¡No Más!
Eliminating the Global Epidemic Of Violence Against Women
Mpowerment Works speaks on Eliminating Violence Against Women in Mexico

Marisa Rivera was invited by the US Consulate in Guadalajara to speak in Guadalajara and Aguascalientes, Mexico on the topic of  Women's Empowerment and Violence against women.  Her presentation titled: No More!  Stopping the Global Epidemic of Violence Against Women and the Empowerment of Women" was well received by elected officials, educators, non-profit organizations, human rights organizations, students and press at  La Universidad Tecnológica de Aguascalientes, the Centro de Justicia Para Las Mujeres in Guadalajara, The Guadalajara  Women's Institute and the Zapopan Museum of Art. 
 Hispanic Women's Corporation
Phoenix, AZ - September 24-25

Join Marisa Rivera in Celebrating 30 Years of Latina Leadership with the Hispanic Women's Corporation in Phoenix, AZ at the Convention Center on September 24-25, 2015.  Marisa Rivera will be providing a motivational keynote on Thursday morning on Personal Empowerment and the Pathway to Success!  To register go to -  www.hispanicwomen.org
Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month!
2015 Theme:
Honoring our Heritage.  Building our Future!
Hispanic Americans have had a profound and lasting influence in American History, values, and culture. As the largest minority group with more than 55 million people and growing, they will have a profound influence in building the future of this country.  Remember to Celebrate, Hispanic Heritage Month, September 15- October 15, 2015.
If you are looking for an outstanding speaker for Hispanic Heritage Month contact Ms. Rivera and Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month Together!

For Availability and Rates please email mblake@mpowermentworks.com 
or call (828)450-6779

Find Marisa Rivera's Bio HERE
Las Jefas 
Read the most recent article,  "Leading from Within" 
in Latina Style Magazine
Mpowerment Works  Calendar

September 19-20, 2015 - Family Leadership Institute 

Oceanside, CA

September 24-25,2015 - Hispanic Women's Corporation 
Phoenix, AZ
September 29, 2015 - Educational Leaders - Strengthsfinder
 Coaching, Marshalltown, IA
October 3, 2015 - Youth Leadership and Empowerment
Conference,  Seminole County, FL