How to Make Marketing Even More Inviting This Holiday Season
A few words that we often use to describe successful marketing are “eye-catching,” “inspiring,” and “one of a kind.” Taken together, it seems like we’re actually saying that we’re inviting people to look—to pay attention. But that means the key word here is really…”inviting.”
During the holidays, this word is used a lot. We invite people to our celebrations, to our traditions, to our homes. We know what it means to be a gracious host and treat our guests well.
But what does it mean when it comes to an ad or marketing campaign?
Here are a few ways that you can make your marketing efforts more inviting:
Offer the unexpected. Bland messaging is about as popular as serving a bland meal—possibly the least inviting thing you can do! Unexpected phrases, engaging narratives, and images that invite people to take a step closer or to think further are all ways to invite audiences to get to know your brand a little better—and remember you.
Provide as much information as possible. It helps people to feel empowered and informed about products and services so that they can make a decision.
Utilize visual storytelling. Whether it’s videos, images, graphics, or a live tour, try to “show” more than you “tell.” This invites people to look closer.
Embrace virtual and augmented reality. These days, you can literally invite people to try on your clothes, visit your showroom, test products—without leaving home.
Give, give, give. This one especially resonates this time of year! Sending special offers, throwing in little “extras” (like a free tote bag with purchase), and finding opportunities to “surprise and delight” all help brands stand out—and standing out is especially important during all the din that accompanies the holidays.
Show your appreciation. A good host always thanks their guests for coming. Never underestimate the value of a personalized thank-you message to your customers, whether it’s after a transaction is completed or an email to your entire list of supporters at the end of each year.
From our team to yours, we wish you a warm and joyous holiday season!