Maria McFadden Maffucci Named a Pro-Life Hero!

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The Daily Wire has just named our Editor in Chief as one of 15 heroes that has helped bring about the probable demise of Roe v. Wade

Maria McFadden Maffucci

"As editor of the Human Life Review, founded by her father JP McFadden in 1975, Maffucci has given space for some of the most important journalism and legal opinion writing in the pro-life movement. A tremendous activist and gifted publisher, she has been a guiding light for generations of Americans dedicated to saving the unborn. Many of the documents and ideas that ultimately paved the way for the overturn of Roe are found in the pages of The Human Life Review."

We are grateful to author David Marcus for his recognition of Maria's hard work and talents, and encourage you to read the entire article:


Your dedicated HLR staff (for life!)

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