March 2019
United Way Peterborough & District
You can continue to donate to this year's Campaign and make an impact in our community until March 30th.
Giving is about people. Your local love can truly change a life, right here in the city and county of Peterborough. This is one story.
Thank-you to our community partners who gave Rob the support he needed to change his life. Thank-you to everyone who has donated to our campaign and invested in our friends, family and neighbours.
But mostly, thank you to Rob for your courage to change your life and share your story.
There is still time to give. Please visit our website to make a donation today. 
Film Credits: Megan Murphy & FilmKelly
Join United Way Peterborough & District as we celebrate the results of our 2018-19 Campaign!!!
March 27th, 2019
Showplace Performace Centre - Nexicom Room
Registration from 11:30am-Noon. Lunch begins at 11:50am.

United Way Peterborough & District is inviting nominations for the Scholfield Award of Community Distinction. This award was established to recognize an individual or organization for their outstanding contribution and ability to mobilize change within our community. “Through their excellent leadership, the award recipient energizes and inspires people to come together to make a lasting difference in the City and County of Peterborough,” says Jim Russell, CEO, United Way Peterborough and District. Nominations close March 15, 2019 and the award will be presented during National Volunteer Week (April 7th – 13th 2019).

Age-friendly Peterborough and the United Way of Peterborough & District are conducting research into the recreation and leisure needs of our region’s population aged 50+, and we need your help. The Study includes the City and County of Peterborough, as well as Hiawatha and Curve Lake First Nations.

We want to learn more about:
·          The types of activities older adults enjoy
·          Barriers to participation
·          What older adults would like to have in their community

Please follow the link to the survey:

The survey should take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete and is available until March 11, 2019 at 5:00 PM. The questions are mostly multiple choice, and the final question allows space to write feedback you might have, in your own words.
Training Opportunities
Did you know that we offer ongoing training opportunities? Here's a list of what is coming up!

For more information, please call: 705-742-8839 X 32

#LocalLove Mittens - Limited Supply

Thanks to PTBO Northern Originals for their support in design and production of these fabulous and cozy mitts!

Do you have a pair of our #LocalLove mittens yet? There is very limited supply at our office (277 Stewart Street) and Brant Basics (296 George St N, Peterborough).

$25- all proceeds will contribute to making local change!
United Way Peterborough & District | 277 Stewart Street, Peterborough K9J 3M8 | 705-742-8839