
February 2, 2024

Dear Reader:

I’m off to a remarkable start this year, as there is no greater honor for anyone in the hospitality sector than to receive a visit from Marcia Gagliardi, the brilliant writer and founder of

While I was running around the Mission with my basket of empanadas in 2009, someone came up to me and exclaimed, “you made it onto” Right away, I knew this individual was someone that had an exceptional grasp of the latest food trends in San Francisco.

From that point onward, I sporadically made contact over the years and she consistently remained the same loving, generous, and dedicated supporter. I know what it takes to stay true to your passion, yet she remains the consummate professional, and no matter how busy, she never goes without responding to an email.

Marcia is a genuine entrepreneur who treats the little guy and the big shots with equal regard. She embodies the spirit of San Francisco in all its colors. And she is so much fun! Her visit to Chile Lindo Kitchen Culture was a cause for celebration and I had the privilege of spending a lot of time with her talking about what’s going on with my business, the hospitality business in San Francisco, lamenting the loss of so many of our iconic restaurants and how we women have it so tough in trying to stay true to our visions. We are always giving and relying on the "karma account" to keep going because every thing else hangs by a thread.

Marcia has recently changed to a subscription-based newsletter, and I urge you to consider supporting this invaluable contributor who enhances the very fabric of the Golden City. Despite the current circumstances, the essence of San Francisco is something we hold dear, and it’s up to us to keep it alive.

By subscribing, you will not only receive the latest updates on the culinary scene in all its dimensions, including lots of fun events, but you will also connect to the ever-changing history of the city. The hospitality industry is so intertwined with The City’s economy and cultural scene. Your subscription will contribute to supporting a writer. Don’t forget, San Francisco is renowned for its poets and writers.

I extend my thanks to Marcia Gagliardi for setting me off on a fantastic start on the Year of the Dragon.

I also wish to highlight the latest production by Mauro ffortíssimo and Dean Mermell, the imaginative pioneers of Sunset Piano, that produce Flower Piano, and consistently bring us memorable moments.


Those who are familiar with my newsletter are aware that every September, I promote the highly anticipated Flower Piano event held at the SF Botanical Garden in Golden Gate Park.

Now los señores are transporting twelve pianos to Grace Cathedral in order to present two original compositions, the world premiere of Sweet Thunder, composed by Paul Phillips, and, Fall And Fly, composed by Benjamin Gribble. Given the exceptional acoustics in the Cathedral, this will undoubtedly be a very special San Francisco evening.

I had the pleasure of receiving a visit today at Chile Lindo Kitchen Culture from Vivian Pisano, the author for whom I produced a book reading at Canessa Printing Co. in North Beach in October 2022. In her memoir, “Living in Two Worlds,” she chronicles her journey of navigating between Chile and California during her formative years. As you can imagine, the account of her life resonated with my own life experiences of growing up between Chile and New York. I have copies of her book for sale.

Lastly, take a look at the article featured in this newsletter that explores the astronomy partnership between Chile and UC Berkeley, emphasizing the pivotal role Chile plays in the field of international astronomy. The observatories located in the Atacama dessert of Northern Chile possess some of the most advanced telescopes in the world.

Hope to see you soon!


Paula Tejeda

Chile Lindo

SF’s Longtime Chile Lindo Has Relocated Across the Street as Chile Lindo Kitchen Culture


Chile Lindo founder (AKA The Girl from Empanada), Paula Tejeda, and her torta de merengue. Photo: © Instagram: @tablehopper

June 9, 2009

"Many regulars at the Latin-American Club, Revolution Café, and the Make-Out Room are familiar with the Girl from Empanada, AKA Paula Tejeda, who shows up with a basket of homemade empanadas during the weekend (she bakes them at her shop, Chile Lindo Empanadas at 2944 16th Street and Capp)." © Photo: Carlos Cordova

"Once again, Sunset Piano will bring twelve grand pianos to an unmatched location for a transcendent musical experience. Grace Cathedral will host live performances of two original, full-length works for twelve pianos, including a world premiere by Stanford Symphony director Paul Phillips. The very special acoustics of the cathedral will ensure that these concerts will be unforgettable."--Sunset Piano

Music for Twelve Pianos

Grace Cathedral

1100 California Street

San Francisco

February 9th & 10th, 2024

7:30 PM


Stay tuned. Soon, there will be a reading event at Chile Lindo Kitchen Culture.

Living in Two Worlds


Vivian Pisano

"Living in Two Worlds is a story of love, loss, and reflection."

"Pisano transforms the routine into memorable portrayals of daily life on the agricultural farm owned by her paternal grandparents in central Chile, and later, in the Californian suburb of Sacramento, where she lives with her grandmother on her mother’s side, a “lively, active [woman] with a no-nonsense attitude.”

Vivian Pisano at Chile Lindo Kitchen Culture

Photo: © chilelindo

UC Berkeley’s Chilean partnerships bring cosmic mysteries to light

"For Steven Kahn, dean of UC Berkeley’s Division of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, the trip to Chile was both a homecoming and a validation of years of meticulous planning. Kahn was the Rubin Observatory’s former director before he joined UC Berkeley in 2022, returning to the university where he earned his Ph.D. and taught physics and astronomy. Working primarily from Tucson and the San Francisco Bay Area, Kahn had coordinated the observatory’s construction from thousands of miles away.

Chile’s cloudless deserts, towering mountains, and limited light pollution create an ideal environment for stargazing. Observatories dot the country — everything from major, international collaborations to small, private telescopes popular with tourists. In October, Kahn toured several facilities as an extension of UC Berkeley’s fruitful partnerships in the region." Read article here...

Don't miss the "Slideshow: Chile's Fascinating Observatories."

Check it out!

Chile Lindo empanadas are served at Keys Jazz Bistro,

in the vibrant North Beach neighborhood of San Francisco. 



10:00 AM to 6:00 PM


Chile Lindo Kitchen Culture

2943 16th Street @Capp

San Francisco, CA 94103

across the street from the original Chile Lindo

To place an order call or email:


[email protected]


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