With spring just around the corner—we can’t be the only ones eagerly awaiting its arrival!—we’re busy planning for VCE’s field season. This year, we'll expand several existing projects, including the addition of Fairy Shrimp as a focal species studied in vernal pools. But more importantly, we'll continue collecting data for our long-term monitoring projects in the same ways we always have. Does this surprise you? In a culture where new is often considered synonymous with better, repeating the same processes and collecting the same types of data year after year isn’t always newsworthy, but it is vital for science-based wildlife conservation.
Since its founding, VCE has committed itself to long-term monitoring of species like Bicknell’s Thrush, Blackpoll Warbler, Common Loon, wood frog, and spotted salamander. This steadfast dedication to collecting core, standardized data over time yields unmatched datasets that reveal significant biodiversity trends. These data ultimately provide critical guidance for conservation professionals developing effective management strategies for those species and the habitats that support them.
With our focus firmly fixed on a successful future for wildlife, VCE is unwavering in its dedication to the long game of tracking trends. Won't you join us and make a difference for conservation today?