L I B R A R Y E V E N T S | |
Pokémon Trainers Drop-In
Sundays, March 2 & 16 | 2pm–4pm
Blake Library
Calling all Pokémon trainers! Bring your trading cards, Nintendo Switch, or DS to the library and prepare for battle! Young Pokémon trainers can join us for Pokémon free play to battle, trade, and make new friends. Challenge friends to a battle using self-directed instructions, provided playmats, and damage counters. A selection of Pokémon resources and cards will be available; please leave your treasured cards at home. Parent supervision and participation is strongly encouraged, as the library is not responsible for trades made during this program. For trainers ages 6-13. This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Martin County Library System, Inc.
Music & Motion
Mondays, March 3, 17, 24 & 31 | 10:30am–11am
Blake Library
Children love music and movement! Join us for some musical activities that provide exercise, motor development, and FUN! Recommended ages 0-5. This interactive event may use bubbles, scarves, hand-held instruments or shaker eggs, louder music, and more. All adults are encouraged to participate with their children in this fun early literacy activity. Families are welcome! This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Martin County Library System, Inc.
Baby Café©
Tuesdays, March 4, 11, 18 & 25 | 10:30am–12:30pm
Blake Library
The Baby Café© is a place for moms and pregnant women to receive one-on-one as well as peer-to-peer support during their breastfeeding journey. A lactation consultant is available as well.
Story Time 0 - 2 years
Wednesdays, March 5, 12, 19 & 26 | 10:30am–11am
Blake Library
Martin County's Children's Librarians love to read, but they also love to sing and dance! Join us for a story and early literacy activities. According to Every Child Ready to Read @ Your Library, singing, talking, and playing are also important for developing early literacy skills. This interactive event may use bubbles, scarves, hand-held instruments or shaker eggs, loud music, and more. All adults are encouraged to participate with their children in this fun early literacy activity. Families are welcome! This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Martin County Library System, Inc.
Story Time 2 - 5 years
Thursdays, March 6, 13, 20 & 27 | 10:30am–11am
Blake Library
Martin County's Children's Librarians love to read, but they also love to sing and dance! Join us for a story and early literacy activities. According to Every Child Ready to Read @ Your Library, singing, talking, and playing are also important for developing early literacy skills. This interactive event may use bubbles, scarves, hand-held instruments or shaker eggs, loud music, and more. All adults are encouraged to participate with their children in this fun early literacy activity. Families are welcome! This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Martin County Library System, Inc.
Paws to Read
Session 1:
Thursdays, March 6, 13 & 27 | 3:30pm–4pm Register here for this session.
Session 2:
Thursdays, March 6, 13 & 27 | 4:15pm–4:45pm Register here for this session.
Blake Library
Children have fun reading to trained therapy dogs. Readers gain confidence and improve their reading fluency. The PAWS to Read program is a partnership with the Humane Society of the Treasure Coast. The recommended age for participation is 7-12 years. The participant must bring a book with them to each session to read to the dog. Register each child individually. Registration is for March 6, 13, 27. This event will take place at the Blake Library Exploration Lab. This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Martin County Library System, Inc. Registration required. Register here.
Drop-In Youth Chess
Sunday, March 9, 23 & 30 | 2pm–4pm
Blake Library
Drop in for a game of chess at the library! Challenge friends to a game of chess, or teach yourself to play using the self-directed instructions included with our chess boards. A selection of chess resources will also be available if you want to learn a new move or strategy. For children and teens up to age 18. This program is made possible by a generous donation from Clare and Molly Tyler to The Library Foundation of Martin County, Inc. This endowment enhances all STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) events throughout the Martin County Library System with the hopes of inspiring the future generation to pursue excellence in one of the STEM fields.
STEAM Sunday
Sunday, March 9 | 3pm–5pm
Blake Library
Create, build, code, and play with robots and gadgets using STEM Kits. Geared towards grades 2-5. This program is made possible by a generous donation from Clare and Molly Tyler to The Library Foundation of Martin County, Inc. This endowment enhances all STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) events throughout the Martin County Library System with the hopes of inspiring the future generation to pursue excellence in one of the STEM fields. Registration required. Register here.
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Mad Science: Mad Machines
Saturday, March 1 | 2pm–3pm
Elisabeth Lahti Library
Students start by identifying the different types of simple machines. They use levers to create catapults. Inclined planes are used to determine the easiest way to pull a cart. Plus, they find out how screws and wedges make their lives easier. Recommended ages 6-11 and limited space is available. Please register only kid participants. This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Martin County Library System, Inc. Registration required. Register here.
Story Time 0 - 5 years
Fridays, March 7 & 28 | 11am–12pm
Elisabeth Lahti Library
Martin County's Children's Librarians love to read, but they also love to sing and dance! Join us for a story and early literacy activities. According to Every Child Ready to Read @ Your Library, singing, talking, and playing are also important for developing early literacy skills. This interactive event may use bubbles, scarves, hand-held instruments or shaker eggs, loud music, and more. All adults are encouraged to participate with their children in this fun early literacy activity. Families are welcome! This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Martin County Library System, Inc.
Crafty Kids Corner: Art Exploration
Fridays, March 14 & 21 | 11am–11:30am
Elisabeth Lahti Library
Join us for an exciting arts and crafts program designed specifically for children ages 0-5 years old! Our sessions are crafted to stimulate imagination, fine motor skills, sensory exploration, hand-eye coordination, and cognitive development through hands-on activities. This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Martin County Library System, Inc.
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Hobe Sound Public Library | |
Toddle Pop with Emily Powers 1 - 5 years
Saturday, March 1 | 10:30-11:15am
Hobe Sound Public Library
Toddle Pop is a super-fun dance fitness party created for toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergartners ages 1-5. Children will learn flexibility, motor coordination, and movement all while engaging in dance and play. It's a great way to introduce kids to fitness and wellness and developing healthy habits for life! This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Martin County Library System, Inc.
Lego Club
Saturday, March 1 | 2pm–3pm
Hobe Sound Public Library
Do you love to build with Legos? If you are age 5 and up, the Hobe Sound Public Library is hosting a Lego Club for you! We will provide the Legos, so you only need to bring your imagination. Whatever you build will be on display in the library for a month!
Family Place
Tuesdays, March 4 & 11 | 10:30am–11:30am
Hobe Sound Public Library
This series encourages parents/caregivers to play with their child, ages 0-4, in a fun, educational setting. After free play, gather for a short circle time with Miss Kelly, our Family Place coordinator, for a story, songs, finger plays, and bubbles! This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Martin County Library System, Inc.
Story Time 0 - 4 years
Friday, March 7, 14, 21 & 28 | 10:30am–11am
Hobe Sound Public Library
Martin County's Children's Librarians love to read, but they also love to sing and dance! Join us for a story and early literacy activities. According to Every Child Ready to Read @ Your Library, singing, talking, and playing are also important for developing early literacy skills. This interactive event may use bubbles, scarves, hand-held instruments or shaker eggs, loud music, and more. All adults are encouraged to participate with their children in this fun early literacy activity. Families are welcome! This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Martin County Library System, Inc.
Sea Turtle – Junior Vet Lab
Saturday, March 8 | 2pm–3pm
Hobe Sound Public Library
Join Loggerhead Marine Life Center to learn all about sea turtle rescue and rehabilitation! Junior Vets will have the opportunity to care for a replica sea turtle and learn all about these endangered species. This program is geared towards children ages 6-12. This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Martin County Library System, Inc. Registration required. Register here.
Family Tree Yoga with Kim
Thursday, March 13 | 10:30am–11:15am
Hobe Sound Public Library
Join Kim Moir from Two Rivers Yoga for a child-centric yoga session for all ages! Be prepared for moves with a "moo" or "meow.” Please bring a mat or towel for each participant. Children need to be accompanied by an adult to participate. All levels of yoga experience are welcome. Doors will open 15 minutes early to allow time for signing in and setting up. This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Martin County Library System, Inc.
Giggles & Wiggles with Miss Dina
Saturday, March 22 | 10:30am–11am
Hobe Sound Public Library
Join Miss Dina for 30 minutes of dancing and learning while incorporating exercises and movement games. These activities help improve coordination, balance, and strength for both families and their little ones. The classes are a fun and engaging way to bond and stay active together. Recommended for ages 0-5 and families. This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Martin County Library System, Inc.
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Music & Motion
Saturdays, March 1 & 29 | 10:30am–11am
Hoke Library
Children love music and movement! Join us for some musical activities that provide exercise, motor development, and FUN! Recommended ages 0-5. This interactive event may use bubbles, scarves, hand-held instruments or shaker eggs, louder music, and more. All adults are encouraged to participate with their children in this fun early literacy activity. Families are welcome! This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Martin County Library System, Inc.
STEAM Saturday
Saturday, March 8 | 2:30pm–4:30pm
Hoke Library
Connect your child to the wonders of science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM) inspired by female engineers, scientists, and inventors. Create, build, code, and make robots and gadgets move. Geared for grades 1-5. Sponsored by The Library Foundation of Martin County, Inc., with a grant from the Laura E. and Wilbur J. Kupfrian Family Foundation Fund of the Community Foundation for Palm Beach and Martin Counties. Registration required. Register here.
Dance Fitness Fun!
Saturday, March 15 | 10:30am–11am
Hoke Library
Join Marybeth Peña with Hope Center for Autism for a fun dance fitness program created for toddlers and preschoolers. Kids will dance, play, and move while learning healthy fitness habits and having fun. Sensory integration and neurodiversity resources will also be available. This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Martin County Library System, Inc.
Florida Scrub Jays
Saturday, March 22 | 3pm–4pm
Hoke Library
Discover the amazing Florida Scrub Jay with our local presenter from the Savannas Preserve State Park in this fun and interactive program for kids ages 6-10! Enjoy a short talk about these rare birds and why they’re so special, then play a role-playing game as Scrub Jays gathering “food” for their nests. Beware of hazards that could affect your nestlings!
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Peter & Julie Cummings Library | |
Lego Club
Saturday, March 1 | 3pm–4pm
Peter and Julie Cummings Library
Do you love to build with Legos? If you are age 4 and up, the Cummings Library is hosting a Lego Club for you! We will provide the Legos, so you only need to bring your imagination. Whatever you build will be on display in the library for a month! This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Martin County Library System, Inc.
Story Time 2 - 5 years
Wednesdays, March 5 & 19 | 10:30am–11am
Peter and Julie Cummings Library
Martin County's Children's Librarians love to read, but they also love to sing and dance! Join us for a story and early literacy activities. According to Every Child Ready to Read @ Your Library, singing, talking, and playing are also important for developing early literacy skills. This interactive event may use bubbles, scarves, hand-held instruments or shaker eggs, loud music, and more. All adults are encouraged to participate with their children in this fun early literacy activity. Families are welcome! This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Martin County Library System, Inc.
Baby Story Time 0 - 12 months
Wednesdays, March 5 & 19 | 11:30am–12pm
Peter and Julie Cummings Library
Martin County's Children's Librarians love to read, but they also love to sing and dance! Join us for a story and early literacy activities. According to Every Child Ready to Read @ Your Library, singing, talking, and playing are also important for developing early literacy skills. This interactive event may use bubbles, scarves, hand-held instruments or shaker eggs, loud music, and more. All adults are encouraged to participate with their children in this fun early literacy activity. Families are welcome! This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Martin County Library System, Inc.
Drop-In – DIY
St. Patrick's Day
Thursday, March 6 | 2pm–4pm
Peter and Julie Cummings Library
Today the Peter and Julie Cummings Library will be offering a craft activity you can do in the children's area or take and make at home. Please note: While supplies last. This activity is recommended for ages 3 and up. This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Martin County Library System, Inc.
Dance Fitness Fun!
Wednesday, March 12 | 10:30am–11am
Peter and Julie Cummings Library
Join Marybeth Peña with Hope Center for Autism for a fun dance fitness program created for toddlers and preschoolers. Kids will dance, play, and move while learning healthy fitness habits and having fun. Sensory integration and neurodiversity resources will also be available. This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Martin County Library System, Inc.
Story Time with Author Gail Gray Tanis
Monarch Butterfly Story Time Ages 4 and Up
Friday, March 14 | 3pm–4pm
Peter and Julie Cummings Library
Join us for this special interactive story time with the author Gail Gray Tanis as she presents her book Monica to Monarch. Gail will also display some live monarch caterpillars on a milkweed plant. This event is recommended for ages 4 and up. This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Martin County Library System, Inc.
Family Tree Yoga with Kim
Tuesday, March 18 | 10:30am–11:30am
Peter and Julie Cummings Library
Join Kim Moir from Two Rivers Yoga for a child-centric yoga session for all ages! Be prepared for moves with a "moo" or "meow.” Please bring a mat or towel for each participant. Children need to be accompanied by an adult to participate. All levels of yoga experience are welcome. Doors will open 15 minutes early to allow time for signing in and setting up. This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Martin County Library System, Inc.
Toddle Pop with Emily Powers 1 - 5 years
Saturday, March 22 | 10:30am–11:15am
Peter and Julie Cummings Library
Toddle Pop is a super-fun dance fitness party created for toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergartners ages 1-5. Children will learn flexibility, motor coordination, and movement all while engaging in dance and play. It's a great way to introduce kids to fitness and wellness and developing healthy habits for life! This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Martin County Library System, Inc.
Preschool FUNdamentals 3 - 5 years
Wednesday, March 26 | 10:30am–11:30am
Peter and Julie Cummings Library
Did you know that playtime can make your preschooler smarter? It's true. Children will use manipulative toys to develop fine motor skills, which will promote literacy skills and kindergarten readiness. For ages 3-5. This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Martin County Library System, Inc.
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Story Time 0 - 5 years
Tuesdays, March 4, 11, 18 & 25 | 10:30am–11am
Robert Morgade Library
Martin County's Children's Librarians love to read, but they also love to sing and dance! Join us for a story and early literacy activities. According to Every Child Ready to Read @ Your Library, singing, talking, and playing are also important for developing early literacy skills. This interactive event may use bubbles, scarves, hand-held instruments or shaker eggs, loud music, and more. All adults are encouraged to participate with their children in this fun early literacy activity. Families are welcome! This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Martin County Library System, Inc.
Music & Motion
Fridays, March 7, 14, 21 & 28 | 10:30am–11am
Robert Morgade Library
Children love music and movement! Join us for some musical activities that provide exercise, motor development and FUN! Recommended ages 0-5. This interactive event may use bubbles, scarves, hand-held instruments or shaker eggs, louder music, and more. All adults are encouraged to participate with their children in this fun early literacy activity. Families are welcome! This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Martin County Library System, Inc.
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Sensory Saturdays: Mosaic Suncatchers
Saturday, March 1 | 3pm–4pm
Blake Library
Join us for fun activities such as creating fidget and sensory toys during a program designed for young adults with sensory sensitivities. Caregiver participation is welcome! Designed for tweens and teens 11 and up. For specific accommodations, please call Teen Library Specialist Michelle at 772.221.1411 or email mboyar@martin.fl.us. This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Martin County Library System, Inc. Registration required. Register here.
Pokémon Trainers Drop-In
Sundays, March 2 & 16 | 2pm–4pm
Blake Library
Calling all Pokémon trainers! Bring your trading cards, Nintendo Switch, or DS to the library and prepare for battle! Young Pokémon trainers can join us for Pokémon free play to battle, trade, and make new friends. Challenge friends to a battle using self-directed instructions, provided playmats, and damage counters. A selection of Pokémon resources and cards will be available; please leave your treasured cards at home. Parent supervision and participation is strongly encouraged, as the library is not responsible for trades made during this program. For trainers ages 6-13. This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Martin County Library System, Inc.
Teen Game Night
Tuesdays, March 4, 11, 18 & 25 | 5pm–7pm
Blake Library
If you are a teen who loves gaming, drop by the Exploration Lab for a fun gaming night with the Nintendo Switch and board games. For ages 11 and up. This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Martin County Library System, Inc.
Drop-In Youth Chess
Sunday, March 9, 23 & 30 | 2pm–4pm
Blake Library
Drop in for a game of chess at the library! Challenge friends to a game of chess or teach yourself to play using the self-directed instructions included with our chess boards. A selection of chess resources will also be available if you want to learn a new move or strategy. For children and teens up to age 18. This program is made possible by a generous donation from Clare and Molly Tyler to The Library Foundation of Martin County, Inc. This endowment enhances all STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) events throughout the Martin County Library System with the hopes of inspiring the future generation to pursue excellence in one of the STEM fields.
Knit & Crochet Circle
Sundays, March 9 & 23 | 3:30pm–4:30pm
Blake Library
Join us at the Blake Library for an afternoon of knitting, crocheting, and other fiber arts. All ages and skill levels are welcome. Bring your own project to work on or start something new while sharing your skills with other enthusiastic fiber artists! Materials will be available for attendees including knitting needles, crochet hooks, and yarn while supplies last. Please note: While skill-sharing is encouraged, this is not a formal class, and an instructor will not always be available. This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Martin County Library System, Inc.
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Teen Video Game Tournament
Saturday, March 22 | 2pm–3:30pm
Elisabeth Lahti Library
Are you up for a challenge? Bring a friend and join our library video game tournament! This event is for ages 11 and up. This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Martin County Library System, Inc.
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Hobe Sound Public Library | |
Teen Game Night
Wednesday, March 5 | 5pm–7pm
Hobe Sound Public Library
If you are a teen who loves gaming, drop by the Teen Room for a fun gaming night with the Nintendo Switch and board games. Attendees are welcome to bring extra games from home. For ages 11 and up. This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Martin County Library System, Inc.
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Animal Cosplay Crafting
Saturday, March 29 | 2pm–4pm
Hoke Library
Interested in animal cosplaying? Join us to create your own animal mask! This event can be attended by cosplay beginners and pros. You are welcome to bring your own supplies since craft supplies are limited. For ages 11 and up. This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Martin County Library System, Inc.
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Creativebug Craft: Art on a Grid
Saturday, March 1 | 12pm–1pm
Robert Morgade Library
Find blank pages overwhelming when you start to draw? Come try this family-friendly way of making art within a grid where each square is its own element. This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Martin County Library System, Inc. Registration required. Register here.
Teen Drop-In Craft
Thursday, March 13 11:30am-12:30pm
Robert Morgade Library
Drop in to create a unique craft to take home with you! Feeling crafty? Join us each month for a laid-back craft you can complete in 15 minutes or less. No prior skill required! This program is recommended for ages 11 and up. Craft supplies are limited. This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Martin County Library System, Inc.
Cricut Craft: Paper Succulents
Saturday, March 15 | 3pm–4pm
Robert Morgade Library
Come and see the Cricut in motion as we create paper succulents! The Cricut will handle all the cutting work, so all you will need to do is assemble and decorate as you please. All supplies will be provided for this family-friendly activity. For more information about the Cricut, visit: https://www.martin.fl.us/cricut. This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Martin County Library System, Inc. Registration required. Register here.
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