Office of Sponsorship 
Marianist Province of the United States

July 23, 2024

Living the Marianist Spirit

July is an interesting time for the province in the cycle of things. In schools, it’s a time for camps, special projects, re-tooling, and preparing for the upcoming school year (and hopefully a little time for the staff to recharge). For many of our retreat centers, summer programs are in full swing. 

Like many of our ministries, this summer is a time of change in the Office of Sponsorship (but more about that later). Almost three months into the Director’s role, I see hope. I see opportunities. I feel immense gratitude for each of you and the importance of your role in animating the Marianist charism. Your partnership is invaluable, and I am thankful to the brothers who invited me into this very special ministry.

Our work in the Office of Sponsorship focuses on assisting you in forming those who serve in our ministries to provide a personal and lived experience of what it means to be a Marianist ministry. This requires prayer. It also requires collaboration and partnership with you and the people in your institution. It calls us to take ownership of and bring fruition to the animation of the charism. We look forward to working with you in this endeavor.  

Included in this newsletter, you will find:

  • Upcoming Events, including registration links for:

Marianist Administrators Conference (MAC) – in October

Head to Heart – in November

  • Leadership changes in our schools and retreat centers

  • Changes and contact information in the Office of Sponsorship

  • NEW – The Mission Integration Corner

  • Happenings this summer

  • Quick Links

The challenges Chaminade faced in the aftermath of the French Revolution has comparisons to life today. Chaminade viewed education as a “mission” and challenged those around him to “find a new fulcrum for the levers that move the modern world.” With the right perspective and good collaboration, even this can be possible.


Deacon Patrick Wheadon

Director, Marianist Office of Sponsorship

Upcoming Events and Programs

Mark your calendar! And begin recruiting for the 2024 formation programs presented by the Marianist Office of Sponsorship.

For information about these programs and links to registration - Marianist Formation Programs

Marianist Administrators Conference

October 20 – 22 at the Sheraton Westport Chalet Hotel

St. Louis, MO 

Participants include presidents, heads of school, principals of sponsored schools and directors of sponsored retreat centers.

NOTE: Board representatives will not attend the 2024 Marianist Administrators Conference.

Head to Heart: Marianist Spirituality Workshop

November 4 – 6 at the Marianist Retreat & Conference Center

St. Louis, MO (We are asking for participation from each school and retreat center.)

Other programs of interest:

Marianist Encounters Conference: Advancing Integral Ecology and Global Education See link for details – October 3-6 in Dayton

Marianist Women’s Summit Women of the Magnificat

See link for details – October 25-26 in San Antonio

Marianist Educational Bridge Project

For Communications staff - Communicating our Marianist Identity – best practices. More details to come for the March event in St. Louis

Leadership Changes

  • Archbishop Moeller – Carl Kremer, President; Mr. Michael Shaffer, Principal
  • Daniel J. Gross – Steve Eubanks, Head of School; Hana Abbott, Principal
  • North Catholic – Rev. Charles Bober; President, Dr. Zeb Jansante, Principal
  • Purcell Marian - Ian Goddard, Interim Principal
  • St. John Vianney – Ian Mulligan, President; Dr. Will Armon, Principal
  • St. Vincent-St. Mary – Erin Faetanini; Principal, (President TBD)
  • Villa Angela-St. Joseph – Gregory Sedmak, Principal
  • Bergamo Center - Kelli Kinnear, Executive Director
  • Marianist Retreat and Conference Center – Jennifer Duncan, Executive Director

Changes and Contact Information - Office of Sponsorship

In the last 3 months, with Dan Donnelly’s retirement, we have had some changes in the Office of Sponsorship. I would like to introduce and welcome our newest member of the office, DeDe Barth:

In this new role as Coordinator, Office of Sponsorship, DeDe will assume the responsibilities of the former Coordinator, Marianist LIFE position. In addition to those duties, she will also support the formation programs of the Office of Sponsorship.

DeDe most recently served the Sisters of Saint Mary of Namur in Fort Worth, Texas, as their Operations Manager. Prior to this role, DeDe served as the Director of Campus Ministry at Nolan Catholic High School. During her decade-long tenure at Nolan, DeDe developed a passion for the Marianist Charism and, specifically, for the mission of Marianist LIFE. She has more than 15 years of involvement with the Marianist LIFE program, serving most recently as Regional Coordinator and auxiliary moderator. DeDe brings this vast and varied experience with LIFE, along with her perspective as a theology teacher, campus minister, and Mission Integration Team member, to her new role with the province.

In addition to DeDe joining the team, Erica Duarte has assumed the role of Assistant, Office of Sponsorship, replacing Pat Wheadon, who is now the Director of the Office of Sponsorship

Erica and Larry Keller will work closely to support the mission integration process and provide formation and resources for our collaborators.

Office of Sponsorship Contact Information:

Pat Wheadon – Director:

Erica Duarte – Mission and Formation:

Larry Keller – Mission and Formation:

Mary Holtmann – Administration:

DeDe Barth – LIFE, Campus Ministry Support, Formation Support:

Mission Integration Corner

Mission Integration visits are an important part of the process of seeing firsthand how our Marianist-sponsored schools and retreat centers are animating the Marianist charism. It also provides a vehicle for networking and sharing best practices.

This year, we conducted four Year II visits and four Year IV visits. We thank all the ministries involved, and especially the Mission Integration chairs, for preparing for these visits. 

In a special way, we thank the schools and individuals who helped conduct Year IV visits:

From Chaminade, CA. –

Brother Adam Becerra

From Central Catholic –

Dr. Lee Hernandez

From Chaminade Julienne –

Dan Meixner, Jama Badinghaus

From Daniel J. Gross –

Kim Matzen

From Chaminade Madonna –

Raiza Echemendia, Caytie Lagrange, and

Carol Lamont

From St. Anthony’s –

Kiana Cornell

From Chaminade, St. Louis –

Todd Guidry

From Purcell Marian –

Steve Bohne


If you have individuals who would like to serve on a visitation team, please contact Larry Keller –

Happening This Summer

Teaching as Ministry (TAM) – Welcomed 32 educators and staff members from 17 schools to discuss our call to Marianist education.

Marianist LIFEWe welcomed 64 adults and 143 students to the summer LIFE programs in California and Ohio. They gathered to pray together, learn about the power of community, and learn skills for leading in their faith.

We received a lot of very positive feedback from the attendees of both TAM and LIFE. We highly encourage you to reach out to them and ask them to share their experience.  

Prayers for Marianist-Sponsored Ministries
We encourage those at our sponsored ministries to incorporate these two prayers as part of the hiring process for new administrators:

Get Connected

Stay in touch with the Marianist Province by downloading our mobile app!

The app is FREE to download and is compatible with Apple iOS devices and Android devices. The app features direct links to the most commonly used information to support formation and mission integration, as well as other important collaborators, like Marianist LIFE, NACMS, JPIC, and the Marianist Mission.
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Marianist Office of Sponsorship | 314.533.1207 |