Marketing Update

Oxford County has a lot to offer in the winter months for those that crave comfort and culture over a black diamond hill. Local businesses also have capacity this time of year to welcome more visitors, making Winter a great opportunity to promote visitation to Oxford County. Therefore we have implemented the following marketing strategies:

  • Digital Billboards were purchased in a key location in Hamilton promoting the many reasons to visit Oxford County this winter. Ads included culinary, embrace our rural routes and relaxation.
  • Provincial Advertising Campaign we have partnered with Destination Ontario and Ontario’s Southwest on a joint advertising campaign promoting winter wellness getaways to Oxford County. This campaign drives traffic to and our Winter Unwind Campaign.

Local Promotion

  • Embrace your Local Campaign was launched including a full page advertisement in What’s On Woodstock and Billboards in Ingersoll and Woodstock (Tillsonburg was not available).  This is part of our visiting friends and family “Embrace your local” campaign raising awareness of the great opportunities available in our back yard.
  • Oxford Eats - Local Flavours Limited Menus was launched to help promote local restaurants during a quieter time of year. The campaign runs from Jan 14-31 at restaurants offering limited time prix fixe menus. This campaign will involve digital and radio advertisements. Thank you to all of the restaurants that replied to our survey making this partnership possible.

Take Advantage of These Marketing Opportunities:

Oxford County:

  • Offers: has an offers page for visitors to discover promotions on places to eat, drink, stay or experiences. Any business with a listing can submit an offer for this page. Offers must be valid for 1 month minimum. Contact us for details to take advantage of this opportunity.

  • Update your listing: Is your business getting the exposure it deserves? Ensure your listing is up to date on Review it and send any changes to us at

  • Rural Routes: Tourism Oxford is looking to promote 1-day events where 3+ businesses partner to organize, host and market, open houses on the same day and offer special activities (tours, games, education, entertainment, etc.). Rural Routes encourage people to embrace our rural routes, fitting with the Tour Oxford logo and tagline. Learn more about the program and apply here.

Provincial Opportunities:

  • Ontario Culinary Event Calendar: A major website for Foodie travel in Ontario! Submit your upcoming culinary events for their calendar of events. Restaurants and Experiences can also apply for FeastOn certification.


If you have any questions about Tourism Oxford’s Marketing activities please contact Meredith Maywood .

Your cheerleaders in tourism,

Emily, Karlee & Meredith

Tourism Oxford | 519-539-9800 x3355 | |

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