A Letter From Dorothy

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Jeremiah 29:11

Meet Lilianna Alvidrez and Daniel Wang!


Lilianna and her family are a huge part of our Children’s Ministry. Her dad Patrick, and mom, Rebecca, teach at the 8:00 service. In addition, Lilianna’s brother Jonathan and sister Evie are added treasures in their classrooms. Lilianna and Evie were both born with Congenital Muscular Dystrophy. This degenerative disease has Lilianna in a sparkly pink wheelchair. In early December, Lilianna invited my husband (her former Sunday School teacher) and me to her Christmas concert. When she got on stage, she smiled broadly as she adjusted her precious violin. But then, I realized she was not holding the violin like the other kids.


Her mother explained that as Lilianna’s disease progressed, she could no longer play her violin. In 2021, her music teacher reached out to the Clovis North Coding Club, led by then high school senior Daniel Wang. This assignment changed both Daniel’s and Lilianna’s lives. The Coding Club created an apparatus that allowed Lilianna to play her precious violin.


Daniel’s parents are both immigrants from China. They had one son and longed for more children, but with China having a one child policy, there was little hope. While living in China, Daniel’s mom began listening to a Christian radio program. Through this program, she developed a deeper passion and desire to learn more about Jesus. God opened a door for Daniel’s parents to immigrate to America, giving an opportunity for his mom’s faith to mature and to have Daniel and his younger brother.


Their family began going to Trinity when Daniel was 12 years old. Daniel, in time, matured in his faith and grew to appreciate the biblical teaching and discipleship in both Sunday School and High School ministries.


School came easy for Daniel, and he longed to play on a sports team in high school. However, he didn’t make any teams and wondered where God was leading him. Finally, a school friend asked him to join the Coding Club. Daniel went and was soon enthralled with creating mechanical things. God had placed him exactly where HE wanted him.


Daniel learned of Lilianna and went to meet the family. Daniel himself plays violin and understands the perseverance it takes to learn to play. He observed Lilianna’s hands and devised a prototype for a holder that allowed her to hold her bow. As a result, Lilianna could hold her violin and continue her lessons. Daniel’s team was so successful that it caught the attention of Johns Hopkins University.


Daniel was accepted into Johns Hopkins where he is a freshman today, majoring in Biomedical Engineering. Daniel recognizes the fact that God has a purpose in his life. God called his parents out of China so he could be born. God called his mother to a relationship with Himself, and she showed Jesus to her children. God led him to Trinity, where he could be fed. And God led him to Lilianna.


Their relationship blessed them both tremendously. God is so good.


Both Daniel and Lillianna have prayer requests. Daniel seeks a strong, biblical Christian community and wishes to be a light among his peers at a secular university. Please pray that Daniel remains faithful and stands firm. Please pray for Lilianna, as her disease can sometimes be overwhelming. Pray for God’s peace, encouragement, and health.


I’m so grateful for reminders of God’s faithfulness.


Dorothy Doswald

Easter Resources

Easter Family Resources

The Donkey Who Carried A King

Darkest Night, Brightest Day

The Garden, the Curtain, and the Cross

Help your family prepare for Easter through these devotional resources! All three books will be available at Children’s Check-Out (in the back hallway) beginning on Sunday, March 5.

The Donkey Who Carried A King ($15): Give kids a unique perspective on the events of Jesus' Passion Week with this illustrated story by R.C. Sproul. Davey was a young donkey who never had anything to do... until one day some strangers arrived, and Davey was given a very special task: to carry the King, Jesus, into Jerusalem. Davey sees things that he doesn't understand, until another donkey helps him see that the King is willingly a Servant on behalf of His people.

Darkest Night, Brightest Day: A Family Devotional for the Easter Season ($10): Marty Machowski weaves each Gospel account together into one harmonized story and provides questions for family discussion. Focusing on the main events the week of the crucifixion, Darkest Night is designed for families to read one story each day, beginning on Palm Sunday. Once the week ends, they will start with Brightest Day on Easter Sunday. The stories for the week following Easter recount the appearances of Jesus after the resurrection, His ascension, and Pentecost.

The Garden, the Curtain, and the Cross ($15): This beautifully illustrated hardback book by Carl Laferton with illustrations by Catalina Echeverri takes children on a journey from the garden of Eden to God's perfect new creation. Through an engaging Bible overview, children will discover that “because of our sin, we can't go in” but because of Jesus' victory on the cross, an even better garden awaits us.

Upcoming Events

Bible Study Kids (BSK)


9:00-11:00 a.m. and 6:30-8:30 p.m.

During this semester in BSK, kids will participate in our study of Ecclesiastes. BSK meets on Thursday mornings, 9:00-11:00 a.m. (Infant-Preschool; homeschool) and Thursday evenings, 6:30-8:30 p.m. (Infant-4th grade). At BSK, your kids will memorize scripture, grow in their understanding of the Bible, and have lots of fun!

If you are new to Sister-to-Sister and would like to register your children for BSK, it's not too late to join! Contact Jordan to register.


Friday, March 10

9:30-11:30 a.m.

Moms of young children (expectant-6th grade) are invited to join us each month for encouragement from the Word, fellowship, and a potluck brunch. Our next meeting will be Friday, March 10 from 9:30-11:30 a.m. in the Discipleship Center. Childcare provided.

Questions? Contact Jaimi.

Save the Date!

Vacation Bible School: Treasure Gulch

June 19-23

Save the date for Vacation Bible School: Treasure Gulch! VBS 2023 will be June 19-23 from 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Servant registration will open on April 2 and child registration will open on April 9!

March Sword Bible Memory Verse

Old Testament

Hebrews 11:1-3 (9:30 Service)

New Testament

Galatians 3:24-26 (8:00/11:00 Services)

Sunday Check-In/Out Reminders

Please let our Check-In Assistant know at Check-In if your child is staying in Sunday School for multiple service times.
Infants, Toddlers & Twos, and Preschool (8:00, 9:30, 11:00):
Check in your child in the hallway across from the Nursery.
Check out your Infant/Toddler/Preschooler at their classroom.

K-4th (8:00, 9:30 and 11:00):
Check in your child by entering through the Playground, and a member of our team will escort them to Sunday School.
Check out your K-4th Grader in the back hallway, entering through the northeast exterior door, and we will call for your child.
Families with Infants/Toddlers & Twos/Preschoolers AND K-4th:
Check in your children in the hallway across from the Nursery.
Check out your K-4th Grader first in the back hallway (accessed through the northeast exterior door). Once we've called for your child, you can head down the hall to meet them and then pick up your Infant/Toddler/Preschooler from their class.
5th and 6th Grade (9:30 and 11:00):
We don't require our 5th-6th graders to check in and out on Sundays. They meet in the Jr. High Room in the Discipleship Center at 9:30 and in Rm. 117 at 11:00 for Sunday School.

Parent Resources

RightNow Media

Trinity has a subscription to RightNow Media which is a wonderful resource for Bible studies, as well as movies for you and your children.

Questions? Email connect@trinitycc.com.

If you have any questions about Children's Ministries at Trinity, please let us know! 

Dorothy Doswald, Director of Children's Ministries


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