Good afternoon,

Today SHCC received notification that over 50% of the properties we oversee will not receive funding on March 1, 2023 due to an ‘Expended Budget’ status in HUD’s eLOCCS system. HUD is working to allocate funding and we expect this to be a short delay.
To know if your HAP payment is included in this delay, you can look in Secure Systems at the Voucher Query in TRACS for your contract. If you see “R26” in the Status Code field for the 3/2023 voucher, then your contract will be delayed. In order to know when your voucher will be paid, you can check this query daily, and once the Status Code changes to either “P10” or “P00,” you will see an Estimated Pay Date.
Please know that SHCC will release your payment the day funding is received. We apologize for the delay and will continue working with HUD in hopes of getting these contracts funded as soon as possible.