GREETINGS                           October 27th, 2016

"Evening, morning, and at noon, will I pray and cry and God shall hear my voice." -- Psalm 55:17
Many of our Muslim neighbours are diligent about praying five times a day, at least. Numbers of our Jewish neighbours hold themselves to regular and ritualistic prayer times.   Monks and nuns in communal settings still practice round-the-clock prayer times every three hours. What about us?   I suspect that if we conducted a congregational poll we would discover that a few of us hold ourselves to some form of daily prayerful and devotional practice. Others would confess that they pray with some regularity, but not necessarily every day. Still others would admit that prayer and devotion is a rather random practice and may only be offered when there is some crisis in the works. And a few might dare to let slip that outside of prayer during worship services, it seldom if ever happens at all in their daily lives. I can confirm that among my colleagues in ministry, most would testify that prayer and devotion is a more random than frequent practice, that that "self-care" piece of ministry is a casualty that gets lost while being busy with other ministerial responsibilities and activities. I also know that when I manage to be more regular in prayer and devotion my "busy" weeks flow more smoothly, my anxiety levels are vastly reduced, and my general demeanour is calmer. Neuroscientists have been documenting the effects of prayer on the brain for some time now and can verify that it makes a difference in personal deportment, in the ability to manage the ups and downs of life, and in one's general outlook on and approach to life (and death too!).   So, I am thankful for those who have taken the initiative to create a prayer team here at Marshall and who are encouraging us all to use this interim time to deepen our own spiritual practices as well seek discern where God is calling this congregation to in the future and to tease out the form of ministerial leadership that might best help Marshall Memorial live into that hope.   Twenty-four/seven maybe over-concentrating on reflection and contemplation, but there is something to be said for and to be gained from frequency.   Pray on! Pray on! Pray on!
In our thoughts and prayers are Berna Aslan, Geoffrey Parkinson (nephew of Patricia Bradshaw)  Ellen Sawesky, Judy VanDuzer and the Gales family.



Name Tags
It always feels good when someone calls you by name. Name tags help that to happen. Don't forget to put your name tag on.  If you need one there is a sheet in the foyer for you to notify the office.
Time out with Trees
"Time Out with Trees". Feel free to join Rev. Disher on the benches in Bertram Brockhouse Park (corner of Wilson and Fiddler's Green) at noon on Tuesdays. Bring a lunch, chat a bit and then rest in God for a half-hour of private meditation time. (In inclement weather, we will meet in the Church parlour).

Harry Hour
Wednesdays from 5 to 6 p.m. meet with Harry Disher at the Coach and Lantern pub for conversations about life, faith, sports, quilting, or whatever else comes up.
From the Library
The Upper Room November/December copies are available.



Men's Breakfast
Last Call for men who would like to attend the Men's Breakfast.
   Date: Saturday, November 5
   Time: 8:30 to 10:00 a.m.
   Location: Marshall Fellowship Hall
   Cost: Free will offering
This will be a great opportunity to enjoy a casual breakfast, share some stories and get to know each other a little better. Harry Disher will lead us in a discussion, and we'll also take some time to consider the possibility of continuing such gatherings in the future. If you are able to attend, please add your name to the list in the foyer, or send an email to Dave Putnam ([email protected]) or Richard Hamilton ([email protected]). Feel free to bring along a friend if you like. Come and hang out with the guys.

Sunday November 6th
Join us for lunch after the traditional service for soup, sandwiches and sweets.  Tickets are $10.  Proceeds are to support our Dominican Mission.  If you wish to attend please purchase your ticket today so quantities can be planned.

Dofasco Choir
Invite all your friends and neighbours and help spread the word.  On Sunday, November 20th at 3pm the ArcelorMittal Dofasco Male Chorus will be performing in the sanctuary.  Tickets are $15.  and will be available for purchase between services for the next few weeks.  Buy early - don't be disappointed.  Proceeds are in support of mission work. 

Joy Day
All women and their friends are warmly invited to JOY DAY at the Waterfront Centre, 555 Bay Street, North, Hamilton on Saturday December 10th from 10:30 - 3.  The day includes a guest speaker, Sarah Ferguson, along with lunch and entertainment by "The Greater Good".  Please submit your name and $25.00 to Nancy Pierce by Sunday November 13th! Last year we had 26 ladies and this year we are hoping to have even more! Remember, you can bring as many friends as you wish! Let's fill our hearts with "JOY" and join with others who follow Jesus! If you would like to contact Nancy, you are very welcome to phone her at 519.304.3710 or email [email protected]