professional Development at Brazelton Touchpoints Center (BTC) and Descendant of the Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes, will serve as Program Manager.

“The Collaborative aims to reverse the traditional process of outsiders doing research on Native communities by moving the origins and center of inquiry into Native communities,” Dr. Yazzie-Mintz said. “Native communities will be trained to be early learning research experts, defining the inquiry questions and issues, planning and conducting inquiry, and turning inquiry into action within their communities.”

The IELC builds on the collective strengths of BTC and First Light Education Project, drawing on both organizations’ expertise and shared commitment to Native early childhood development and education. The Collaborative will initially work with four Indigenous-led partners who will be trained in community-based inquiry techniques and in the Brazelton Touchpoints Approach to strengths-based family engagement. The project is funded by a two-year, $1.5 million grant from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation of Battle Creek, Mich.

Celebrate 25 Years of BTC at our National Forum!
We hope you can join us for the first virtual Brazelton National Forum! We are celebrating our 25th Anniversary this year, and the Forum theme is Working Together Towards Racial Equity with Children, Families, and Communities. We will be exploring such topics as racism as a societal pathogen; healing historical trauma; the effects of Covid-19 on families and communities of color; equity, inclusiveness, and belonging in everyday conversations and interactions with children and families; and much more!

The three-day Forum begins each day at 11 AM ET / 8 AM PT and includes morning plenary sessions, interactive workshops, and networking opportunities. You can register for all three days, single days, or the specific sessions that interest you the most.

All sessions will have live Spanish translation available!

¡En todas las sesiones habrá interpretación en vivo al español!
Can’t attend but want to make sure others can?
We have Ticket Angel and Sponsorship opportunities available to help providers in the field be a part of the learning and healing. For more information, contact Michael Accardi at
Remembering Visionaries
We hope you can join us on Tuesday, April 6, at 5:15 PM ET / 2:15 PM PT, for a special event as part of the 2021 Brazelton National Forum.

Remembering Visionaries: A Tribute to Betty Bardidge, Ann Stadler, Marlies Zammuto, and T. Berry Brazelton is an opportunity for members of the Brazelton Touchpoints Center community to come together online to remember these visionaries many of us were privileged to know and love.

Let us know you are coming by registering here!
Parenting While Black
On February 15, Brazelton Touchpoints Center launched a new webinar series for Black parents and among Black parents!

Hosted by Dr. Eurnestine Brown, BTC's Director of Relational Equity and Belonging, the Parenting While Black webinar series provides a welcoming space to discuss the real and raw of raising Black children.

The free, one-hour webinars include inspiring guests with expertise in issues important to raising Black children and families, such as:
  • Raising resilient and culturally strong Black children
  • Mental health during pregnancy, postpartum, and beyond
  • Health inequities for Black families
  • Child development across the early years
  • Navigating pregnancy, fertility, and birth options

The webinars have been extremely popular, drawing more than 1,000 participants each. Here is some of the feedback participants are sharing:
  • “Thank you so much for creating a space that allows the conversation to proceed. I had no idea I had so many emotions running through my body about this subject.”
  • “I really enjoyed how each panelist broke down their experience in regards to parenting while Black. I really enjoyed their perspective.”
  • “Thank you for a wonderful, open, and honest experience.”

The next webinar, titled Becoming a Family, Part II: Birthing while Black – The Imagined versus the Real, is on Monday, March 29, at 4 PM ET / 1 PM PT and will explore fertility, pregnancy, the birth process, and options for expectant families. We hope you can join us! Please help spread the word!

New! Quality Counts California Family Engagement Toolkit
Brazelton Touchpoints Center is part of a team that created a new online toolkit to promote strengths-based and culturally responsive family engagement.

Published on the Quality Counts California website, the Family Engagement Toolkit was developed for the state of California by a collaboration among First 5 California, the California Department of Education, WestEd, and BTC. The toolkit is a free resource for early learning and care providers, administrators, coaches, trainers, program coordinators, home visitors, and higher education faculty.

The toolkit consists of five mobile-friendly e-learning modules that include video-based learning, interactive simulations, and downloadable resources such as learning extension guides, tip sheets, and reflective journaling exercises. The online simulations include virtual coaches who give learners real-time feedback on the strengths and pitfalls of the choices they make. The modules, and all related resources, are available in English and Spanish.

Congratulations to BTC’s Lisa Desrochers, Mindy May, Eva Rivera, Jayne Singer, Dewana Thompson, Wendy Watson, and the entire team on this powerful learning tool for Californias 200,000 child care professionals!

Learning to Listen Returns March 17!
Disrupting Implicit Bias in Early Childhood Programs
Wednesday, March 17, 3 PM ET / 12 PM PT
The 2021 season kicks off with Dr. Rosemarie Allen, President and CEO of the Center for Equity & Excellence, discussing implicit bias in early childhood environments and its impact on relationships. 
Participants will learn strategies to reduce implicit bias and explore stressful situations in the early childhood environment that are most likely to be influenced by implicit bias. White Spaces will discussed as areas where implicit bias lives and is expressed.

Registration is free and live Spanish language translation is offered at all conversations.
Watch all 2020 episodes on our Learning to Listen playlist on YouTube!
Thank you to our generous sponsors!
Online Professional Development Opportunities
Brazelton Touchpoints is an evidence-based approach to building strong family-child relationships from before birth through age 5. Providers who implement Touchpoints in their practice partner with families to lay the vital foundation for children’s early learning and healthy development.

This course consists of eight weekly modules. Each module will take approximately 3 hours to complete.

Price: $750
In the Strengths-Based Family Engagement webinar series, you will learn how to further grow your strengths-based mindset in your work with families.

Each webinar is 1.5 hours and offers live Spanish translation. Attendees receive a certificate of participation.

Price: $30/webinar or $125 for all 5
Newborn Behavioral Observations System (NBO)
March 25 & 26; 9 AM to 5 PM ET

The Newborn Behavioral Observations system (NBO) is an infant-focused, family-centered relationship-building tool designed to sensitize parents to their babys competencies, challenges, and individuality with the goal of fostering the development of a positive parent-infant relationship from the very beginning. The Brazelton Institute is now offering NBO Training in an online format! Trainings are team-taught by two faculty with an emphasis on interactive exchange and hands-on practice.

Price: $650 non-physicians / $750 physicians
Would you like to bring a BTC training to your program, organization, or community?

Our facilitators can offer our courses and webinars online to your specific group. We can also customize trainings to meet your program’s or organization’s professional development needs.

Contact us for more information at
Congratulations to NHSA Awardees!
Two members of the Brazelton Touchpoints Center Learning Network have been recognized by the National Head Start Association (NHSA) for being extraordinary Head Start and Early Head Start leaders!

Alina Vega, Vice President of Child Development, Prevention, and Early Education at the Vista del Mar/Home SAFE program in Los Angeles, and Anat Weisenfreund, Director of the Community Action Pioneer Valley Head Start & Early Learning Programs in Northampton, Mass., were both named 2020 BOLD Game Changers at NHSAs Winter Leadership Institute. Their programs are part of the BTC Learning Network, which means they extensively train and supervise their staff in implementing the Brazelton Touchpoints Approach to child and family engagement in their communities.

Please join us in congratulating Alina and Anat for this well-deserved national recognition!
Alina Vega
Anat Weisenfreund
Join the BTC Learning Network!
Want to be part of a dynamic, online learning community with other professionals working to improve the lives of children and families?

Sign up for an Individual Membership to the Brazelton Touchpoints Center Learning Network! The Network provides professional development and networking on topics such as strengths-based family engagement, child development, challenging conversations about sensitive topics with families, supporting everyones mental health, engaging fathers, understanding children’s behavior, and many more.

Network members include professionals across the early childhood fields of home visiting, early intervention, perinatal and pediatric health care, mental health, early care and education, family support, child welfare, and library services, among others. Join today and get special member pricing for our 2021 National Forum and other professional development opportunities!
In Case You Missed It...
Were always sharing knowledge, resources, and research on Facebook! In case you missed them, here are some of the most popular pieces that have really engaged our community. Join the conversation today!
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