Ministry highlights of
Sugar Creek Bible Camp
March 2022
As we enter the season of Lent it is time for new hope, new growth and renewal. We are anticipating the warmth of the coming spring and the warmth that God's love provides us. Take time to count your blessings in all the forms they come to you.
Looking for Summer Leaders!
Sugar Creek is special place to make a difference in people's lives, find belonging in community, and connect with God through nature. We invite YOU to share your gifts and faith with us to impact hundreds of children's lives by working as a counselor or support staff member at Sugar Creek. The world needs what God inspires, through you!
As a youth ministry staff member at Sugar Creek, you will be better prepared for life in college and beyond by developing real-life, transferable skills. You will find yourself mastering problem-solving, practicing real leadership, building stronger peer relationships, and making more money than you think - with few expenses.
Working at summer camp is rewarding, fun and unique. We promise you will work and grow alongside the most special people you will ever meet, create memories that provide joy for a lifetime and learn more about who you are and what you are called to do.
Start exploring the exciting opportunity to change lives - yours and others - with a quick phone call (608-734-3113), email at [email protected], visit, or message on Facebook or Instagram!
Celebrate our Risen Lord!
Saturday, April 16th

Program/Devotion: 9:45 am
Brunch: 10-11:30 am
Egg Hunt: 11:45 am
Pony rides, egg painting and other activities will be available too!

Bring the whole family!
Eligible Thrivent Financial members who have available Choice Dollars® have until March 31, 2022, to direct last year’s (2021) Thrivent Choice dollars. Don’t miss this opportunity to recommend that Thrivent Financial provide outreach funding to Sugar Creek Bible Camp. Go to to learn more. Or call 800-847-4836 and say “Thrivent Choice” after the prompt. For any other questions give Tim Zauche a call at 608-340-3040. 
Spring Youth Retreats
Bring yourself, your church youth, or your (grand)kids to Sugar Creek this spring!
Campers will spend time with cool camp counselors at a March 25-27 Middle School Retreat and April 30 – May 1 for an Elementary overnight. Crazy fun games, meaningful friendship building, and growth in faith will await those who come! See the website for more information:
Spring Bus Trips
Call for more information: (608) 734-3113
Fireside Dinner Theatre
April 6, 2022

There are a few spots left. Call today to reserve your seat.
Holland, MI Tulip Festival
May 6-9, 2022
Enjoy 3 nights lodging, visit a tulip farm, guided tours, Ottawa Beach, Elton John tribute show, Windmill Island, Tulip Immersion Garden, quilt show, and a concert!
Call camp to reserve your spot.
In the Wild
The horses at Sugar Creek hold a special place in many hearts. They are beautiful, loving and funny animals that bring joy to those who come to Sugar Creek year round.
The horse's appearance, like many other animals, reflects the change in seasons. Therefore, one may notice our horses looking a bit different in winter than in summer. Horses' coats change from a lighter weight in the summer to a thicker, fuzzier coat to keep them warm in winter. They will begin to shed this heavier coat soon.
This cycle is often mistaken as being a response to the change in temperature when in fact the real trigger for the change is the change in light throughout the year. In fall, the earlier sunsets and diminishing light trigger the automatic response in the horses to grow their thicker winter coat. While now, as spring approaches and the days are getting longer, the increased exposure to light will tell the horses bodies it is time to shed their winter woolies so they can be ready for summer, and campers, once again.

Written by Cecilia Hook
And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years.

Fun Fact: Horses love sweet treats; from fruits and veggies high in sugar, to candies! A favorite among many of our horses are peppermints.
Grateful! Thankful! Blessed!
Memorials and Honorariums...
are one of many ways to support Sugar Creek. Thank you to all of you who remembered or honored friends and loved ones with a gift to this Bible Camp ministry.

Donors and Sustaining Givers...
Sugar Creek Bible Camp is blessed to have monthly supporters, known as Sustaining Givers, as well as regular Congregational Supporters (benevolence) and Individual Donors.

These gifts were received in January and February, 2022.

In Memory of Given by

Ben Larson Pastor Judd & Pastor April Larson
Eric Nedrelo Adrian and Doris Hagen
Henry Oechsle Henry & Margaret Oechsle
Ray & Sharon Opitz Margie Grimsled
Dean Vogel Ingabord Froiland
Lilly Carrie Allbaugh

Congregational Donors

Barneveld Lutheran Church
Bethel Lutheran Church - Viroqua
First Lutheran Church - Onalaska
Peace Lutheran Church - Ridgeway
St. John's Lutheran Church - Boscobel
Utica Lutheran Church

W-ELCA Donors

Perry Lutheran Church
St. John's Lutheran Church - Alma
Individual Donors

Peter & Joan Allen
Bruce Anderson
Kevin & Betty Baird
Jennifer Bjorklund
Kim Champlin
Elizabeth Davis
Michael Douglass II
Pastor Donald & Elizabeth Fox
N. Bryce & Katie Griffin
Natalie Hartigan
Pastor Seth Hecox
Meredith Hink
Shirley Hummel
Pastor Joe & Brianna Iverson
Kyle Jaeger & Laura Mackey
Samantha Johnson
Daniel Kirschbaum & Jonathan Tippetts
Gregg & Pastor Lori Kleppe
Millie Meyer
Pastor Steve & Stacey Meyer
Charles & Tiana Montgomery
Kate Moody
Robert & Romaine Nelson
Alice Olson
Allan & Kathy Oman
Bonnie Rath
Jeannine Russell
Lavonne Swiggum
Marlene Swiggum
Pastor Eric & Megan Thiele
Verna Wallace
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Visit the CAMP NEWS page on our website to view previous editions of Currents.