March Newsletter
Happy New Year TAF Family!

We have sprung into spring at The Aubrey Foundation! We are so excited to be well into our planning process within our Marketing Committee, have the Aubrey Pappas Memorial Scholarship Submissions open at the high school, and are about to have our first meeting for the 8th Annual Purple for Pappas 5K! Which is you haven't heard will be a hybrid race this year with the in-person day of Sunday October 16th and the Virtual Option running between Friday October 7th - Sunday October 16th.
If you are interested in being a part of any of our committees (Marketing, Purple for Pappas 5K or Scholarship) email us at !

Read more about what our committees have been up to in our newsletter below!

Stay Safe and Stay Connected!

-All of us at The Aubrey Foundation
Purple for Pappas 5K
Purple for Pappas 5K

North Brunswick friends & family come together for a morning of fun, encouragement and community – all ways we strive to #LiveLikeAubrey!

The TAF Store is coming back this Spring!

We are getting ready to launch our Spring TAF Store but first we want to hear from you! Click the button to learn more and help us pick our new TAF Merch!
Fundraising And Recruiting
How FAR can we go?
Our FAR plan (fundraising & recruiting) was established in an effort to expand our Aubrey Foundation family. Expansion can come in many different forms with the intention, always, to spread our mission, touch more people through our service, and grow our partners. Partners could be new participants at our events, new sponsors, new vendors, new board members and/or new volunteers: all of which are critical to the sustainability and growth of The Aubrey Foundation. If you are interested in joining our efforts in any capacity, please reach out to us – we would love to hear from you: