Cedar Valley Nonprofit Association
Cedar Valley Connections

Issue 155
April 10, 2017
Dear Nonprofit Supporter,
Welcome to Cedar Valley Connections, a newsletter to connect the leaders of the nonprofit sector. 

Marketing Meet-Up...

Please join the Marketing Meet-Up Group on April 20, 2017 from  Noon -1:00  p.m.at the Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa (3117 Greenhill Circle, Cedar Falls). Please click here to RSVP.  Please bring your own lunch.
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Me gan Horn will be our guest speaker.  Megan is a market ing  specialist at Far  Reach, a development and marketing company. She develops and implements result-driven integrated mar ke ting strategies for Far Reach and its clients. She graduated from UNI with an undergraduate degree in marketing, and is currently finishing her MBA through UNI as well. She got her start in social media at a local advertising agency, and has watched the industry evolve rapidly in a short time. Megan is a word nerd with a fer ocious curiosity about how marketing drives a business' bottom line.

Please take advantage of these awesome resources:

Developing Culturally Responsive Approaches to Serving Diverse Populations: A Resource Guide for Community-Based Organizations

Grade Level Reading Program  
Cedar Valley Readers, our area Campaign for Grade Level Reading effort, just launched a new  Facebook page , Twitter feed and website to promote school readiness, attendance and summer learning. Make sure to stay in the loop by following their social media channels and signing up for their monthly newsletter! Cedar Valley Readers will be promoting area summer reading events, unveiling several Little Free Libraries and sharing event details for free book giveaways and more! Please share these links with your friends, neighbors, teachers and parents - or anyone you know interested in making sure  every child  in the Cedar Valley is supported in becoming a strong reader and given opportunities  every day  to build a foundation for future academic success.
Webinar Opportunities...

Accidental Techie: How to Support Your Nonprofit Without an IT Background

Nearly every small nonprofit has a staffer who stumbled into being the go-to techie around the office. They often have little training-just a good head for technology and the patience to deal with the many issues that come up in a busy office.   Are you one of these "accidental techies"? This course is designed to give you a boost-in knowledge, resources, and confidence-to help you embrace your role and thrive as an intentional techie. Over three weeks, we'll show you how to get through the big and small IT issues that most nonprofits face.

Course Schedule:   All sessions take place on Thursdays at 12 pm CST and last for 90 minutes.

April 27: Hardware Infrastructure Basics
Computers, printers, phones, routers-there are a lot of gadgets that can turn glitchy. This session will cover the basics you need to know about the various pieces of hardware in a typical office and review common troubleshooting techniques to keep them up and running. We'll also look at what you need to know to network computers, keep them connected, and reliably back up files. 

May 4: Managing Software and Security
How do you decide what software to choose when there are hundreds of options, each with their own unique features? And once you've chosen a software package, how do you manage it so that your organization gets what it needs and is protected from security threats? We'll answer these questions and more by reviewing frameworks to choose and administer your organization's software.  

May 11: The Human Side of Technology
IT isn't just IT. A big part of the job is working directly with people-both to fix small problems and undertake long-term planning. We'll help you develop strategies for leading large-scale technology projects and pass on tips from our own in-house IT expert on the best ways to work one-on-one with your colleagues.

Please click here to register.  As a CVNA member you have are eligible for the discounted rate,  Please email Holly for the member only access code.
Member Spotlight...
Western Home Communities is a Life Plan Community.

Maybe you heard us previously described as a CCRC, a continuing care retirement community. That name stuck for about 35 years yet proved limiting as we embraced a new century, younger generations and fresh thinking.

We care about life, and living it to the fullest. We don't want anyone retiring from life. That's why our mission at Western Home Communities is to assertively create fulfilling lifestyles. So this new moniker, part of a national initiative, makes sense to us.

After all, while we still and will always provide the best care when it's needed, our organization is about much more than meeting medical needs. Even in our 24-hour nursing care communities, the focus has shifted to living your best day with choice, spontaneity and purpose.

For active living, we offer spacious homes and apartments with all the amenities found in new homes. Even more importantly, we offer a fulfilling lifestyle through wellness programming, fine dining, social outlets and creative enrichment opportunities. Our people break barriers and redefine aging every day.

People who move to Western Home Communities tend to be planners, people who like to know they're prepared for the future. The new name allows "planning" and "living" to merge, creating a fulfilling lifestyle with freedom for today and security for tomorrow.

In short, they're making a plan for life. A life plan.

To read more on this great organization, please  click here. 

Western Home Communities and Foundation has been a valued member of the CVNA since 2012-- thank you for your continued support.
State Representatives News Updates...

Please click here  for the most updated information from Bob Kressig

Please click here for the most updated information from Sandy Salmon

Please click here for the most updated information from Walt Rogers


Please click here for the most updated information from William Dotzler

Please click here for the most updated information from Bill Dix

Please click here  for the most updated information on Timi Brown Powers


Please click here for the most updated information on Ras Smith

We Don't Want You To Miss A Thing!

Have you renewed or joined yet?  Don't miss out on our upcoming programs and networking opportunities!


 In our first two years we have: (continually being updated)
  • 75 member organizations
  • 5 investors
  • 1,350 program registrations
  • 86 hours of programming
  • 155 e-newsletters
  • Grant Gurus workshops
  • 163 jobs advertised
  • 20+ organizations connected with 50 UNI students 
  • added additional educational training workshops to our members
  • won the "Gift of the Heart Innovation" award in 2013
  • Partners with Idealware
Check out the other benefits of membership HERE If you are interested in joining CVNA, you can access our application form online HERE

If you have any questions, please email CVNA Coordinator at 
Share your good news with the CVNA and be featured in future e-newsletters.   Have you implemented an innovative idea?  Are you hiring?  Have you created or updated your website?  Are you hosting an event?   Let the CVNA spread the word. 

To submit an item for the next newsletter, click on the
submit news  page.  Please note that only member organizations who have submitted membership applications may post items.  The newsletter is published every two weeks.





CVNA Meeting Dates
CVNA is pleased to announce the topics of our upcoming education events for the year ahead:  2017
  • April 20th - Marketing Meet-Up
  • April 27th - Grant Gurus
  • June 1st - Lean Experimentation
  • June 22nd - Grant Gurus
  • August 3rd - Board Engagement
  • September 28th - Grant Gurus
  • October 5th - Effective Meeting Planning Design
  • December 1st - Legislative Forum
There will also be some added"special training" presentations for 2017 so for  the most updated
information please visit our resources section and stay tuned to our web-site for additional information.
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Our Investors

Jean Trainor

The Guernsey Foundation
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