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March 2024

Seniors Scene

Enrich your life with us!

Issue 126


February was a busy month at HSS! We hosted a special Valentine’s lunch complete with live music by Tina Filippino. Tina got us all tapping our toes and learning new tunes together. Thank you Tina and also Bright Beginnings daycare who made beautiful and creative Valentine's decorations for the event.

Despite the challenges with the warmer weather, the Phoenix Winter Carnival was a huge success! Thank you to our all HSS volunteers who sat all weekend long selling food tickets to help the kitchen run smoothly.

We also got together for the screening of the heart warming movie Wonder. Thank you to Phoenix Rec Association for sponsoring this event, we had a WONDERful time!

If you are looking for a way to get involved with us at Headingley Seniors’ Services, our Café BREAK lunches are a great place to start! It’s a great opportunity to increase socialization and meet new people in your own community. Keep an eye on our newsletters, social media and website for the most up to date menus, programs and events!

As always, we are here to support you with the resources you need. Please reach out for more information!      

Take care,

Kristie & Margo

Visit our website and social media pages for more information on programs and services available! 


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Spring Cleaning Tips: Refresh your Home with Safety in Mind

Once the weather starts to warm up, it’s the perfect time to tackle those overdue cleaning tasks to revitalize your living space. Here’s how you can tackle spring cleaning with added safety measures in mind:


1. Start Small: Don’t overwhelm yourself by trying to tackle everything at once. Begin with one area or room of your home and work your way through gradually. This approach will help you stay motivated and avoid burnout. Make a realistic plan and stick to it.

2. Declutter with Purpose: Decluttering can create a sense of calm and space in your home. If it no longer brings you joy or serves a purpose, consider donating or discarding it. Decluttering can bring up a lot of emotions & memories, be gentle on yourself and allow yourself time to reminisce.

3. Safety Check: As you clean, be mindful of potential hazards such as loose rugs, slippery floors, or cluttered walkways. Conduct a safety check to ensure your home is free from tripping hazards and that smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors are in working order. Consider getting rid of area rugs as they pose an additional fall risk. Lastly, check your medicine cabinet for expired medication and dispose of at your local pharmacy.

4. Get Creative with Storage: Maximize your space by utilizing storage solutions that are practical. Consider investing in baskets, bins, or shelving to keep belongings organized and safely accessible. You don’t need to break the bank, places like Dollar Store, Walmart & Canadian tire often offer affordable storage solutions.  

5. Enlist Support: Don’t hesitate to ask for help from family members, friends, or caregivers. Cleaning can be physical demanding, and having someone lend a hand can make the process more efficient and enjoyable. For cleaning services available in the Headingley area, contact the HSS office.

6. Take Regular Breaks: Pace yourself and listen to your body. Take regular breaks and stay hydrated. Its important to spread out your spring cleaning over a period of several days or even weeks.

7. Celebrate your progress: Take pride in your accomplishments, no matter how small. Celebrate each room you clean and each item you declutter as a step toward creating a more comfortable and inviting living space.


For more information, please visit:

Þ https://seniorsbulletin.ca/decluttering-for-seniors/#Organizing-Tips

Þ https://balancethroughsimplicity.com/decluttering-tips-seniors/

Þ https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/aging-place/aging-place-tips-making-home-safe-and-accessible

Þ https://www.nfpa.org/education-and-research/home-fire-safety/smoke-alarms

Þ https://www.nfpa.org/downloadable-resources/safety-tip-sheets/carbon-monoxide-safety-tip-sheet

Encore Health & Fitness

Did you know?

Headingley Seniors' Services has a fitness studio in the Headingley Community Center?

Come get active with us!

Hours of Operation

Mon & Wed: 1– 4

Tues & Thurs: 9-3

 *Hours subject to change based on community center bookings*



$ 2.00 Drop-in

$ 10.00 Monthly

$ 60.00 Annual

For more info, please contact: 


204-889-3132 ext 3


*No appointment necessary,

but must sign a waiver and

& out with HSS each visit*


Upcoming Programs & Events


Upcoming Foot Care



March 14th

April 11th

May 16th


Clinics are run monthly by Karen Dingman, RN


Please contact the HSS office for more info or to book your appointment!  

Current programs to enjoy:



Helping Hands (knit/crotchet/scrabble)



Café BREAK lunches



Crib and Coffee



Urban Pole Walking



Headingley CC

5353 Portage Ave




Orders must be placed the Friday prior to the desired meal.


Available on a week-to-week basis within Headingley and provided at no additional cost.

In-Person at 12:00

5353 Portage Avenue.

Call to order your meal. 

Cost: $10.00/meal 

How to Order

Call: (204) 889-3132 ext. 3

Email: seniors@rmofheadingley.ca


March 6 – Chili

*March 13 – Butter Chicken

(L&L: Healthy Mouth)

March 20 – Farmer Sausage

*March 27 – Parmesan Chicken

(L&L: Spring craft)  

* Event / Lunch & Learn Booked


Just For Fun!



The New York Times

Have you solved the WORDLE today? Visit this page every day to guess the WORDLE in six tries. Each guess must be a valid five-letter word.


Ready for a new Challenge? Try Waffle!

Rearrange the letters into the correct words. You will earn stars for every puzzle solved and you can learn the definitions of all words featured in the game. Enjoy! 


Printable Fun Pages


Joke of the month:

Why did the chewing gum cross the road? 

.....Because it was stuck to the chicken’s foot!

Do you have a silly joker in your life? 

Email us their joke along with their name and age to


See what's coming up in your community!

Macdonald-Headingley Recreation District offers a wide variety of sports, recreation, fitness, arts, crafts and special interest classes to keep you on your toes all year round. We strive to offer you fun, exciting and quality activities through trained and certified instructors. The Program & Community Resource Guide is the perfect resource for events, activities, and celebrations going on in your community. Stay connected with this easy read that has something in it for everybody!

Are You Looking for the Printable Newsletter?

If you prefer a printable version of the newsletter and calendar, click the button below. 


Our Mission is to encourage seniors to maintain independent living and improve their quality of life by providing education, recreation, health and social opportunities.


5353 Portage Avenue

Headingley, Manitoba

R4H 1J9

(204) 889-3132 ext. 3



Office Hours


9:00 am - 3:00 pm

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