
Volume 19, Issue 28

July 22, 2022

In This Issue:

  • Market Update: Texas & Louisiana Harvest Underway
  • Washington, D.C. Update
  • USRPA Participates in U.S. Agricultural Export Development Council Seminar
  • Dyna-Gro Rice Research Field Day Shows Off the Future of U.S. Varieties
  • Mexico Rice Situation Report
  • Missouri Rice Council Takes Part in Educational Event

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The Texas rice harvest is gaining speed as Galen Franz started cutting on Wednesday of this week. This beautiful, clean field of Presidio rice is located northeast of Victoria, Texas. Asked why he grows Presidio rice, Galen’s response is “because I know I can sell it.” Galen who serves on the USRPA board as well as the Texas Rice Producers Board, Texas Rice Research and the Texas Rice Council plans to ratoon his entire crop.

Market Update: Texas & Louisiana Harvest Underway

Although the cash market remains in the doldrums, that may soon change with the notable export activity that finally materialized. It was reported that Iraq recently purchased 40,000 MT of U.S. rice, or one vessel. Considering the shipping date is imminent, it will most likely aid old crop prices, and have little effect on new crop. For now, long grain paddy prices range from $16-17 per cwt depending on the location.  Southern medium grain, when available, is trading between $19.50-20.50 per cwt.

The first fields of rice have been cut in Texas and south Louisiana as some farmers have struggled with water issues over the past two months due to the strong drought and intense heat. There are reports of some fields being abandoned in Texas as farmers have not been able to keep water on the crop in some areas due to the intense evaporation and individual well situations. Where water isn’t an issue, high field yields are expected.

There is plenty of border and internal Mercosur trade taking place, as per the usual. However, the powerful rice exporting region has also made strong headway in other markets as well. For example, roughly 135,000 MT (paddy equivalent) has traded to Mexico from Brazil. Other notable destinations for Brazil that overlap with US rice are Peru at 68,000 MT, Costa Rica at 40,800, and Venezuela at 130,000 (all paddy basis). Furthermore, these are just the sales reported since January. While some of this business was actually paddy exports other portions were milled rice sales; when U.S. 5% long grain is being quoted at $710 FOB compared to Brazil where quotes were recently $575, it’s not difficult to understand how the US rice market is being undermined by South America. Brazil’s prices are the highest export prices in Mercosur, but that’s also because of the logistics required to bring the rice to ocean ports. 

Based on the most recent USDA export sales report, it appears that U.S. long grain rice is struggling to maintain its footing in the Mexico market. Export demand to this destination is down 22% YTD or 174,000 MT. Fortunately for the industry, some of this market loss has been offset by improved demand in Colombia and Guatemala. Overall, paddy export demand is sluggish against last year, but milled rice demand is up 25% YTD on increased shipments to Haiti and Colombia.

In Thailand, the ongoing harvest has alleviated some pressure in the market, allowing export prices to soften. In addition to fresh supplies, export demand has benefitted from a weakening Baht, down 11% since January. Iraq, the largest benefactor of these fundamentals has now purchased upwards of 600,000 MT since December from this origin. India remains the cheapest option for long grain rice in the world market, despite a lagging monsoon season. Some traders speculate that exports may see a slight downturn if the monsoon conditions don’t drastically improve in the last half of the rainy season. 

The futures market was up against last week as every contract climbed at least $0.60 per cwt. Since Monday, the trading volumes have shot upward, and open interest is also climbing. This leads some to believe that the recent rally may find support and even continue. 

Washington, D.C. Update

House Passes First FY 2023 Minibus Appropriations Package

This week, the House approved a six-bill minibus appropriations package on a 220 to 207 vote. The package includes the FY 2023 Transportation and Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies; Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies; Energy and Water Development, and Related Agencies; Financial Services and General Government; Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies; and Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies funding bills.

Several amendments were adopted on the floor. A division-by-division summary can be found here. The text of the Rules Committee Print can be found here. A list of adopted amendments can be found here. The Rule for H.R. 8294, with a list of all amendments and a description provided by the sponsor, can be found here

The Senate is expected to release their FY 2023 appropriations bills sometime next week.

House Holds Hearing on H2-A and H-2B

This week, the House Committee on Education and Labor Subcommittee on Workforce Protections convened a hearing to review and assess the impact H2 Visa Programs (H-2A and H-2B) have on workers.

Members and witnesses raised concerns about H-2A employers are discriminating against American farm workers and the lack of protection from extortion and workforce abuse endured by workers. Members highlighted the need for the same labor protections afforded to workers in other industries.

Members also criticized the Biden Administration’s immigration policy and handling of the southern border and said that Congress cannot meaningfully discuss reforming the H2 Programs until the border is secure and under control. Witnesses noted that employers participating in the H2 Programs who comply with the many regulations, and are subject to oversight from DOL, are frustrated that other employers are hiring undocumented workers with virtually no governmental involvement. It was also stated that from the worker perspective, workers participating in the programs to legally enter the U.S. are being deterred from doing so due to the high number of migrants crossing the border illegally that still receive similar jobs to those received by H2 participants.

Witnesses encouraged Congress to pass the Farm Workforce Modernization Act which they stated would give opportunities for farm workers to work in the U.S. with a path to permanent residency. Additionally, witnesses advocated for the passage of the Fairness for Farm Workers Act which they said would protect farm workers and afford them the same rights as workers in other industries. 

ITC Rejects Fertilizer Tariff

This week, the U.S. International Trade Commission voted to reject antidumping and countervailing duties on imports of fertilizer from Trinidad and Tobago and Russia. The vote may help ease price increases and shortages in the U.S.

Foreign Agricultural Service Administrator Daniel Whitley addresses the group at the USAEDC Attache Seminar last week.

USRPA Represented at U.S. Agricultural Export Development Council Seminar

USRPA staff members Mollie Buckler and Grace Wang attended the U.S. Agricultural Export Development Council (USAEDC) Seminar in Washington last week, the organization's first in-person event since the pandemic began. The meeting included one-on-one consultations with ATOs from Morocco, Guatemala, Panama, Colombia, and the Caribbean, focusing on key trade issues and market development activities that are currently underway for the promotion of U.S. rice.  

The second day began with a general session, including remarks from Foreign Agricultural Service Administrator Daniel Whitley, whose presentation included a shoutout to USRPA as he discussed cooperator engagement. USRPA works closely with USDA/FAS offices both domestically and abroad, and maintains open communication to make sure farmers interests and priorities are appropriately addressed. The seminar concluded with breakout sessions that focused on the ever changing landscape of the global commodity trading.

Dyna-Gro Rice Research Field Day Shows Off the Future of U.S. Varieties

No one is more aware of the grain quality debate going on within the U.S. rice industry than Nutrien Ag’s Dyna-Gro rice breeding program. That was evident during yesterday’s field day at their rice research station located south of El Campo, Texas. Field day participants were given a history of the breeding program. While there are over 3,000 yield plots at the station, there are 4,000+ plots stretching from South Louisiana all the way to Tanner Seed Farms in Missouri. Ongoing activity in Puerto Rico, Nutrien’s molecular lab in Canada, key university researchers and rice farmers themselves, the ongoing program operates 12 months a year in continuous breeding projects. 

While the DG263L conventional variety released last year was a major step forward, it is part of a building block for the future. DGL2065 is being developed as a competitor for Presidio and Cheniere due to its high field yield and excellent ratoon characteristics along with an intermediate amylose and gel temperature. Milling is equal to or better than CL153 in tests. Dyna-Gro is currently evaluating 20 conventional hybrids with consistent yields, grain quality and improved agronomic traits. 

“These are very encouraging developments and creates positive news for rice buyers, in particular in the foreign marketplace that is vital to our farmers," Dwight Roberts, advisor to the USRPA who attended the event. "I am confident that the US rice is in the process of restoring its reputation for quality while raising profits for farmers.”

Learn more at

Randy Ouzts, US Rice Manager for Nutrien Ag Solutions and Scott Greenwalt, Regional Rice Agronomist (right) discuss aspects of Nutrien’s rice breeding program to field day participants.

Brittany talks about Dyna-Gro’s evaluation process while grading a sample of DGL2065 that yielded a 64/73.

Research station rice breeder Doc Shao talks about various traits in the current rice varieties grown in Texas and throughout the rice states.

Rice Agronomist Scott Greenwalt and Tommy Turner, President of the Texas Rice Council, talk specifics about Nutrien’s Dyna-Gro breeding program. 

What a great crew of technicians and specialists at Nutrien Ag Solutions Dyna-Gro Breeding station just south of El Campo, Texas. From left are Raquel, Jesse, Brittany, Juno, Doc and Chris. Impressive and dedicated team!

Mexico’s Rice Situation Report – Agri-Food Information Service – SIAP

Released June 13, 2022

SIAP (Servicio de Información Agroalimentaria y Pesquera) reported that at the end of the 2021 Spring-Summer Cycle, paddy rice production reached 161,291 MT equivalent to 106,129 MT of white rice, 18% less than the obtained in the same period last year. 


Until April 30, 2022, in the 2021/2022 Fall-Winter cycle, 19% of the planted areas had been harvested obtaining 16,562 MT of paddy rice equivalent to 10,898 MT of white rice, with the State of Michoacan, contributing with 78% of the harvest so far.


For the new 2022 Spring Summer Cycle, it is expected that planting will reach 32,613 hectares, expecting a production of 201,632 MT of paddy rice / 132,674 white rice.


In the full commercial year October 2021/ September 2022, the Mexican government expects a production of 170 thousand MT; Imports around 1.03 million MT; exports around 12 thousand Mt and a consumption of 1.18 million MT, leaving a final inventory of 112 thousand MT in September 2022.  


Prices paid to producers in April 2022 were 5,380 MXP / US$374.24 per MT, 24% higher than in April 2021. Wholesale reference price was 19.75 MXP /US$9.87 per kilo, 5.3% higher than in April 2021, and price to consumer reached 33.15 MXP / US$16.50 per kilo, 4.5% higher than in April 2021.

Submitted by Raul Caballero, USRPA representative in Mexico

Source: SIAP

Missouri Rice Council Participates in "Bridging the Gap through Agriculture" Event

On Monday, the Missouri Rice Council took part in Bridging the Gap through Agriculture, an event hosted in Malden, MO by Lincoln University and State Senator Jason Bean. Approximately 250 students attended the event from nine locations throughout the Missouri Bootheel and were provided educational resources and agricultural knowledge from Missouri Rice Council, Missouri Farm Bureau, Missouri Cattlemen's Association, Missouri Soybeans, and Cotton Producers of Missouri. The kids especially enjoyed playing in the rice sensory bins!

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Cornerstone Trade Update

July 22, 2022
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Food and Ag Regulatory and Policy Roundup

July 18, 2022

Costa Rica to Reduce Imported Rice Tariffs

On July 6, the Government of Costa Rica published a draft executive decree that would dramatically reduce tariffs on imported milled and rough rice. The vast majority of U.S. rice exported to Costa Rica in 2021 (valued at $25 million) entered under a duty free quota for rough rice established by the Dominican Republic-Central America Free Trade Agreement.

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Upcoming Events

August 5, 2022

University of Arkansas Rice Research & Extension Center Field Day

Stuttgart, Arkansas

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August 11, 2022

RiceTec Field Day

Harrisburg, Arkansas

August 23, 2022

Missouri Rice Research & Merchandising Council Annual Field Day

Glennonville, Missouri

More Information

August 26, 2022

University of Missouri Fisher Delta Research, Education, & Extension Center Field Day

Portageville, Missouri


25722 Kingsland Blvd., Suite 203

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