news & update
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Celebrant: The Rt. Rev. Austin Rios
Priest: Rev. Matthew McDermott
Deacon: Rev. Lauren P. McCombs
Organist: Lauren Wittine
Acolyte: Louise Delafield
Greeter: Kathy Kennedy
Altar Guild: Betsy Alexander
Usher: Danny Alegria
Lesson: Andy Pflaum
Epistle: Liz Laderman
Intercessor: Courtney Kingston Pflaum
Flowers: Mary Paine & Lauren McCombs
Coffee Hour: Jim Szewczak
Saturday, February 1
CARILLON Preschool Open House 10:00am
Sunday, February 2
Church Service 10:00 am
Bishop Austin Rios Visit
Coffee hour 11:00 am
Tuesday, February 4
Voices in the Valley 10:30 am
Wednesday, February 5
Women's Spirituality 10:00 am
Thursday, February 6
Choir Rehearsal 7:30 pm
Christopher White, Julie Seipp, Tucker Reimund, Dede Jamison
Ross & Mary Soubirous
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Pray for the special needs of our congregation and lift up the following individuals to God in prayer:
Robert Jamplis, Marian Huggins, Leia Johnson, Frank Losey, Mary Peterson
Kim Pham, Bruce McCombs, Caroline Huntley, Anne Wittine, Marina Bermudez, Joan Klappert, David Riggs, Alyssa Hardbarger, Tyler Britton, Dede Jamison, Catherine Aragon, George Mallinckrodt, Peggy Dubes
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For pastoral care, you are invited to reach out to:
The Reverend Matthew McDermott
Cell: (650) 269-2611, Email: mjpmcdermott@gmail.com
The Reverend Lauren P. McCombs
Cell: (650) 740-1552, Email: laurenpmccombs@gmail.com
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Photos of the Week
Our own Rev. Matthew McDermott & a Friend Stopping over at Christ Church for a Break!
Paragliding over Christ Church PVW
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What Fun to Soar Across the Skies! | | |
You are Invited
Our CARILLON Preschool Open House
Saturday, February 1st
from 10 am - 11 am
All are Welcome!
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Christ Church Portola Valley & Woodside Welcomes
Bishop Austin Rios
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Mark your calendars
Sunday, February 2
Our new bishop, Austin Rios, will be visiting us on Sunday February 2nd. He will celebrate and preach during our normal Sunday service.
Bishop Austin will join us after the service for coffee hour and dialogue.
This is a wonderful opportunity to let Bishop Austin know who we are and to hear his vision for the diocese.
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Voices in the Valley Speaker Series Featuring
Linda Millard
"From Oxcart to Email"
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Tuesday, February 4
10:30-11:30 am
Linda Millard has built a distinguished career in nonprofit development, serving as Western Regional Director for Earthwatch for 20 years and later as U.S. Executive Director for the Lewa Wildlife Conservancy in Kenya. Currently a member of Lewa’s U.S. Board of Directors, Linda is most proud of her role in enabling Lewa to achieve permanent land trust and World Heritage status.
A graduate of Mills College, Linda never envisioned the adventurous path her life would take, including participating in global Earthwatch expeditions and guiding over 30 safaris to East Africa and beyond. Married to Steve Millard, a Silicon Valley entrepreneur, Linda enjoys hiking, swimming and is always planning her next safari. With family spread across the globe, she continues to inspire others through her dedication to conservation and exploration.
Linda will talk about her cousins who’ve lived, farmed and ranched in Kenya for over a century and promises pictures of animals!
Snacks and drinks will be provided for an informal question and answer after the talk.
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Join us for Valentine's Day Community Dinner
Wednesday, February 12 at 6:00 PM
All are Welcome!
Suggested Attire: Wear Red or Pink!
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Please Take a Moment to Complete our Brief Survey | |
What would you like to see our Christ Church and Carillon Preschool Community offer? We are conducting a survey to understand what events and activities people would enjoy at Christ Church.
If you haven't already done so, please take a moment to complete our brief survey. Your answers will help us to better serve you.
Thank you so much for your support.
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2024 in Review Presented at the Annual Meeting
Click below to see a few highlights
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...And in Loving Memory of our Sister & Friend
Nicole Sprague
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Women's Spirituality Group |
Women's Spirituality: meets on Wednesday morning from 10:00 - 11:30 remotely, on Zoom. Contact Mary Jennings at emjennings@aol.com for more information.
This week we begin “How We Learn to Be Brave: Decisive Moments in Life and Faith” by Episcopal Bishop Mariann Budde.
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The Joy of Making a Difference!
Special invitation for you to Serve at Christ Church
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“ When you assemble, each one has a psalm, has a teaching, has a revelation, has a tongue, has an interpretation. Let all things be done for edification.”
1 Corinthians 14:26.
I have heard Christians say that the greatest joy they ever had in life was when they met Christ as Savior, but the second greatest joy was when they discovered the unique spiritual gift God had given them.
There is a link between grace, spiritual gifts, and joy. The Greek word for “spiritual gift" is charismaton, which comes from charis, the Greek word for "grace." And the root word for charis is char, which means "joy." When we receive God's grace, we receive a gift. And true joy in life comes when we exercise that unique spiritual gift God has given us.
Aren't you tired of waking up in the morning, going about the mundane tasks of life, going to bed, and starting the cycle all over again? We all long to be a part of something bigger than we are, a cause that will transcend our own death. There is no more transcendent cause than building the kingdom of God, and God has given you a unique gift with which to join Him in ministry.
You might be thinking, ...Are you really telling me one person using his spiritual gift in a local church can somehow make an eternal difference? Consider the story of Edward Kimball, a carpet salesman who taught a Sunday school class at his local church in the 1850s. He became concerned about one of his students, so he went to the shoe store where the young man worked and talked to him about his need for Christ. Right there on the spot, the young man trusted Christ as his Savior. That young man was Dwight L. Moody, who became the greatest evangelist of the nineteenth century. He also founded the Moody Bible Institute, which later spawned Moody Radio and Moody Publishers. Today, millions of Christians are saved because of his ministry.
But, it did not stop there. One of the people Moody counseled was a man named Wilbur Chapman, who became a Presbyterian minister. Chapman was instrumental in leading another man to Christ, Billy Sunday, the great evangelist. In 1924, Sunday was preaching in Charlotte, North Carolina, and out of that revival, a Christian businessmen's club was formed. In 1934, this group decided to host an evangelistic crusade. One night during the crusade, a sixteen-year-old boy gave his life to Christ. His name was Billy Graham. God used him to win tens of millions of people to faith in Jesus Christ. Billy Graham's story started with one layman who decided to use his spiritual gift in a local church.
So, can a single Christian really make a difference? You bet! God has given you a unique gift with which to join Him in ministry.
Let’s find your spiritual gift and use it in this body of Christ.
Get Involved! Contact Chantal
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2025 Annual Stewardship Pledge | |
Support our 2025 Stewardship Campaign
This is the time of year to reflect on the blessing of our community and how we can support its continued vitality. We’re excited to launch our 2025 Church Stewardship Campaign, with a goal of raising $300,000 to support our parish and its mission.
Given the size of our parish, this translates to an average of $5,000 per donor. We recognize that some can give more and others may give less, and that’s okay. Every gift, no matter the amount, is deeply appreciated and makes a meaningful impact.
This year, we’ve made it even easier to pledge:
to let us know your pledge.
Let’s come together as a community to achieve this important goal.
With Gratitude for your Generosity and Support
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News from the Outreach Committee | |
Scarf Making for the Homeless - On Sunday February 2nd during coffee hour
we will be turning cozy fleece fabric into warm scarves for the 240 residents of the
Navigation Center in Redwood City, a Life Moves shelter. Bring your scissors.
Questions, contact Erin Miller.
Zoom Outreach Planning Meeting - Mark your calendar for Tuesday February
11th, 9:30 am when I will run the meeting live from Belize.
Login at https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84963161381?pwd=DaO7Zy46awOuBl1TD6PdAb
v48s9E5p.1 or use Meeting ID: 849 6316 1381with Passcode: 453285.
Please send agenda items by Sunday February 10th to kennedyiti@aol.com Questions, contact Kathy Kennedy.
Toiletries/Feminine Hygiene/Laundry Supplies Needed: Full-sized toiletries, detergent pods and more are needed for the 84 people staying at Coast House in HMB, a Project WeCare shelter. Signup at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C094FA8AE2DA13-54754051-toiletrieslaundry then bring your donation to the marked box in the breezeway by Sunday February 23. Sooner is better. Contact Kathy Kennedy
Bring Hotel-Sized Toiletries for the Veterans' Hoptel, a Life Moves shelter in East Palo Alto. Hoptel provides 1 to 3 nights of shelter, along with case management and transportation, to low income veterans from out of town visiting the local VA hospital. Leave the toiletries in the green marked box in the church breezeway.
Children's toiletries go to the Redwood Family House in RWC.
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Sunday February 23: SpiritCare Visits with Seniors at Silver Oaks Memory Care in Menlo Park (1:30PM) and The Sequoias Memory Care (3:00PM).
Singers, readers and hand-holders are needed. This month we are celebrating Mardi Gras.
Contact Angela Hey
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For Sequoias residents rides are now provided to Christ Church at 9:30 AM on Sundays with a return pickup time at 11:30. Contact the Sequoias Transportation Department at X4117 or sign up in the transportation binder. Sunday morning rides are also available to the Presbyterian or the Catholic churches. | |
Noise Lab Music Workshops
Mark your Calendars!
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Noise Lab Music Workshops are available this winter for families with young children.
Family Music Workshops (ages 0-4) will be offered Saturdays from 9:30-10:30am and Beginning Keyboard (ages 4-6) from 11am-12pm in Parish Hall at Christ Church.
For more information please visit our website or email Leslie at:
Christ Church and Carillon member discounts for all workshops and additional scholarships available!
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Support Wildfire Recovery in LA | |
The Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles
All donations to the Annual Appeal will be used to help institutions and individuals most affected by wildfires. One Body and One Spirit Appeal:
Checks made payable to Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles should be mailed to:
Bishop John Harvey Taylor c/o the Rev. Susan Stanton, CFO
Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles
St. Paul's Commons
840 Echo Park Avenue
Los Angels, CA 90026
The American Red Cross
The American Red Cross provides emergency relief to residents and families impacted by disasters, providing meals, medical care and a safe place to shower and sleep.
Mercy Chefs
Mercy Chefs is a nonprofit organization specializing in disaster relief to provide meals to victims, firefighters, first responders and volunteers.
The organization has provided more than 28 million restaurant-quality meals across the country and around the world.
World Central Kitchens (Chef José Andrés)
Serving freshly made meals to people affected by disaster.
Los Angeles Regional Food Bank
The Los Angeles Regional Food Bank is working with government agencies, nonprofit and faith-based organizations to distribute food and other essentials to those displaced by the wildfires with meals.
California Fire Foundation Wildfire & Disaster Relief Fund
The California Fire Foundation works with community-based organizations and local fire agencies to offer financial support for residents who are impacted by the fires.
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Book affiliate links benefit Christ Church
Christ Church Portola Valley & Woodside | ccpvw.org
Carillon School | carillonschool.org
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