Campus News 

As March unfolds, our current students prepare for midterms and look forward to spring break. During the March 15-23 break, many students, faculty, and staff will be traveling, and I wish all safe travels. I also ask you to keep in your thoughts and prayers the group from Clarke that will participate in the Campus Ministry Kutchera Service Trip to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, with its focus on social justice issues.  

Early March brings with it our Admitted Student Experience on March 7 and 8 as well. This unique event, organized by the Admissions Office, offers prospective students the opportunity to stay in the residence halls, enjoy a Fighting Saints game with the Clarke Activities Board, and connect with future professors, classmates, and friends. Please extend a warm welcome to these future members of the Pride if you see them on campus! 

Later in March, on the 26th, Clarke will participate in the AccessDubuqueJobs.Com Career Fair. This county-wide Career Fair allows students to explore internship opportunities as well as post-graduation jobs. And March 27 is Clarke Day, an annual event that highlights our community’s spirit of unity and generosity. Watch for more information from our Institutional Advancement Office. 

This month is definitely packed with activities, and, of course, the vibrant atmosphere on campus is energized by additional opportunities such as Bible Study, Campus Mass, athletic events, student organization meetings, and more. Check out the campus calendar for the latest. 

Strategic Plan Update   

As I mentioned in Volume 33, Kate Zanger, Vice President for Student Life and our Strategic Planning Facilitator, continues to gather feedback from faculty and staff via open forum events—each one dedicated to a different goal of the Strategic Plan. In addition, on February 23, she elicited feedback from the Clarke Student Association. The astute feedback and insights shared are positively impacting future planning.

Also, our Academic Affairs Forums with faculty and staff, facilitated by Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Yvonne Zimmerman, continue to serve as valuable sources of feedback and inspiration, driving the enhancement of academics at Clarke. 


I appreciate the outstanding efforts from every area of campus to enrich the Clarke Experience. It is through your dedication that we bring our mission and values to life, empower student success, ensure institutional vitality, and build a lasting legacy. 

Living our Legacy Spotlight

Jen Gladon ’16 MSW, Instructor of Social Work, is in this volume’s spotlight.


Living our legacy stems from our mission: 

Clarke University is a Catholic academic community that believes learning is lifelong and life changing. We inspire intellectual curiosity, cultural engagement, professional preparedness, spiritual exploration, and a commitment to contributing to the common good in a global society.  

Jen draws on nearly 30 years of experience in the human services field to foster meaningful connections in the classroom. Prior to joining the Clarke community, she worked in Illinois to provide legal and medical advocacy for sexual assault survivors. In addition, she provided targeted case management for adults with intellectual disabilities in Colorado and for vulnerable older adults in Iowa.  

In the classroom, Jen’s unique blend of humor and empathy further enriches the learning experience, leaving a lasting impact on her students, both now and in the future. 

Jen will call on many of these experiences in her Mackin-Mailander Lecture, “Let’s Talk Mental Health!” on Wednesday, March 12. The interactive discussion will explore common reasons individuals seek counseling and provide practical strategies for navigating challenging situations. 

Thank you, Jen, for sharing your kindness, joy, and knowledge with all in the Clarke community. We see our core values alive in all you do!

Go Pride! 


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Clarke University