Marketing Insight: Website Traffic

Increasing Your Financial Institution's Website Traffic

Financial institutions need to maintain a strong presence online and at the center of that is an organization’s website. Setting a website apart from other banks, credit unions, and lenders can be challenging, but there are ways to remain competitive in today’s digital world and increase online visibility. Whether you are planning a new website design project or need a simple refresh of your web strategy, these tips can help you improve your financial institution’s website traffic.

Optimize Your Website for Mobile

Mobile is taking over, with over 60% of U.S online traffic reported on mobile platforms in July 2022. That’s why it’s more important than ever to ensure that your website is responsive on mobile. Some ways to optimize for a responsive mobile experience include keeping the content per page relatively simple with images optimized for smaller-sized screens, highlighting critical information, and avoiding putting buttons or links too close together.

Create High-Quality Content

One of the most effective content types for increased site traffic is blog posts with relevant financial information, tips, and video content. Blogs are a great way to provide up-to-date insights and developments into your operations and financial tips relevant to the economic climate and time of year as users search these topics. In addition, other content recommended to lead users to your site includes an FAQ or about us page that answers common questions and provides information th current or prospective customers may search for.

Share Content to High Traffic Sites

Take advantage of backlinking on the top websites worldwide by optimizing content for Google or sharing it to one or more leading worldwide sites such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter with a link to the site for more information. Blog content can be taken even further and turned into shareable video content. With video content on the rise in recent years, banks and credit unions can remain competitive on platforms such as Instagram and Facebook that have been altering their algorithms to favor this type of content. 

Use Keyword Research

With organic search engine optimization (SEO), you can use words on pages most often typed by search engines as determined through keyword research. Keyword research can be done using online tools or, most effectively, through industry experts, who can choose the most efficient strands of keywords to drive increased website traffic. For example, a landing page for “Mortgages” would include keywords like “home loans,” “home lending,” or “first-time homebuyer” to capture the maximum number of potential searches.

Set-up Google PPC Advertising

Google is the number one search engine in the U.S., holding 90.7% of the overall web traffic in the U.S. on search engines. To capitalize on the large share of this search engine, Google offers PPC advertising, providing an excellent method for financial institutions to bid on popular keywords used by competitors in their geographic area. The ranking for keywords will be determined by the ad’s quality and the bid total. These ads are most effective for quickly driving traffic to a website, but they can take time to understand and develop in the long term.

Is your financial institution in need of an increase in website traffic? Strategis is a full-service marketing agency developing strategies proven to increase (ROI) through a wide range of methods. Contact us today!

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