Healthy Schools BC Newsletter
March 2017

Stay Connected to the Healthy Schools Movement in BC

There are plenty of ways to stay connected to the healthy schools movement! Follow DASH on social media for all your healthy schools news and happenings.
Like us on Facebook  Follow us on Twitter  View our videos on YouTube  Visit our blog

Deadline: Ongoing

Good Sports Equipment Grant
Deadline: Ongoing
Deadline: Ongoing

Deadline: Ongoing

KidSport BC Program
Deadline: Ongoing

Let Them Be Kids Initiative 
Deadline: Ongoing

View other healthy school grant opportunities here.

Video of the Month:
Nutrition Month Blog Videos

Check out these short videos from the Dietitians  of Canada that support Nutrition Month 2017. Click
here view these 12 short blog videos.  

Have a Great Story? We Want to Hear It!

We want to hear your healthy schools story! Educators, students and community members across the province are working hard to create healthier schools. Sharing your stories can help support and inspire others, and viewing stories from other schools can do the same for you. Check out the Healthy Schools Stories Map today!


The Healthy Schools BC Newsletter is brought to you by DASH BC. Our vision is that ALL children and youth in BC will realize their full potential as healthy learners who feel connected and engaged in their community.
We are a non-profit society that inspires our partners and stakeholders to improve the health and learning of students in BC by promoting, supporting and facilitating a healthy schools approach. Visit our website for more information .  



1205-700 W Pender St 

Vancouver, BC 

V6C 1G8    


phone: 604-681-0600

fax: 604-681-0602    


Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter View our videos on YouTube Visit our blog  


Featured Article
March is Nutrition Month 
Celebrate nutrition month at your school! 

March is Nutrition Month across Canada and this year Registered Dietitians are encouraging Canadians to "Take the Fight Out of Food". T his year's campaign theme from  Dietitians of Canada  focuses on the enjoyment of food. Schools are an important place to support the joy of eating. 

To find out more about the resources available to schools to support this message, including Food Literacy Mentorship opportunities with Action Schools! BC click here.  
DASH Update
What Does Being a Good Neighbour Mean to You?
Alberta's Ever Active Schools initiative models neighbourly values

What are you doing in your community and workplace to be a good neighbour? At DASH, we believe that by promoting neighbourly values in our relationships with our colleagues and partners, we are better positioned to build healthy school communities. 

Click here to learn what DASH has discovered from our wise colleagues near the Rocky Mountains. 
Action Schools! BC Update
Register Now for Full Action Schools! BC Website Access
60+ resources are now available for Action Schools! BC registered users! 
The Action Schools! BC website is continually being updated with new and enhanced Action Schools! BC resources for elementary educators. Over 60 resources are now available to help engage students in learning to be healthy. New instructional examples and updated learning activities are now available for both healthy eating and physical activity. Register for the Action Schools! BC website here to get access to these downloadable resources, including a variety of healthy eating resources to help support schools during nutrition month . Stay tuned for more resources to come! 
School Connectedness
Langley School Community Cooks Together
Creating connection and building self-efficacy through food preparation

Looking for new ways to strengthen connections in you r school community? Have you considered cooking toge ther? In Langley, a weekly cooking program brought together staff, students and  families to share meaningful experiences.

Click here to learn about how a school program can transform what a meal means to students. 
Healthy Schools Stories
Exploring Healthy Eating in BC Schools 
Sharing stories from schools across the province

Schools across the province are addressing healthy eating by focusing on a variety of topics and settings. For Nutrition Month, we are highlighting a few of the many inspiring stories from the   Healthy Schools Network (HSN) that demonstrate the diverse ways schools are exploring healthy eating concepts. Click here to read the stories. 

Healthy School Resources
Get Your Free 2017 Nutrition Month Resources 
Take the Fight Out of Food! Spot the problem. Get the facts. Seek Support.

March is Nutrition Month! The 2017 campaign is  dedicated to supporting solutions to some of the most common i ssues people have with healthy eating. Dietitians of Canada and the BC Dairy Association provide a number of resources to support Nutrition Month. 

Click here to learn more.