From the Arizona State Board of Education

A.R.S. § 15-203(A)(44) requires the Board to "establish best practices for social media and cellular telephone use between students and school personnel, including teachers, coaches, and counselors". The statute also requires the Board to: 1) encourage school districts and charter schools to adopt the best practices (schools are not required to adopt the best practices); and 2) make them available to both public and private schools. The Board opened public comment on The Draft Best Practices at the February 28, 2022, Meeting.
The draft is intended to protect student safety while accounting for the expanding use of technology in education. They can be reviewed here:
The Board discussed a first draft of the best practices and opened the draft for public comment. A survey has been opened to gather feedback on the best practices, which can be found:

This survey will close on Tuesday, March 22, 2022.