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Dear Friend,
We're excited to share with you that the renaming of the Preston Ridge Trail Extension to Marni Kaner Trail will be considered Thursday morning (tomorrow). Thank you for your action of signing the petition. The petition has been verified and the next steps are for the committee to approve the item, then the full park board to approve the item, and finally for the city council to approve the item. Because I knew Marni for many years, I have laughed that she would be more patient with this process than I am.

Your help in advocating for the renaming would be appreciated. Here's what you can do:
  1. Send an email right now to let the committee know that this is an idea you support. Let them know Marni is worthy of this honor, what it will mean to you, and how it would be received by you and the community. Remind them that the working name, Preston Ridge Trail Extension, is actually confusing in the community, since it intersects with the Preston Ridge Trail. The meeting is Thursday morning (tomorrow), so please send off just a few sentences as soon as possible. You are able to easily email all park board members by clicking here.
  2. Stay tuned for the next round. We'll likely ask you to send another email (or the exact same one) to the city council.
  3. Lastly, we'll let you know the status of the application to rename the trail. After it passes city council, we'll have a ribbon cutting and would love you to be in attendance.
Thank you for your support to honor Marni!
Cara Mendelsohn, Dallas City Councilmember
Lane Conner, Dallas Park Board Representative, District 12

PS- This email was only sent to people who signed the petition. If you would like to receive emails regarding District 12 events and information, please sign up at
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Office phone: (214) 670-4067
Text phone: (214) 490-1036