Rushed Lease Sale Process Jeopardizes the Arctic RefugeRushedleasesale
Snowy Owl. Photo by Kristina Lishawa / Audubon Photography Awards
US Department of the Interior (DOI) officials announced recently that the department will soon open a comment period on an oil and gas leasing for the Coastal Plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. By rushing so quickly into the leasing process, the DOI risks circumventing proper process and environmental regulations. Read more.

Stay posted! We will be sending an action alert when the comment period opens so you can participate and oppose development in the Arctic Refuge.
Design by Eric Cline
Our 2018 Bird of the Year is the striking Pacific Golden-Plover. These impressive little shorebirds breed in western Alaska and eastern Russia, and then make incredibly long nonstop flights across the Pacific to winter in warmer climes. As our 'spokesbird' this year, the Pacific Golden-Plover highlights our work to protect Bristol Bay, a vital habitat for this bird and so many others. 

Help protect the wild places that Pacific Golden-Plovers and other birds need by  making a donation to Audubon Alaska

Audubon Alaska recently hosted a workshop with WWF Russia, Ocean Conservancy, and the Pew Charitable Trusts. Alaskan and Russian experts came together to look at the Bering Strait region as a whole, as opposed to an area separated by the US-Russia border . The group began to evaluate potential  Areas To Be Avoided (ATBA) by shipping vessels on both sides of the border . An ATBA designation is an important safeguard for sensitive marine areas.
Our Ecological Atlas Takes Flight atlas

The completion of our two-year long process to produce the  Ecological Atlas of the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas  was really just the beginning. The atlas fledged in August 2017, and since then, it has taken flight into many different arenas. The atlas is now being utilized by numerous land managers, researchers, policymakers, and community members.

Photo by Melanie Smith
Explore the richly diverse highlands.
November 2-12, 2018. 

Arctic National Wildlife Refuge 
Rafting the Marsh Fork and Canning Rivers
June 25 - July 2, 2018. Limited space left.

Lesser Yellowlegs. Photo by Milo Burcham
Audubon Alaska is Hiring! hiring

Audubon Alaska is currently hiring a Communications Manager and Office Manager based in Anchorage. 

Work with a great team dedicated to conserving the places that Alaska's birds and other wildlife need! 

'Name that Bird' Photo Quizquizz
Photo by John Schoen

Photo by David Shaw
Last Month's  Quiz Bird

This Month's Quiz Bird
Last month's quiz bird was a Ruby-crowned Kinglet.These birds are often hard to see in summer, when they live high in tall conifers. In migration and winter, however, they often flit about low in woods and thickets, flicking their wings nervously as they approach observers.

This month's quiz bird is the most common of the small plovers on migration through most areas. On its breeding grounds in the north, it avoids the tundra habitat chosen by most shorebirds, nesting instead on gravel bars along rivers or ponds. 
Thursday, April 19th, 7 PMclass
BP Energy Center, Anchorage

Our friends at Anchorage Audubon are hosting a Beginning Birding Class! The class is being held during their April membership meeting, but it is open to new birders.

Anchorage Audubon will cover what you need to begin, how to use a field guide,  what to look for in the field, where to find birds in Anchorage, how to use binoculars, how to hear birds, what is migration all about, as well as basic bird identification and their incredible behaviors.