Matthew Lekushoff |


The last few weeks have been fairly quiet on the market front. Looking back at the first quarter of 2019, virtually every equity and commodity class enjoyed positive returns-----  with the exception of gold, which stayed flat. It was one of the best quarters we've seen in a long time.

Of course, we can't assume the first quarter's returns will be replicated in the second, third and fourth quarters. While a repeat would be nice, I'd be fine if the next three quarters produced as much profit, combined, or even a little less. Time will tell.


Atomic Habits  by James Clear: Good habits almost always lead to successful outcomes. With that in mind, Atomic Habits contains the best advice I've seen for creating good habits (and stopping bad ones) to improve your life. If you're interested in finding out more about the book,  this video summary  and its  sequel  are good places to start.
Neverwhere  by Neil Gaiman: I've listened to a number of Neil Gaiman books. (Have I mentioned how much I love his voice?) This time I thought I'd read one. Neverwhere is a fun story with twists, turns, and a touch of humanity. And, when I concentrated very hard, I could hear Gaiman's voice in my head. But, to truly get my fix, I recently listened to  an interview  where he spoke about his writing process, past works, and a few other things.
Different Kinds of Stupid  by Morgan Housel: I recently shared Morgan Housel's article on the  different types of smart . This blog post discusses  the inversion of that principle. Instead of only trying to be smart, it's often more productive to do the opposite, which is to avoid being stupid.
The Long Run (and the Short Runs)  by Seth Goding: "I hope we can all agree that the long run is made up of a bunch of short runs.... The surprising thing is that we live our short runs as if that isn't true."
Canadians Are Feeling the Debt Burn  by Bloomberg Businessweek: Household debt as a percentage of GDP is higher in Canada than anywhere else in the G8-----  more than 15 per cent higher than the U.K., which is the second highest. Many Canadians are feeling the weight of this debt burden. Should interest rates rise or the economy slow, the situation will only get worse!
Tim Ferriss Says This Simple 12-Word Phrase is the Best Advice He Ever Got  by Melanie Curtin: Truer words are rarely spoken.
Daniel Kahneman and Herbert Simon on Intuition  by Farnam Street: This Farnam Street article discusses decision-making, when you should trust your intuition, and when reason and logic should prevail.
Canso's March Newsletter : The latest Canso newsletter discusses the SNC-Lavalin scandal, the state of the bond market, the U.S. Fed, and, of course, President Trump. Another great read.
Inventing the Future: My Interview With Lux Capital's Josh Wolfe [The Knowledge Project Ep. #50] :   Before listening to this podcast, I'd never heard of Josh Wolfe. He is now prominently on my radar. Not only is he a brilliant businessperson, he is equally thoughtful when it comes to how he lives his life or when raising his children.


"The world seems to work in predictable ways, and you think you see the pattern. But that's fatal. Because it's only a pattern until you meet the first event that doesn't fit. And by then it's too late. By then, all the tricks you've learned to deal with the world -- well, they just don't work anymore." 
"Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become. No single instance will transform your beliefs, but as the votes build up, so does the evidence of your new identity." 
- James Clear
"You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems." 
- James Clear

  • The Toronto Blue Jays are bidding farewell to outfielder Kevin Pillar, as he was traded to the San Francisco Giants this week. Known as Superman by fans, Pillar is popular for his high-flying antics and mind-blowing catches in the outfield. Here's a short video of his biggest catches.


Matthew Lekushoff

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