MARCH 2019
News & Updates
Opening Reception
Saturday, March 2, 2019, 4-7pm
Artist talk at 6pm in the Founders Gallery
Greetings to Our Hub on Canal Supporters
Last July we began to chronicle the journey of 5 clay reliefs that have long graced the Magnolia Street wall of our building. These large clay creations depicted historic NSB scenes and were created by local schoolchildren about 23 years ago. They took a beating on our west facade. We decided last year to remove them so that they could be restored to their original glory. The restoration work was done by one of the original consulting artists, Harry Messersmith, throughout the fall and early winter. The Hub is happy to announce that the newly-restored reliefs were unveiled on February 14 in their new home as part of the City's new Live Oak Cultural Center. With a more forgiving east-facing placement and a new patina, they will be enjoyed for generations by all who visit and utilize the beautiful new facility. Please stop by and have a look. We've posted some pictures below.
The clay reliefs' removal, restoration and reinstallation in a new home is not the end of the story, however. That was part 1. Part 2 of what we've called Project Magnolia will see a re-imagination of our Magnolia Street wall. Stay tuned for further updates--a new icon is coming to New Smyrna Beach.
If you are a regular Hub visitor and reader of our calendar and updates you know that January-March is absolutely stuffed with activities and events and workshops and outreach and.........That can mean it's easy to overlook any one individual item. I want to make sure that you do not miss our Annual Spring Sale on March 23. We're proud of the creativity and talent of our diverse group of artists and just one time each year do The Hub and our artists join together to offer wide access to incredible art at unbelievable prices. Plan to come by early on March 23rd because each piece is unique and the selection will dwindle as the day goes on. See you at The Hub!
Richard England, President
All Hub events on 1st Saturday are free and open to the public!
- 10am-1pm - Art Connections - engage with our artists and watch them create.
- 1-2pm - Talk Art! Renee Lewis with Woman Who Draws Outside the Lines. (see below)
- 2:30-3:30pm - Live music featuring the Daytona State College Flute Choir.
- 4:-5:30pm - The HubCats, the Hub's very own eclectic blues/jug band.
- 6-8pm - Live music featuring The Windjammer Duo performing Latin/Caribbean Jazz.
- 4-7pm - Founders Gallery: Art exhibition featuring Barbara Perrotti, Thursday's Model. My Personal Interpretations - Artist talk at 6pm.
1-2pm, Featuring Renee Lewis,
Woman Who Draws Outside the Lines!
- 2:30-3:30pm - Daytona State College Flute Choir (shown above)
- 4-5:30pm - The HubCats
- 6-8pm - The Windjammer Duo performing Latin/Caribbean Jazz
CANAL STREET EVENTS - 1st Saturday, March 2, 2019
Farmer's Market 7am-12:30pm - Art Stroll 10am-4pm
Craft Beer Walk 1-7pm - Gallery Walk 4-7pm
Awards go to Hub Artists
Congratulations to Hub artist Steve Hardock, Watercolorist, for winning Second Place at the 2019 Art Fiesta. The award winning work, Natures Texture, is now on display at The Hub. This year over 200 artists participated in the two day event in Old Fort Park, New Smyrna Beach.
The second annual Chalk It Up along Canal Street on Saturday, February 23, was sponsored by The Hub on Canal, Canal Street Historic District and the City of New Smyrna Beach. Over eighty entries by adults, children and school groups were judged and our very own Sheri Zanosky won the Adult Amateur Original award. Sheri's studio at The Hub, along with twenty two other working studios, are open seven days a week.
Influential Women Artists and Musicians Through the Ages (part 2)—Winter Lecture Series
with Lucinda Sloan, PhD
6:30-8:30 pm
- March 5: The Harlem Renaissance
- March 12: Women Artists of the Arab World
- March 19: The American Scene in the 21st Century
The eight lectures in the combined series will span from the Middle Ages to the 21st Century and travel around the world. Each lecture will focus on women from the various periods who exemplify great creativity and perseverance.
Special Music Night:
Marc Monteson
March 8, 6-8pm
Prepare yourself for a fantastic evening at The Hub with one of our guests’ favorites! Marc will perform songs from the great American Songbook, backed by a trio of Central Florida musicians.
The Hub will close on March 9 at 3pm so that we may prepare for An Affair of the HeART
An Affair of the HeART
A Night in Havana
March 9, 6-9pm
The Hub on Canal will close at 3pm on March 9 so that we can rest up a bit before venturing to Cuba for A Night in Havana. If you've got tickets, we'll see you there. If you do not, mark your calendar for March 14, 2020 and await an entirely different An Affair of the HeART.
1-2pm, Featuring
Sheri Zanosky,
1-2pm, Featuring
Nancy Charles
Nature of Colored Pencil
1-2pm, Featuring
Cindy Dennis
Express Yourself Through Art
NEW! 2nd Sunday Series
Unusual Tales of the Everglades
with James “Zach” Zacharias of the Museum of Arts and Sciences (MOAS)
March 10, 1-3pm
Zach’s presentation will be a great time for the entire family. Hear about unusual stories from life in the Everglades over the last 150 years.
Special Music Night
David Spangler
March 15, 6-7:30pm
Our favorite troubadour, David Henry Spangler, returns with his original ballads, story songs and sundry ditties. David is a musician out of St. Louis, Missouri who has toured in America and Europe. A singer, song-writer and guitar player, he also plays bass and, for many years, has had a mad love affair with the ukulele.
Poetry Night
March 16, 5-6:30pm
Come to The Hub on Canal for a delightful evening of poetry and music! Dan Pels, a surrealist poet, will emcee the evening, along with his co-host Mary Jane Barenbaum, a realist/romantic poet.
Art in the Form of Film:
Jesus Christ Superstar
March 22, 5:45-9pm
Following an unusual path,
Jesus Christ Superstar
is a film borne of a musical stage play. Subjected to much criticism in 1973 for characterizing Jesus non- traditionally as a “Superstar,” the film humanizes Jesus and tracks his final 6 days on earth as seen through the troubled eyes of Judas Iscariot.
6th Annual Spring Art Sale
March 23, 10am-4pm
One day only! The annual Spring Art Sale features the artwork of more than 70 Artists. Big savings on original art by local artists including fine art, jewelry, apparel, glass art, and home décor.
From Conflict to Opportunity
Kendra Brown, PhD, Psychologist and Author
March 24, 2:15pm-3:30pm
Each of us likely faces a series of difficult relationships. It’s how we manage them that matters. Gain valuable and effective strategies and tools from Transactional Analysis. Learn to turn stressful conflicts into opportunities to heal and bond.
March 2, 10:30am-12:30pm
- Fused Glass Jewelry with Vera Rekstad (more)
March 4, 10am-12 noon
- Exploring Alcohol Ink for Jewelry Making with Lynn Harris (more)
March 7, 1-3pm
- Basic Crochet Stitches with Lyn Harris (more)
March 8, 10am-4:30pm
- Abstract Expressionism: Create Your Inner Landscape with Cheri Erdman (more)
March 9-10, 1-4:30pm (each day)
- Collage from Recycled Magazines with Cindy Burkett (more)
March 11, 10am-4:30pm
- Palette Knife Painting with Pamela Ramey Tatum (more)
March 12, 2-4pm
- Fabulous Felted Embellishments with Lyn Harris (more)
March 14, 1-3pm
- Crochet in the Round with Lyn Harris. (more)
March 14, 5:30-8pm
- Modern Floral Design with Angela Tully (more)
March 16, 10am-4pm
- Photoshop Creative Cloud: Working with Layers with Mary Jean Campanellie (more)
March 17, 10am-2pm
- The Art of Abstract Poured Acrylics with Cindy Dennis (more)
March 21, 1-3pm
- Crochet Using Other Materials with Lyn Harris (more)
March 21, 4-6pm
- The “Art” of Nature Photography with Joe Campanellie (more)
March 25, 10am-4:30pm
- Advanced Palette Knife Workshop with Pamela Ramey Tatum. (more)
March 27, 1-4pm
- Mosaic Basics with Vera Rekstad. (more)
March 28, 1-3pm
- Crocheted Embellishments with Lyn Harris. (more)
March 29, 10am-12 noon
- Exploring Alcohol Ink for Jewelry Making with Lyn Harris. (more)
Instructors Cathy Van Lancker and Samantha Hughes worked with students in the Design Thinking Club to create sidewalk chalk art drawings depicting their ideas for energy conservation.
The New Smyrna Beach Middle School Design Thinking Club
Uses Problem Solving With
Art to Make a Difference
Almost every Thursday afternoon nearly a dozen students at the New Smyrna Beach Middle School come together as a cooperative team to use their creativity and the design thinking process to develop solutions for real world problems. Students in the Design Thinking Club are challenged to find strategies and alternatives through an open-ended creative process where they learn to research, work together, value differing opinions and develop thoughtful recommendations. Through this process students learn to make connections and understand how creative thinking fits into problem solving strategies in their world.
This year the students worked together to create a recommendation for the blank exterior wall on the west side of The Hub on Canal. After collaborating for several weeks, the group presented the Board of Directors with a well thought out plan for the wall. Many of their suggestions will be included in the final design. Stay tuned as The Hub moves forward with this exciting project.
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