"To improve public education in Arizona by sponsoring charter schools that provide quality educational choices"
The ASBCS March Board Meeting was held Monday, March 14, 2022.
Stephanie Parra, Executive Director of All in Education and Jeff Zetino, Research and Policy Director, gave a presentation on the organization's work including All in Ed's Parent Educator Academy and fellowship opportunities. Thank you to Stephanie Parra, Jeff Zetino, and All in Education for joining us!
The Board would like to recognize and extend a congratulations to all of the charter holders which were renewed at the meeting. It is always encouraging for the Board to see successful charter operators continue in their mission.
See all Board action taken at the March 2022 meeting here.
The next Board meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 11, 2022 at 9 am.
ASBCS Staff Phone Number Changes
Dear Charter Representatives,
Recently, Arizona State Board for Charter Schools (Board) staff were provided Board issued cell phones to better assist staff while conducting Board business remotely and during school visits. We are providing you the cell phone list below so you are aware of the additional means of telephonic communication with Board staff.
Additionally, in the near future, these cell phone numbers will be replacing Board staff’s current phone numbers which start 602-364-XXXX. Board staff will provide advance notice before the end date for use of the current 602-364-XXXX numbers occurs.
The current Board mainline number, 602-364-3080, will continue to be used after this transition and will remain a means for the charter community and public to contact the Board office.
If you have any questions, please contact Board staff.
Thank you,
Ashley Berg
New Charter Application Instructions Posted
The New Charter Application Instructions for the current cycle have been finalized and posted on the Board’s website. Two sets of instructions are posted, one for traditional applicants, and one for applicants intending to operate using an Arizona Online Instruction Program. The Forms and Templates for the current cycle have also been posted to the site. An application package submitted for a new charter is not administratively complete if it contains modifications to the content, format, or sequence of the templates or forms or if it contains templates or forms that were approved for use in a prior fiscal year, so ensure that you are accessing and using the new forms and templates found on the site.
This year, the Board is not accepting applications submitted through ASBCS Online. Rather, applicants will submit applications via the Board’s Google Drive. To allow Board staff to create a secure submission folder in this drive and provide an applicant access, all prospective applicants must submit a Letter of Intent by April 4, 2022 at 12:00 p.m. Failure to submit the Letter of Intent by the specified deadline, April 4, 2022 at 12:00 p.m. will exclude an Applicant from the current application cycle.
Board staff will be providing training regarding the New Charter Application. Workshop information, including a link to sign up, is on the Board’s website.
Submit a Project ASAP to Receive Funding for Classroom Supplies!
From the Arizona Department of Education
Last week, Superintendent Kathy Hoffman announced that the Arizona Department of Education is ready to provide $1,000 in funding to help you get classroom supplies to keep your students safe, learning, and cared for this school year or the upcoming school year. (Learn more)
Here’s what you need to know to qualify:
Submit a project on DonorsChoose using the campaign code ARIZONA.
In your project, make sure to describe how your request will help your students after the impact of the coronavirus on learning this past year.
- Once your project is approved, you’ll see your $1,000 in funding right on your project, while funds last. Since funding is limited, submit ASAP for your best chance to get your project approved.
- This funding is available for only one project per teacher, so make sure to dream big and take advantage of the full $1,000 in supplies you can receive!
"From a new classroom library to individual supplies to make sure your kids stay safe and healthy, to something else entirely, you can request anything you need to support student learning and make this school year great. Need extra inspiration? Check out some ideas from other Arizona teachers.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for everything you do for Arizona’s students. I know how difficult the past two years have been for you, your students, and the families you serve. While I know these classroom grants cannot support every need you have, I hope you know how grateful I am for your service."
Warm regards,
Superintendent Kathy Hoffman
Lead WEL Summit for Women in Educational Leadership
From Arizona ASCD
It's time to come together as women in educational leadership to support one another on our way to success! The theme for the 3rd Annual Lead WEL Summit is Making HER-story: Telling Our Leadership Stories.
Please join us for this in person event where we will focus on networking, reimagining leadership, wellbeing, the importance of professional mentoring, and much more! You will meet leaders from around the state in an opportunity designed to support, encourage and develop women in their leadership journey. Map your own journey to success, and leave with a stronger network of women who can support you along the way.
Date: April 28, 2022
Time: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Cost: $75.00
OnTrack Summer Program APPLICATION NOW LIVE!
From the Office of the Governor
Arizona school leaders, educators, and youth service providers can start applying RIGHT NOW for OnTrack Summer program funding so parents in their communities have a trusted place to send their students for up to eight weeks of exciting educational opportunities this summer.
Launched by the Office of the Governor Doug Ducey, AZ OnTrack Summer Camp will enrich, advance, and connect eligible Arizona students in the ways they need to help them enter the 2022-23 school year with greater excitement and confidence.
Survey: Best Practices for Social Media and Cell Phone Use Between Educators and Students
From the Arizona State Board of Education
A.R.S. § 15-203(A)(44) requires the Board to "establish best practices for social media and cellular telephone use between students and school personnel, including teachers, coaches, and counselors". The statute also requires the Board to: 1) encourage school districts and charter schools to adopt the best practices (schools are not required to adopt the best practices); and 2) make them available to both public and private schools. The Board opened public comment on The Draft Best Practices at the February 28, 2022, Meeting.
The draft is intended to protect student safety while accounting for the expanding use of technology in education. They can be reviewed here:
The Board discussed a first draft of the best practices and opened the draft for public comment. A survey has been opened to gather feedback on the best practices, which can be found: https://forms.gle/fqA1yLBGeBwJxvku7.
This survey will close on Tuesday, March 22, 2022.
FY 2023 SEI Budget - Comprehensive Application Now Open
From the Arizona Department of Education
This is a formal notification that the application window for the FY 2023 SEI Budget - Comprehensive Application is now open. This semi-competitive state-funded grant has a limited submission window and will only be open from March 1 – May 2, 2022.
The SEI Budget - Comprehensive project period for FY 2023 is July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023.
PURPOSE OF AWARD: Per Arizona Revised Statute 15-756.01 F, SEI Budget funds are awarded to LEAs for the incremental costs for implementation of the research-based models of structured English immersion developed by the state board of education. Approved budget requests include salaries and benefits for incremental teachers required to meet the state board of education approved model requirements [ARS 15-756.01] for the delivery of targeted instructional ELD minutes. The maximum amount of an LEA’s budget request shall be the incremental costs of the models reduced by approved offsets of EL percentage of Desegregation funding and Group B weight [ARS 15-756.01 G].
ACCEPTANCE OF FUNDS: LEAs interested in applying for this grant can do so in the Grants Management Enterprise (GME) system. Funding Applications for the FY 2023 grant cycle must be submitted between March 1 and May 2, 2022. LEAs who submit after the submission window closes on May 2, 2022, will not be considered for funding nor will appeals be allowed. Applications will be reviewed by the OELAS Grants Team to determine if the requested amounts are approvable. Final award amounts to LEAs will be relative to the total amount of available funding.
For questions regarding the submission of the fiscal application in the GME System or general SEI Budget questions, please contact the OELAS at SEI.Budget@azed.gov or 602.542.0753.
Laura Alvarez, M.Ed.
Deputy Associate Superintendent
Unique Populations
Arizona Department of Education
From the Arizona Department of Education:
ESEA (Title I) Consolidated Application Due April 1
The ESEA (Title I) Consolidated grant application is due by April 1, 2022. Any new and expanding charter schools who wish to use projected FY23 enrollment and poverty data for FY23 funding can apply, as well as any established charters operating in FY22 who missed the December 1 deadline.
2022 School COOP Workshops Reminder
Registration is still open for the upcoming ADE School COOP Workshops. As a reminder we have 5 Workshop opportunities. Take part in Ice & Snow or an Active Shooter scenario. One Workshop will take place in each region, but feel free to attend the one that works best for you. Please click the link on the flyer to register today.
Next Regular Board Meeting
Date: Monday, April 11, 2022
Time: 9:00 AM
Location: Virtual