March 2016 Newsletter
From the Desk of our Chairwoman:

One thing I learned pretty quickly after attending the Walk to Emmaus was the importance of prayer throughout the whole process, but especially during the weekend. 

The sponsors have prayed, the pilgrims have prayed, and the team has spent considerable time in prayer individually and corporately. But I am touched each weekend as our community gathers as one body to lift up the pilgrims in prayer by name. I remember being so humbled to know that many people had prayed for God to work mightily on my Walk to Emmaus. 

At the camp, prayer starts at Send Off and Sponsor’s Hour and continues in the Speaker’s Chapel during each of the fifteen talks and during the community’s preparation for Candlelight. 

Also, the community lifts up the Walk and all of the pilgrims during the 72-hour Prayer Vigil. What a blessing for the pilgrims to know someone has been praying for them to experience God’s Grace during the entire weekend event.        

Our next Walks are quickly approaching. Please join me in praying now for the pilgrims and sponsors.  Pray for Dan and Cheryl and that God would work through all willing servants on both teams. Come pray at Walk events and sign up for the Prayer Vigil. 

Your prayers will be a blessing!

                               --Melinda Hollington

Sign up for the Men's and Women's Prayer Vigil

Men's Walk #29 and Women's Walk #30
Upcoming Events
  • Men’s Walk # 29 March 3-6, 2016 
  • Lay Director: Dan James
  • Women’s Walk # 30 March 10-13, 2016
  • Lay Director: Cheryl DeZouche

** Send-off is 7pm from Lions Camp; Pilgrims begin arriving at 6 pm

** Candlelight is 8 pm at Lions Camp for the Blind, Waycross. Please don’t be late!

** Closing on Sunday at 3:30 pm (Pilgrims arrive at 4:00 pm)

Directions to Georgia Lions Camp for the Blind

Community Gatherings
 April 1 at 7:00 p.m. (Pio Party) 
           College Place UMC 

May 6 at 7:00 p.m. 
           Blackshear UMC

If you would like to offer your church to host a Gathering in the future, or would be interested in sharing a Fourth Day testimony, please contact Phil Scott at  for more information regarding what is required of a host church.

Reflections from the Heart
Point of Beginning
--Trisa Chancey
   Newsletter Coommittee

I have recently been blessed to work in a realty law office. Part of my job is reading legal descriptions of property. It fascinates me to read a descriptive sentence or two that lead up to the "Point of Beginning.”

Once the Point of Beginning is reached, directional descriptions and measurements define the boundary lines of the property.

There are countless Points of Beginning in our lives. There is the day we are conceived. There is the day we take our first breath. Parents long for their baby’s first smile and first steps. There is the first day of school, the first friend. Some Points of Beginning also signify an end. There is high school and graduation, theoretically a defining end to childhood and an entrance into adulthood. There is college graduation, an end to years of study and the beginning of a job search. There is marriage, the end of a single life and the beginning of placing another’s needs ahead of your own. There is January first, the day we traditionally mark the beginning of the New Year.

Our most important Point of Beginning is the day we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. From that day forward, the Holy Spirit is our ready guide to help us live our lives in a way that expresses our appreciation for Christ’s sacrifice. He helps us know God’s boundary lines for us and provides us with the desire to live within those boundaries.

Every month I will encourage you to “Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle you know nothing about.”  

Each new day…in fact, each new moment…can be a Point of Beginning, walking more closely with Jesus and providing the kindness and graciousness the world around us is longing for.

Perseverance and Positive Attitudes

--Jeannie Hoffman
  Newsletter Committee
There have been a lot of people throughout my life who have inspired me to be a better person and to persevere when I was ready to quit.

My precious mother-in-law was definitely one of those people. She died at age 97. When she would come south to visit the last few years before she passed away, she knew I visited the nursing home, and she would say to me, “Let’s go cheer up those old folks,” and off we would go. She was always happy and ready to help others by going to the grocery store or pharmacy for those not able – even though she was much older than they. She was my role model.

Another person who touched me in a special way was my recently deceased sister-in-law. Judy was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in her 20s.

She had two young daughters and an active life. She would be in the hospital sometimes for a month or more between periods of remission. Judy was also active in her church, and this is what sustained her. 

I remember visiting her just a few years ago, while she was refinishing their hardwood floors herself. She used a walker at this time, but would scoot on her derriere and sand one plank at a time until she eventually had done the entire floor over a period of time. 

What determination and perseverance! 

Judy wrote two books about MS and used the proceeds to fund a non-profit for MS patients in crisis. She was a dedicated advocate for others living with MS and was responsible for forming several support groups across the country.  Judy fought a brave battle with MS for 41 years until God called her home on December 2, 2015.

When I get discouraged and want to give up, I think especially of these two precious ladies and how God was the center of their lives. I try not to worry about the future. I am thankful for each day and live it to the fullest. “One today is worth two tomorrows”.

Golden Isles Walk to Emmaus Board Meeting

GIE Board Meeting March 19th,  9 AM  Brunswick FUMC, Miller Building.

Emmaus community members are always welcome at Golden Isles Emmaus Board Meetings normally the third Saturday of each month at the Miller Building behind Brunswick First UMC. 

 G olden Isles Walk to Emmaus