Amazing Night with Tim Tebow!

Join Us Across LA to March for Life!

Hi Benjamin,

Wow! What a night with Tim Tebow and 1,200 of our closest friends at our Proudly Pro-life Gala this past Saturday! THANK YOU to all our generous supporters who make possible Louisiana Right to Life's life-saving work. Watch the video above and check out some photos from the night!

With eloquence and passion, Tim shared his pro-life story. He compelled us to sacrifice for the most vulnerable among us, sharing that there is nobody more vulnerable than the precious unborn baby. 

Together, through your support, sacrifice, and dedication, we will continue to defend life and help moms! And now it's time to do that by marching and standing for life!

LA Life Marches

Saturday - Baton Rouge - 10 AM

Saturday - Shreveport / Bossier- 10 AM

Sunday - Lake Charles - 6 PM

Sat. Feb. 4: CenLA - 10 AM

Even though abortion businesses are closed, we MUST continue marching because EVERYONE deserves a birthday! Remember, it only takes one legislative session for our pro-life laws to be chipped away at our removed. We must keep Louisiana pro-life and help moms!

This past weekend, pro-life citizens marched in Monroe and Lafayette, and this weekend, we will make our voices heard in Baton Rouge, Shreveport-Bossier, and Lake Charles! On February 4th, we will march in Pineville outside Alexandria.

We look forward to seeing you this weekend! Click the links above to get details on each event.

For a Pro-Life Louisiana,

Benjamin Clapper

Executive Director

Louisiana Right to Life

P.S. Pray for us and well over 1,000 high school students heading from Louisiana to D.C. for the March for Life this Friday!

Sarah Zagorski on Fox and Friends

Last week, our Communication Director joined Melissa Ohden on the national TV show Fox and Friends sharing the need for Congress to pass the Born Alive Infant Protection Act.

Earlier in the week, she joined Melissa in Washington D.C. for a press event with Congressmen Steve Scalise, Mike Johnson and others. The Born Alive Abortion Protection Act thankfully passed the U.S. House of Representatives in a 220-210 vote! We now need the U.S. Senate to take up the vote.

What About Babies Conceived in Rape?

Our 4th webinar is coming up on Tuesday, January 24th at 7PM! We will be discussing the tough situations of when a baby receives a "medically futile" diagnosis and when a baby is conceived after sexual assault. Even in these sometimes difficult and also horrendous situations, every life is valuable. We must provide support to mothers and protect the innocent child.

Among others, Dustin Bertrand will be sharing his story of being conceived in rape and how he has come to understand the preciousness of his own life and the heroism of his mom. Watch a beautiful video of Dustin sharing his story here.

Right now, Louisiana legislation does not protect those who are "medically futile" and we hope to change this. Also, Louisiana legislation does protect those conceived in rape but pro-abortion advocates and some of our legislators want to roll back this protection. Join us for a deeper discussion and learn what you can do!


In early January, the FDA sadly updated their regulations to allow the lethal chemical abortion pill regimen to be dispensed in pharmacies across the US.

These chemical abortions kill the baby and can be very dangerous to women, especially without physician oversight.

Take action to tell CVS and Walgreens to NOT SELL ABORTION!

Learn More

Over 500 Pro-Life champions from Monroe & West Monroe marched for Life at our Northeast Life March!

One of the most touching moments from the morning was a quote from Kila Gonzales, President of I Will Carry You,

an organization supporting families experiencing pregnancy and infant loss through birth and bereavement doula services.

Read More

Please join us on January 28th for another Baby Supply Giveaway at our headquarters in New Orleans.

Supplies given to needy families will include items such as diapers, wipes, formula, baby shampoo and more. Supplies will be given away on a first come, first served basis.

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On January 14th, pro-lifers took to the streets to share their love for life at the Festival de la Vie in Lafayette.

Louisiana Right to Life co-sponsored the event and approximately 500 people were there. We are thankful to the Diocese of Lafayette for hosting this festival!

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Do you know a woman in a crisis pregnancy? You can help her by sharing our newly launched resource website.

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Join our Louisiana Right to Life text message program for pro-life updates by texting "PROLIFE" to 77222!

Follow the Directions Above
Upcoming Events

Jan. 21

Louisiana Life March South and Northwest

Jan. 22

Louisiana Life March Southwest

Jan. 28

Diaper and Baby Bag Giveaway

Jan. 30

Memorial Service for the Unborn:

Holy Innocents Prayer Garden at St. Patrick #1 Cemetery at 5000 Canal. 

Feb. 4th

Louisiana Life March Cenla
1.866.463.5433 @LARightToLife
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