Behind the Scenes ... Here we Grow!

Spring is a time of renewal and growth, and the spirit of Spring has made its way to tag!
Site preparations and civil construction are underway and this summer, vertical construction is scheduled to begin!
tag! is the first new cultural institution built in North Florida in 25 years! To follow this exciting community project please consider following tag! on your social media platform of choice.
Donor Spotlight
Meet Cleta and Ben Platt! Owners of Tembo CPA, St. Augustine locals, adventurers, and tag! supporters!

The Platt family loves adventure! Their tag! journey began when they joined the tag! board of directors, helping to drive today’s vision and ensure that tag! Children’s Museum became a reality for our community.

Cleta and Ben’s commitment has been unwavering, and they proudly provided a capital gift to ensure that the explore! gallery will offer lots of interactive adventures where children and families can create and learn that exploring is fun!

Be a part of the tag! legacy. There are many opportunities to show your support for our amazing new Children’s Museum. Please reach out to Kim [email protected] or Janet, [email protected] to learn more.
Janet Wesley, Development Director

Janet joins tag! with over 15 years of fundraising and marketing experience from her time with the Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens, Jacksonville Public Library Foundation, Discovery Montessori School, and most recently, The Arc Jacksonville. Janet will support the execution of the Museum’s capital campaign, donor stewardship and fundraising strategies. Once tag! opens, Janet will help organize and lead the Development and Marketing Teams.

Authentic Language

We love this quote from parent educator, author, and podcaster, Janet Lansbury, and this information about authentic language with kids shared by our friends at

Authentic Language is just real conversation with a child, similar in phrases used with a friend. You can still change your speed, tone, and simplify sentences to make comprehension easier for a child, but your phrases should be authentic.

For example, we don't typically look at our friends and say, “Use your words." Instead, we might say something like, "Can you repeat that for me?" or "Can you try to say that differently?" or "Can you show me what you mean?"

Think about phrases we use often with kids and how we might be able to reword them and use authentic language instead. This helps build their inner voice, letting them problem-solve and transfer skills across scenarios.
Let's keep in touch! You can find tag! on your social media platform of choice. Following our social media accounts and engaging with us online is an easy way to support us, as well as to stay connected ... and inspired. Please like, link and follow along using the social media logos at the bottom of this email!
tag! Children's Museum | Website