March 2022
Chamber Chat Newsletter

As I have mentioned previously, each day is getting better and brighter as we continue our journey out of the shadow of COVID. It’s the dawning of a happier time and none too soon for many of us. It also doesn’t hurt that we are in the month of March and spring is right around the corner. 

The monthly Chamber Breakfast Club networking took place as scheduled on March 3 and the attendance was amazing. We had our largest attendance dating back to the pre-COVID days as between 25 – 30 members shook off the chill of COVID and gave the networking a very festive air that morning. I know I say it every month, but I never get tired of saying it - it’s great to see so many smiling faces to start the day.

The masks are off and in-person meetings are back. Looking ahead, we have a busy month, so I hope you have marked these dates on your calendar:

Our first big event for the month is our Annual Legislative Breakfast on Tuesday March 8 at the Four Points Sheraton. Our entire State delegation will be in attendance along with our very special guest speaker Massachusetts Secretary of Economic Development, Mike Kennealy. Secretary Kennealy will be speaking on the topic of “Navigating in a Post Pandemic Environment”. I hope you have made plans to be in attendance as this session will be very interesting and educational. 

If you're looking for an early way to kick start your St Patrick's Day celebration, then you do not want to miss our St. Patrick’s Day themed After Hours Networking” at Tonno on Tuesday, March 15 from 4:30pm 6:00pm. There will be passed appetizers and St. Patrick's Day themed cocktails! Don’t miss out on another opportunity to meet and mingle with your friends and peers. Come join us and help lighten the mood and treat yourself to an early evening of fun and delicious food.

Our Chamber, in partnership with the Stoneham Chamber of Commerce and supported by Wakefield Unified Prevention Coalition, Stoneham Coalition for a Safe and Healthy Community and Mystic Valley Public Health Coalition are offering a free (TIPS) Training and Intervention Procedures for Servers of Alcohol . This for those of you interested is a tremendous way to avail yourselves to some very important and useful information for your business. 

Town by-Laws restricting Foam Polystyrene (Styrofoam)
As many of you should be aware by now, Wakefield residents voted at Wakefield’s November 7, 2020 Town Meeting to pass two articles that may impact how you conduct business in Wakefield. They aim to reduce the environmental impact of foam polystyrene (Styrofoam)
Although the bylaws went into effect on June 30, 2021, businesses were given a six-month grace period to learn, ask questions, and use up any inventory they had. Read this overview or watch this short video to learn more.
Enforcement of these bylaws begins January 1, 2022. If you feel your business is not ready to comply, you must fill out a waiver request which will be reviewed by Town Administrator Stephen Maio. Your waiver must be received by December 31, 2021.
If you have any concerns or issues, please feel free to reach me at
Family and Medical Leave Act
A lot has happened since the last Department of Family and Medical Leave quarterly briefing. We feel it important that we (the Chamber) provide you a notice of these changes and bring to your attention how to best access the information regarding these changes.
The following link will help you reach the most recent updates available to educate and guide you and your employees through PFML.
Department of Family and Medical Leave 
Thank you all once again for continuing to support the Chamber.

Be safe everyone,


Interested in becoming a Chamber member?

Click here to join or email us at for more information.
Upcoming Events:

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Tuesday, March 22
Tips Training

Thursday April 7, 2022
Breakfast Club 8:00-9:30AM

Thursday April 7, 2022
Our Newsletter Sponsors:


Below: We had a wonderful turnout for Breakfast Club last Thursday!
legislative break
Have you made it to Breakfast Club yet? We'd love to see you and you even get a cool mug! Register here!

At every breakfast club, submit your business card for a drawing to win a Brothers gift card! You will be able to pick up your gift card at following month's breakfast club!
Do you follow us on Social Media? If you don't, check us out on Facebook and Instagram! We have a NEW Instagram page- @wakefieldlynnfieldchamber. Please follow!
Vision 2030 is a high-level, aspirational community visioning-for-planning initiative. Click here for more information.
Interested in the revitalization in downtown Wakefield? Click here to be in the know!
Do you have ideas you are just dying to share? Reach out to us at We are all ears!