Marin Chapter Newsletter February 2017
A Successful Marin Chapter Membership
55 people attended our festive January 29 event in Mill Valley, marking the launch of our chapter's outreach to volunteers to help empower them in the climate debate. CCL membership has surged everywhere recently.
Action team leaders described their goals and many signed up.
Big News: Republican Elders Propose A
Revenue Neutral Carbon Dividend Plan
On February 8 we were thrilled to learn that
some of the most experienced and respected Republicans had launched a proposal similar (with some important differences) to CCL's. It's the first from Republicans to call for full dividend return to citizens rather than tax cuts or other revenue return measures, and that's a big deal. One of the principles behind it is former Secretary of both Treasury and State, George P. Shultz, who serves on our advisory panel. You can watch him here at his Commonwealth Club appearance of February 21. Carbon discussion is at 45:35 min. (The entire event is well worth your time.)
Read more about this important event:
And here's why Democrats and progressives can support these reasonable Republicans: The Nation, and The Hill
We now have an opening for bipartisanship in Congress. CCL continues to work with both parties to find common ground. Read about the House bipartisan Climate Solutions Caucus which CCL helped launch.
Please freely share these stories via your social media
Marin Membership Meetings Will Continue
We held a follow up meeting on February 11 and plan to continue them monthly for the foreseeable future. Our goal is to help newcomers get up to speed in their grasp of CCL's carbon fee and dividend proposal, use CCL's rich web resources, then plug into the numerous action teams we've created to build this movement.
Next meeting: Saturday, March 11 in Larkspur, 9:30-11:30. Contact
Molly Whiteley
for more info.
We're all volunteers, and you don't need to be an expert to help.
Opportunities include:
*Table scheduler and Tablers: distribute literature at events
*Calendar keeper (e.g., online google calendar with our and other organization's events, meetings, etc.)
*Data base manager: upkeep of member rosters, contact info
*Newsletter manager: monthly email with upcoming events, local news, etc.
*Meeting helpers: make and manage photocopies, sign-in sheets, nametags
*Speaker outreach: Seek speaking
opportunities for
our speakers
*Speakers: Learn to give a CCL presentation
*Graphic Designer: signs, charts, etc, as needed
One of the best ways to get involved is to...just get involved! Our action team leaders invite you to participate. In addition to the tasks mentioned above, these teams include:
If your skill set resonates with any of these teams, please click on the link and email the team leader.
Explore the Details of CCL's Proposal
We're planning another general meeting for Sunday, May 7, 4-6 PM in Tiburon, at which we'll explore more deeply CCL's proposal for a revenue neutral carbon fee, dividend and border duty. Want to understand and talk about it? We'll walk you through the basics. We'll also present the action team opportunities. Please contact Marcy Levine to sign up.
Packed NorCal Regional Meeting
On the weekend of February 18-19, over 225 Northern California CCL members old and new gathered at the Ed Roberts Campus of U.C. Berkeley for two intense days of education, exploration, workshops and camaraderie at CCL's
4th annual NorCal Regional Conference.
Outstanding presenters included:
U.S. Congressional Rep. Jerry McNerney (Contra Costa County)
Ken Alex
- Governor Brown’s chief policy advisor and
Director of California's Office of Policy and Research
State Senator Bob Weikowski - Chair of the Environmental Quality Committee
Dr. Michael Wara, Professor of Law, Environment and Energy Policy, Stanford University
Prof. Steven Chu, former U.S. Energy Secretary and Nobel laureate in physics, Stanford University
A wide array of topics were covered, including the latest in California's AB32, environmental and social justice issues, national strategies and what's necessary and possible to get to the energy future we need. The video is now being edited.
Stanford Professor Steven Chu, Nobel laureate and former U.S. Energy Secretary, in his delightful and sobering keynote address, "Getting to the Energy Future We Want"
Consider joining us in DC June 11-13 for
800 CCL'ers on the Capitol Steps, June, 2016 lobby day
Peter Joseph
with questions. Apologies for multiple postings,
we're still working on our lists.