GREETINGS                                         November 16, 2017
                                          ONLY A MOMENT?
During my first years of ministry, I had the honour of meeting a humble, down-to-earth Nova Scotian saint named Margaret. I only got to know her for about a year and a half before I was called on to preside over her funeral. She was elderly and had solid reputation with folks for miles around the place where she resided.   Typical of her spirit was a response she made to a church Elder who once dropped in for a visit apologetically by saying, "I only have a moment, but I thought I'd pop in and say, 'Hi! How are you?' " Margaret's reply was, "Good, make use of your moments.   You never know when you might get another one."
That same outlook and spirit was commended by Macrina Wiederkehr who wrote in her book A Tree Full of Angels: "What is unique about a moment that has the power to bless us and the potential to feed us is not so much the power of the moment itself, but rather the quality of presence we bring to that moment. Our presence can change an ordinary, unnoticed moment into a moment of beauty that can feed the soul. Holiness comes wrapped in the ordinary. There are burning bushes all around you. Every tree is full of angels. Hidden beauty is waiting in every crumb. Life wants to lead you from crumbs to angels, but this can happen only if you are willing to unwrap the ordinary by staying with it long enough to harvest its treasure."
In our thoughts and prayers are Don Gilmar, Judy van Duzer, Connie Kuntz,  Chris Staples, Ann Sloat and Patricia Bradshaw's grandson, Daniel. 
The flowers in the sanctuary today are placed by Marie Ferguson in loving memory of Don Ferguson and Bob Cole.



Time out with trees and Jesus
This is an opportunity to experience guided meditation in an outdoor setting, Brockhouse Park (Fiddler's Green Rd. and Wilson St.) Tuesdays at noon (except when Rev. Disher is on vacation or study leave). Bring a lunch along if you like.
Cookie Walk

The cookie walk has been cancelled.  Thanks to all the volunteers that offered their time.  Hopefully there will be a bake sale in the New Year.


Calling Volunteers!
We invite you to participate in Marshall Memorial United Church. We would consider it an honour and pleasure to have you included in the workings of our church. What is your talent? What is your gift? As we prepare for the 2018 Annual Meeting, we have some vacancies to fill on the Board and various Committees. We require/need a Vice Chair and Secretary for the MMUC Board. We require/need committee members in all areas - Property, Plans & Communications, Christian Development, to name a few. PLEASE consider your time and talent, and volunteer. Please share your expertise and experience. Please help direct the course of MMUC and offer your advice and counsel. Any questions, call (905) 648-2068. THANK YOU for your consideration. Blessings, Beth Pearson

Choices Luncheon
The Christmas Luncheon for the "Choices" Day Program Clients will be held on Friday, December 1st at noon. Please consider supporting this Community Outreach event by volunteering, or by donating items for the meal or the gift bags. Let's spread the JOY!! The sign up lists are located in the foyer on the table. If you have any questions contact Irene Langdon or Landra Smith.

Bistro Nights
Bistro Nights are coming. You are invited and feel free to bring along friends and neighbours. We will gather in our church parlour and listen to and reflect on songs from some of our Canadian stars: Sarah McLachlan, Bruce Cockburn, Joni Mitchell, and Leonard Cohen.   The first gathering will be Saturday, November 18th (Sarah McLachlan) with no admission fee and no cost for drinks.  It's my party celebrating 40 years of Ordination.  The second gathering will be on Saturday, December 16th (Bruce Cockburn) from 8 to 10 p.m.  This will be a licensed event, $5.00 gets you in and a free drink to start; $5.00 per drink after that.   Snacks and non-alcoholic drinks provided.  Proceeds after expenses will be contributed to the Community Assistance Fund to help persons in need in our community.
Follow the Star
The Ancaster United Churches (Marshall, Ryerson, Jerseyville, Bethesda) will be presenting a Christmas program on Sunday, December 3rd called "Follow the Star".  Families are invited to experience the Christmas story with carols, drama and children's activities.  This will take place at the Fieldcote Park starting at 3:30 pm.  Admission is free, parking will be available at Ryerson Church and refreshments will be provided after the program.  Please take note of this date and plan to attend. 

Joy Day
Joy Day is Saturday, December 9th.  Many of you have spoken to Nancy Pierce expressing your interest. Please give her your $25.00 as soon as you can with your name clearly marked on the envelope. All money must be in no later than Sunday November 26th. If you would rather email the money send it to [email protected].  Any questions or concerns please call Nancy @ 519 304 3710.