Washington State Board of Education
A high-quality education system that prepares all students for college, career, and life.
March meeting highlights
Highlights from the March 2016 State Board of Education meeting are below. You can find packet materials through links in the text, or review all
meeting and additional materials
SBE approved/adopted the following
business items
Basic education act waiver for
Mary Walker School District
waiver for college and career graduation requirements
for Port Angeles School District, Bremerton School District and Crescent School District
Statement addressing participation rates for the Smarter Balanced Assessment
and a set of goals about
assessment participation and remediation rates
Letter to the
National Collegiate Athletic Association Regarding Acceptance of the Bridge to College Transition CoursesÂ
Letter to the Achievement and Accountability Workgroup
regarding the every student succeeds act
Memorandum of understanding
from the National Association of State Boards of Education for the Deeper Learning Project stipend
Presentations to the Board:
Executive Director Ben Rarick provided an
update on staff activities
Staff and a panel presented on
Competency-based Learning
The board heard a
Basic Education Act waiver application
Teacher of the Year
Nathan Gibbs-Bowling spoke to the board about his education policy philosophy. You can
watch his presentation online
Staff presented on the
ESSA Accountability Workgroup
Staff presented on a proposed interpretation of
instructional hours
Staff provided an
update on board communications
activities from the past six months.
Student board members presented on
24-Credit Outreach Workshops
Staff provided an update on the 2016
legislative session
Staff presented on
Statewide Indicators of system health
Here's an updated version of the
legislative priorities tracker
May 11-12 at ESD 105 in Yakima.
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