GREETINGS                                           March 28, 2018
So, here we are, in the midst of Holy Week. We have walked again with Jesus into the cauldron gurgling with anxiety, uncertainty, and danger in Jerusalem. It gets way worse before becoming almost unbelievably better - worse in the form of self-sacrifice in a death by execution. Love gets stretched out to its utter limits. Here we are bumping again into the retelling of the "old, old story".   God gets down to some very serious business to make human liberation and life transformation achievable. And then ... God goes to greater lengths to make renewal of life and restoration of life realizable.  
Several decades ago, Canadian folksinger Gordon Lightfoot intoned a song of hope, (or is there an element of tongue-in-cheek in it?), with this refrain: "With your magnificent outpouring of that old familiar story
that's been used a million times to ease a million minds."
The Good Friday/Easter story has even broader and more enduring power than the story I think Gordon was singing about. It truly was a magnificent outpouring that continues to have perpetual rippling effect.
The cries of Christ's heart echo the cries of God's heart and seek to infuse our hearts and spirits with the same depth of compassion. Once again, here are some prayerful words from Keri Wehlander's Circles of Grace (pages 101-102, 105) that invite us to live into the image of such a loving God in which we have been made:

"There is a world that weeps, yearning for a sign of mercy.          
The heart of God within us has no hands but our own.                 
There is a friend in anguish besieged by unexpected pain.                            
The heart of God within us has no ears but our own.
There is a multitude harmed and weary from prejudicial ways.
The heart of God within us has no eyes but our own. 
A stranger faces death alone wondering if anyone will remember.
The heart of God within us has no tears but our own.
There is a life, hollow and lonely, longing for someone to walk alongside.                                                      
The heart of God within us has no feet but our own.
... Source of Our Mercy journey with us now as we seek to walk your path of blessing. Amen"
Yes, let us seek to be vessels of magnificent outpouring as we endeavour to walk in God's way and serve in God's world.

In our thoughts and prayers are Judy VanDuzer and Patricia Bradshaw's grandson, Daniel. 



Between the services the new room's name will be announced and the reveal will take place. After the second service stay for coffee and conversation and enjoy the new surroundings.
Thanks to all those who put many hours and lots of effort into making this possible. They did a great job!

Time Out With Jesus
"Time Out with Jesus" will take place on Tuesdays at noon. 
Living Rock
On April 8th bring groceries for the Living Rock Ministries in Hamilton.

Easter Envelopes for givings
By now you should have received in the mail a letter about the "Joy of Easter" with an opportunity to use a yellow special givings envelope.  Please bring the envelope with you to church on Sunday (there are extras at the welcome centre).  During each church service there will be a special Easter offering taken.
Email address changed
Please take note.  The old email address of has been replaced by    

On Good Friday there will be a service at 10AM.  On Easter Sunday there will be two services at 9am and 10:30.    HAPPY EASTER!!!

UCW Annual Meeting
The UCW Annual Meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 11th at 8:45 - 3 at St. Paul's United Church in Dundas. Tickets are $20 and will include lunch and guest speaker. Please contact Carol Lewis at 905-383-7167 if you are interested in attending.
UCW Lunch
The UCW are planning a lady's lunch at the Mandarin Restaurant, upper James Street in Hamilton on Monday April 9th at noon. Please sign the sheet on the UCW board by Sunday April 8th. If you need a ride, please indicate that as well.