January 2025 ISSUE

Markets+ Friends -

SPP presents this monthly newsletter compiling timely, useful information related to Markets+ development. Have questions or comments? Email marketsplus@spp.org. We’d love to hear from you.

FERC Markets+ Tariff decision

SPP is extending the Dec. 16, 2024 target date for executed phase two agreements due to a later-than-anticipated response from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). While this delay is unfortunate, it does not signal any issue with the approval of the Markets+ tariff. FERC is carefully reviewing the tariff filing, and we fully respect their thorough process.

Any significant delay in FERC’s response could affect the overall implementation timeline. However, the impact will depend on the timing of FERC’s decision. We are closely monitoring the situation and will provide stakeholders with updates as soon as possible.

In the meantime, SPP staff and Markets+ participants will continue to refine the detailed protocols necessary for the market’s administration. 

Register for January MPEC

The next Markets+ Participant Executive Committee meeting is scheduled for Jan. 21. If you have already registered for the meeting, please note the start time has changed from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. MT to allow late travel due to the holiday Monday, Jan. 20. Register to attend the conference here.

December protocol development

The following protocol sections have been approved by various working groups, MDWG and MORWG and will be going before the Markets+ Participant Executive Committee (MPEC) this month:

  • Protocols (Dispatch Status)
  • Protocols Section 9 (Market Registration)
  • Protocols Section 11 (Market Monitor Mitigation)
  • Protocols Section 12 (Market Process and System Change Process)
  • Appendix A (Meter Technical Protocols)
  • Appendix D (Offer Mitigation)

Interim Markets+ Independent Panel Meeting Summary

The following items passed unanimously at the December Interim Markets+ Independent Panel meeting:

  • The Joint Resolution of the Markets+ State Committee (MSC) and Interim Markets+ Independent Panel (IMIP).
  • The recommendation for the Policy for MIP Appeals to the SPP Board of Directors be submitted to the SPP board for approval.

See the Dec. 19 IMIP minutes for more information.

Markets+ Issue Alerts Continue

Markets+ participants have released six issue alerts in a series identifying and explaining the key governance and market design elements of Markets+ and why these differences have important consequences for customers in terms of reliability, economic value, and environmental objectives. The issue alerts cover governance, reliability, fair and accurate market pricing, seams, support for clean resources and market operator actions and modeling. You can read the issue alerts here.

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