Newsletter - March 15, 2024

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  • Floating Wetlands
  • CCAP Update
  • Connecting Land & Water Workshop
  • Saskatchewan Tree for Life
  • March Collegial Recognition
  • Welcome to SAW - New Employee


March - 2024

Urban Planning with

Floating Treatment Wetlands

Do you know what a floating treatment wetland (FTW) is? If you were at the 2024 SAW Annual Conference, you may remember a presentation by Dr. Richard Grosshans from the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD). Dr. Grosshans discussed the application of FTWs for improvement of water quality of ponds in urban areas.

Floating treatment wetlands are artificial platforms that contain aquatic emergent plants. These platforms allow the plants to grow in water that is typically too deep. The roots spread down through the platform and into the water creating columns of roots that are dense and therefore have a lot of surface area. The plants take up nutrients and contaminants and provide a surface area for important microbes to grow.  The microbes form a biofilm layer that filters the water. Another benefit that comes from having floating wetlands, is that they reduce turbulence caused by waves, therefore allowing sediment to settle.

Urban planning generally includes systems to hold storm water, wastewater, or flood waters. These systems are created simply to catch and hold water and contain nutrients and pollutants that are harmful to our water and environment. By creating floating wetlands, you add the potential of capturing the nutrients and pollutants preventing them from entering streams, rivers, and lakes.

There are also additional benefits to FTWs. These platforms add to habitat above and below the water’s surface. Below the surface, communities of fish, algae, bacteria, fungi, insects, and protozoans can thrive. Above the surface, birds and pollinators will benefit from the FTWs.

Today, FTWs are being integrated into urban planning more and more, and are used throughout North America and the world. For example, in 2019, the City of Saskatoon worked with the South Saskatchewan River Watershed Stewards (SSRWS) to incorporate an FTW into the Evergreen storm pond at the Northeast Swale.  As research and development continues, the benefits and construction of FTWs will grow. Dr. Grosshan’s presentation is available to view through the SAW Website.

View Dr. Grosshans' presentation here!
Information on Saskatoon's Floating Wetlands

Climate Change Adaptation Planning (CCAP) Project Update

SAW, with support from Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), is continuing to develop watershed-based climate change adaptation plans for Saskatchewan. SAW held 4 community engagement meetings in the Northwest Watershed District, with the last engagement meeting on December 15, 2023, in Saskatoon. The climate change adaptation plan for the Northwest Watershed District will be available in the spring.

Planning for the Northeast Watershed District has started. We have held two meetings on January 25, 2024, and March 7, 2024, in Yorkton. There will be one final meeting within the Northeast Watershed District on March 28. The option to attend in person or virtually will be available for participants.

Planning for the Southeast Watershed District will begin in April! Meeting dates and location will be shared soon!

If you are interested in attending one of the meetings scheduled in the Southeast Watershed District, or have any questions related to the CCAP Project, please contact Samantha or Lydia for more information at

We are excited to share the first climate change adaptation demonstration video from this series. This video showcases a regenerative agriculture demonstration workshop and field day that was held on July 19, 2023, in Langenburg, Saskatchewan with producer, Aaron Gray.

On March 21, 2024, SAW will be hosting a catered supper and information session at the Eastend Memorial Hall Tea Room from 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM to connect with local landowners and discuss our upcoming fish species at risk program and other SAW programming available. If you are interested in attending this event, or know of someone who might be, please use the link below to register.

Click HERE to Register

Saskatchewan Tree for Life Program

The 2024 Saskatchewan Tree for Life Program has begun! The Tree for Life Program began three years ago and continues to be an important part of SAW's programming. The program seeks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and raise funds to support water quality in our province. 

Purchasing tree seedlings supports programming and projects that support healthy watersheds in Saskatchewan! 

The Tree for Life Program will be accepting orders until May 17, 2024 – while supplies last!

Click Here to get your trees!

Caring for Our Watersheds

Caring For Our Watersheds is a program that challenges students to come with an answer to the question ‘what can you do to improve your watershed?’ and create a realistic, project-based solution. March 8, 2024, was the deadline for student proposals in Saskatchewan. We had 94 proposals submitted from 9 different schools or clubs across Saskatchewan. Over the course of March, SAW staff and other community members will be judging the proposals, and the top 10 applicants will be invited to present at a Final Event. The Final Event will take place on May 11, 2024, in Saskatoon at the Nutrien Wonderhub. We are very excited to see what projects the students have designed and how they will have a positive impact on their watershed!




Jonah is incredibly helpful with the Northwest District Climate Change Adaptation plan including making maps and visual aids, locating and interpreting data, and generally providing help and support as needed. Jonah is a team player and is highly knowledgeable about GIS programs and their applications. He is always happy to help when someone needs a specific map or data to support their work. Jonah works hard and excels at his work.

Welcome to the Team!

Emma Skotheim - Agri-Environmental Coordinator (Northwest District)

My name is Emma Skotheim, and I am taking the position of Agri-Environmental Coordinator for the Northwest district. I have recently graduated from the University of Saskatchewan with a BSA in Environmental Science and a Certificate in Sustainability. My past experiences lie with the agriculture industry, giving me an appreciation for the industry and an understanding of the issues producers encounter. I am eager to dive into this role, working with and helping producers. My responsibilities in this position will involve working with producers in my area to deliver the PWCP Program and expanding SAWs outreach. I come from a farming background, with my family producing barley, wheat, and canola north of Prince Albert. In my free time, I enjoy spending time at the lake fishing, hiking, and camping.

Our Office Locations

Our office locations are open Monday to Friday from 9 AM to 4 PM (closed 12 PM-1 PM).

Head Office


817 High St. W

Moose Jaw

Office Location

Northwest District Office


834 #5 56th St. E


Office Location

Our Funders

Saskatchewan Association of Watersheds

Mailing Address

Box 1177, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 4P9

Head Office Location 

817 High St W, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 6L7

Connect with us! 

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