In this issue...
President's Message
Featured Program
The March 19th virtual spring convention has been canceled. We encourage you to participate in one of the many branch events happening in March.
State News:
- Make Your Vote Count
- Why I Donate
National News:
- National's New Member Services Database
Branch Events:
Author Talk: "You Just Can’t Be Afraid: 7 Life Lessons from Historic Women" - March 2
Film Screening and Meet the Director: Without a Whisper - Konnon:kwe - March 10
A look at the life and legacy of Geraldine Thompson - March 23
Other News:
for all
March is coming in like a lion.
AAUW lost a treasure last month when our very dear member, Northern Ocean County Branch Co-President, Alice Tarlach passed away. Alice was an active AAUW member, branch leader and advocate for equity for more than thirty years. She kept her branch engaged in fun and mission supporting activities, both in her local community and state-wide. We are grateful for all she did to help us advance our gender equity mission.
As we head into March, we ask for your patience as we grapple with changes of plans, leaders and systems. National’s new membership services system is still a work in progress, and it will take some time for National’s staff to work out the kinks, and for us to learn how to use it. We’re sorry that we’ve had to cancel various programs as speakers became unavailable, or plans changed. Your state executive committee is trying to find ways to reduce and streamline our jobs so that we can find new board members to join us.
On a more positive note, there are several great branch programs being offered via Zoom this month for all to share.
Hopefully March will go out like a lamb!
Karen Brown, President
The voting process in New Jersey has greatly changed from the voter: registering to vote; receiving the Sample Ballot; deciding the candidates for whom to vote; going to the polling place on Election Day and voting in the machine.
Did you know that in Atlantic County alone, over 75,000 mail-in-ballots were sent out which were not used over the past 7 years, considering only the general elections. At $7.00/ballot for paper/printing/ addressing/mailing, that's over half a million dollars.
Today the entire process is much more complex and in order to make a vote count, the voter needs to be fully informed.
In order to assist in this information, AAUW will present a series of articles in March, April, and May which will cover topics such as: Voter Registration; Signature Updating; Effect of 2020 Census; Mail-In-Ballots; Early Voting; Provisional Ballots; Timing for Final Election Results.
These topics will be addressed by long-time AAUW member, Lynn Caterson who chairs the Atlantic County Board of Elections.
Keep your eye on our AAUWNJ website for the upcoming March article Voter Registration and Signature Updating.
Why I Donate
Did you know that for more than 130 years AAUW has funded the educations of countless women so they could follow their dreams? This funding has a tremendous impact. It helps to ease the burden of student debt so that promising women can excel in their fields and become leaders in business, government, academia, community activism, and the arts and sciences. What follows is the story of one such young woman who received a scholarship from AAUW and what she is up to today.
Nikki Wong was a senior in high school in 2014 when she applied for a scholarship from AAUW Nutley Branch. Her parents had high hopes for her and wanted the best for her academically, but money was tight and the scholarship would help tremendously. Nikki’s words were very powerful: “This money solidified that I could go to the college I chose.” In 2018, she graduated from Rutgers University, New Brunswick, with a major in accounting and a minor in Spanish.
Nikki is now working as an auditor at a mid-sized accounting firm where she enjoys working with non-profit agencies whose mission and purpose are to further a social cause and provide a public benefit. Her parents are proud of her academic achievements, financial independence, and secure future. During our conversation Nikki mentioned several times how grateful she was for the generosity of AAUW members and hopes to pass on that generosity to other young women.
Nina Del Collo, Funds Director
Member Services
National’s new membership services system is still a work in progress, and branch and state board members do not have access to the same information that they used to be able to access.
There is a new emphasis on National membership in the new AAUW Member Services Database, and new terminology to learn, for instance, branch memberships are listed as “Affiliations.”
Members who have logged in have found that some of their information is missing, some of which they can enter themselves. Please hold off on entering new members until after March 16th.
Instructions for Logging in:
Click the “Log In” at the top right corner of the AAUW website or visit
- The first time you log in, you’ll need to reset your password by clicking the “Forgot Password” link.
- Once you create a password and log in, you can update your profile by clicking “Edit Profile” in the menu on the left side of the screen.
Tutorial Video:
Training Webinar:
AAUW will be hosting the first of two member training webinars on Thursday, March 3 at 3:30pm ET. Register Now.
Contact National:
In the meantime, you can reach out to AAUW Connect at or call 202.785.7782 weekdays, 10am-5pm ET.
March 2nd
at 6:45 pm
via Zoom
“You Just Can’t Be Afraid:
7 Life Lessons from Historic Women”
The Camden County Branch invites you to join us for a talk by author Penny Coleman, the author of award-winning biographies and social histories.
Her intriguing topics range from Rosie the Riveter: Women Working on the Home Front in World War II to Corpses, Coffins, and Crypts: A History of Burial.
A popular speaker, Penny has appeared on television and radio, including National Public Radio, and on Book TV, C-Span2. She has been honored by the New Jersey State Legislature for her books and public appearances that have “contributed to the advancement of women.” The New Jersey State Federation of Women’s Clubs presented her with the New Jersey Women of Achievement Award.
Film Screening and
Meet the Director:
Without a Whisper - Konnon:kwe
March 10, 2022
at 7PM via Zoom
Without a Whisper - Konnon:kwe uncovers the hidden history of the profound influence Indigenous women had on the beginnings of the women’s rights movement in the United States.
Join us for a virtual screening of the film followed by a virtual discussion with the filmmaker Katsitsionni Fox. Streaming rights will be available a week before the discussion.
Sponsored by the Madison Branch of the American Association of University Women and the Summit College Club Branch of AAUW, along with the League of Women Voters of Union, Plainfield, and Hillside.
A look at the life and legacy of Geraldine Thompson
In-Person and Virtual!
Wednesday, March 23
4:00 pm Meet & Greet
4:30 pm Program
Brookdale Community College
Student Life Center (SLC),
Twin Lights, 1 & 2
This presentation will be a look at the life and legacy of Geraldine Thompson, a woman whom many cite as having made a significant difference not only in Monmouth County but in the lives of many in NJ.
Her former home is now the site of BCC and Thompson Park, part of the Monmouth County Park System. AAUW in Monmouth County intersects with her life in numerous ways including her friendship and partnership in civic life with a number of our members including a former AAUW NJ State President Katharine Elkus White who was the first woman to serve as Chairman of the GSP Commission, first woman Mayor of Red Bank, and Ambassador to Denmark in the 1960's.
The speaker will be Jane Scimeca, a historian who is writing a biography of Geraldine Thompson. In addition, we will have a few words from Sue Monroe, a professor at BCC, who was selected a few years ago by national AAUW as one of the members who reviews and participates in the selection process of women applying for AAUW Fellowships in scientific fields.
Summer is coming...
Get your AAUW t-shirt today!
AAUW NJ Members...
Please consider branch support and camaraderie, and show off AAUW spirit throughout New Jersey. Our AAUW NJ fundraiser is going strong. Presently we only have selected sizes available. (S, M, XL and 2XL). Ready for immediate mail commitment or pick up can be arranged.
Cost is $20 per shirt
- Will be mailed to you upon receipt of cash or check.
- $5 discount per shirt if picked up (in Howell, NJ).
For questions contact Patricia Baroska, Central District Coordinator, College University Relations.
If your branch is forwarding the AAUW mission in some way, please share your activities with We want to celebrate you!
See what's happening on our social sites