Weekly Newsletter

February 2, 2025

Happening This Week

February 1

Neighbors Table; doors open at 11, meal served Noon to 1pm

February 2

8 am, Morning Prayer Rite I

9 am, Nursery opens

9 am, Sunday School begins

10:30 am, Morning Prayer Rite II

10:45 am, Kid's Chapel

11:30 am, Young Adults

11:30 am, SWOT - BIPOC Meeting

4 pm, Pub Theology

6 pm, Practicing Prayer

February 4

5:30 pm, Community Yoga in Sutherland

February 5

10 am, Chair and Stretch in Sutherland

11:30, Bible Study

12:30 pm, Stitch Cafe

5:30 pm, Episcopal Youth Community (Ages 12-18)

7:15 pm, Choir Practice

Clergy Discretionary Fund

On the first Sunday of each month, the undesignated plate offerings are given to the Clergy Discretionary Fund. These funds are used for the aid of the needy who come into our church for assistance. Please give as you can to help our neighbors in need.

Pub Theology - Sun., February 2 at 4:00PM, Cagles Mill

The format is simple: beverages, conversation, and God. Bring your questions, your curiosity, and pull up a chair. Be ready to engage with people of varying religious traditions, philosophical perspectives, and life experiences. Discussion this Sunday will be on angels.

Hopefully, you'll be able to share your own wrestlings and thoughts while learning something new along the way.

Holy Contemplation Discussions

In the next stage of our Holy Contemplation process, we will continue to explore the current state of our church.

What are our strengths and weaknesses? What are our threats (concerns) and opportunities?

A series of feedback sessions will be offered during the Epiphany season, allowing everyone to provide input to these important questions.

We have set up several feedback sessions for those who identify with a group in our church. You do not have to attend every session.

  • BIPOC - Sunday Feb 2 at 11:30 am in Large Classroom
  • Sunday school classes February 9 at 9am
  • February 23, 9:15 am, SWOT for everyone

More groups and times will be announced soon.

The All Saints' Mardi Gras Party is Back!

Friends (and friends of friends), on Saturday, March 1, we will be bringing back an All Saints' tradition, the Mardi Gras Party.  There will be great food, drink, music, and fellowship.  The menu includes jambalaya, gumbo, red beans & rice, garlic bread, and king cakes.  

Drinks will be a selection of beers, wines, soft drinks, coffee, tea, and water.  The John Cotton Quintet will be playing a variety of jazz tunes, and there will be space for dancing.

Tickets are $30/person, $50/couple and $60/family (no nursery will be

provided). These may be purchased in advance from the church office,

designated individuals, or at the door. For more information contact the

Mardi Gras Planning Committee (Bill Parton, Sherrie Cotton, Charlie

Tyrone, and Joseph Simmons), the church office at 968-3622, or


Costumes are optional but welcome.  The fun starts at 6:00 p.m. in All

Saints’ Sutherland Hall (501 South Phoenix).  Invite your neighbors and


“Laissez les bon temps rouler!”

Medical Leave

The Rev. Mercedes Clements will be out on medical leave starting January 6th, 2025 to February 15, 2025. Melissa will be out on medical leave starting February 3 to March 15.

Walking the Mourners Path

Are you seeking comfort and healing after the death of a loved one?

The Ministry of Walking the Mourner's Path seeks to serve individuals who are in grief through a series of Eight Weekly Workshops.

Together in a small group workshops individuals will acknowledge the pain and brokenness, recognize that each journey through grief is unique, share stories, struggles, and victories and find healing and joy.

The class has 10 available spots.

We plan to start this journey Tuesday April 22 for 8 weeks. If you are interested please contact facilitators Charles Tyrone or Melissa Simpson.

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper!

On March 4, at 6:30pm our youth will be preparing the traditional meal and hosting alongside the Get to Know Your Neighbors team. There will be a panel discussion on the multicultural aspects of Mardi Gras in New Orleans.

The supper and the following conversation about Mardi Gras are free and open to the Parish and to others in the community. There will be a basket for donations, with proceeds from the event funding activities for the youth of All Saints'.

Help Support EYC Meals

We are excited to share that our church youth group is gearing up for Spring 2025, and we need your help to make it a success!

We gather Wednesday by 5:30 pm to 7 pm. We like to have dinner ready to eat no later than 5:45 pm.

Signup Form is here or email Melissa at melissa@allsaintsrussellville.org


Communion is available at Home

A Eucharistic Visitor is a lay person authorized to take the consecrated elements in a timely manner following a Celebration of Holy Eucharist to members of the congregation who, by reason of illness or infirmity, were unable to be present at the Celebration of the Eucharist. If you're interested in serving in this important ministry, please contact Julie Hodges.

Neighbors Table News

Last Saturday, Neighbors Table served 66 hot, nutritious lunch to hungry friends, 8 deliveries went to the parish or friends of the parish, 4 meals were served to volunteers, who dined with our guests. A total of 78 meals were served. The Loaves and Fishes food pantry served 24 guests.

This week our Adam and Airen Salverson and Bruce Moore lead the cooking team in preparing and serving lunch. On the menu will be popcorn chicken, braised cabbage and potatoes, fresh baked bread, cookies.

All Saints’ Neighbors Table is approved by the Russellville School District to offer opportunities for high school students to earn service hours. Volunteers should arrive around 10 AM. One of our volunteers will welcome you and get you involved in preparing for our guests.

New adult volunteers are always welcome. Please look for the Neighbors Table volunteer sheets posted in Shoemaker Hall, choose one of the jobs, and help feed our hungry neighbors.

Neighbors Table is funded by designated gifts from parishioners and grants. If you wish to donate, go to https://www.allsaintsrussellville.org/giving, select Realm Secure Giving, and donate to Food Ministries.

Youth Activities

Our Nursery is open on Sunday from 9 am until after the 1 pm. All youth ages newborn to 5 years old are welcome to our nursery. Light snacks will be provided. Please let our childcare providers know of any allergies or concerns.

All Saints' Youth Programs

  • Youth Sunday School will meet in the EYC room.
  • Kid's Chapel meets during the 10:30 am service. The youth ages 6-11 will go to the Kid's Chapel room to discuss the Gospel Reading for the day.
  • Our Childcare Providers will go over the story of Jesus is Baptized and Blessing the Children in February.
  • Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) meets from 5:30 pm to 7 pm on Wednesdays.

Christian Formation

Christian Formation on Sunday

Faith & Reason class for this Sunday, February 2nd, will be another video from TheoEd Talks featuring Dr. Brent Strawn with "The Greatest Story Never Told: Re-Thinking the Bible as Poetry". Class will start around 9:00am.


Faith and Scripture meets at 9:15 am in the small classroom.

Young Adults

Young Adults will continue our deconstruction and reconstruction of our faith for week 2 and 3, "Identifying Church Hurt – Naming the Wounds,"

and "The Role of Shame and Guilt in Religion."

Lunch will be chicken and cheese Quesadillas, chips/salsa, and fruit.

Bible Study & Stitch Cafe

Bible Study on Wednesdays at 11:30 am will start studying Ruth and Esther using material from The Good Book Club. The reading schedule is listed below and materials are available following the links provided.

Session V: February 5 - Esther, Chapters 5, 6, & 7

Session VI: February 12 - Esther, Chapters 8, 9, & 10

Ruth and Esther Bible Study

Esther Reading Material

Practicing Prayer at 6 pm

We will begin with 20 minutes of silent prayer and then discuss our contribution to Strategic Planning for our future. If you would like to join us, please email Catherine Crews, catherinecrews@icloud.com for information.

All Saints' Prayer List
Ministry Schedule and Information

Giving at All Saints'

Contributions may be mailed to the church office or to give online, go to https://www.allsaintsrussellville.org/giving. You can designate your donation toward a specific ministry or our general fund through the Realm Secure Giving option.

Text "allsaintsgift" to 73256 to give using your mobile device. This number will never send unsolicited texts to you. To cancel further messages, text STOP. If you need assistance with text giving, text HELP. Standard text message and data rates may apply.

Donate to All Saints'

479-968-3622 | Contact Us | allsaintsrussellville.org

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