Issue 27 - Summer 2023
Mary, The Cause of Our Joy!
The Priests Make a Spring Visit
to the Canadian North
Fr. Ruiz in Western Canada
Fr. Ruiz is warmly welcomed in western Canada
by the faithful there who were so happy to receive him.
Fr. Ruiz is pictured here with the kind and hospitable faithful!

Fr. Hewko in Eastern Canada
Fr. Hewko visits northern Ontario and spends time with a lovely Polish family who hosted his visit.

Here are some of the children visiting St. Hedwig Church. It was originally built in 1896, for the forty or so Polish families in the area. But as more and more families came to the area, this larger Church was built to accommodate all the many souls in 1914.

How different from our times, where churches are closing in great numbers in the disasterous  aftermath of Vatican II.
The family harvests maple syrup every spring. It is a little known fact that it takes forty gallons of sap to generate just one gallon of sweet maple syrup!

Jacob is attending university for an engineering degree.

Young Franciszek is in charge of supervising the maple sap collection
-and gives his seal of approval!
From the two Jersey cows on their farm, there are many smiling faces after a successful batch of butter and cheese!
Connor, who often acts as Father's driver, goes for a horseback ride - bareback!

These beautiful horses are being trained to pull plows and sleds on the farm!
Three Days in Mexico
A short visit for a few days to visit Fr. Ruiz in Mexico!

Here is Fr. Ruiz with his extensive library, with many books praised by Archbishop Lefebvre as anti-liberal, books on the Cristeros, and many books on Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Fr. Ruiz holding a statue of the Christ Child, or "El Nino,"
as He is called in Spanish.

An exquisite statue of the sleeping child Mary, "La Bambina," adds such loveliness to Fr. Ruiz's chapel.
Fr. Ruiz holds up a branch with thorns in the shape of a cross!

In 1720, Fray Antonio Margil de Jesús (1657-1726) was the founder of San Antonio’s flagship mission, Mission San José y San Miguel de Aguayo. This humble man, who signed himself La Misma Nada (Nothingness Itself), was famous during his lifetime as an exemplary Franciscan friar, a devoted evangelist, a gifted scholar of indigenous languages, and a fearless worker for the Church.

It is said that shortly before he died, he struck his staff into the garden of the Querétaro monastery and these miraculous thorn bushes started to grow and continue even to this day. Fr. Ruiz resides not far from this Franciscan Monastery. Also of note, Fr. Juniper Serra, before setting off on to found his California missions, stayed at this same monastery!
Just Over the Border in Texas
Here is Father pictured with two Cristeras, Lourdes and Irma!
Their father personally knew
Fr. Miguel Pro!

Their father was also best friends with Luis Segura Vilchis.
He suffered martyrdom almost immediately following the execution of Fr. Pro, as can be seen in the photos.
"In the photographs, we see the young engineer walking toward his place of execution.

"He is as serene as if he were walking up the aisle of a church for Holy Communion. Such is his serenity that we can easily picture him in former times about to receive the God for whom he is now to die.
"Impressively pure, masculine and noble of countenance, well dressed, and visibly possessing good breeding, this hero can rightly be considered model Catholic youth; a youth that is serious, generous, and filled with faith and courage. How easily he could have used his many qualities in an egoistic way, building for himself a comfortable lifestyle with a smooth career! All he had to do was collaborate with the illegitimate regime or at least not oppose it. But the conscience of this devotee of the Holy Church could not accept such a thing. Segura Vilchis joined the Cristero movement, and thanks to his vigorous personality, fervor and intelligence he soon became one of its inspirers.

"Segura Vilchis was informed of his imminent execution. He promptly responded that his killers would be sending him to Heaven. Even the captain and soldiers of the firing squad became moved on seeing him. Led to the execution site by an officer, Vilchis had to walk by the still-warm corpse of Father Pro. In the pictures Vilchis is looking down to his right. There is the body of the famous priest (Fr. Pro)."

-Taken from here.
Lourdes and Irma inherited this crucifix belonging to the famous Fr. Miguel Pro!
The above picture is from one of the books the sisters gave Father Hewko.
In the middle row of these soccer players, on the far left,
is Humberto Pro, brother of Fr. Pro.

On the far right of the middle row is Jose de Leon Toral.
Both of these men were martyred for the Faith in 1927.
The two sisters attended Mass, received Holy Communion, and Extreme Unction afterwards!
A formerly Novus Ordo Texan family recently discovered Catholic Tradition after listening to Fr. Hewko's sermons online!

The whole family attended Mass and was enrolled in the Brown Scapular!

On the Spring Mission Circuits
A Conditional Baptism
Young Cameron after his conditional Baptism in New Castle, Pennsylvania.
"If thou art not yet baptized, then I baptize thee," etc.

May God’s grace and blessings that you received at your Baptism
guide you throughout your life!
A Kansas City Baptism
The baptism of little Everly Sophia Philomena Chenal outside of Kansas City.
Her father, Leo, is a linebacker for the Kansas City Chiefs of the NFL!
Congrats on the this January's Superbowl win for the Chiefs!

Below, little Everly is surrounded by her parents and godparents-by-proxy.
These kinds souls stood in for her godparents, travelling from Arkansas!
Two Baptisms in Pocatello
Below, young Zane Jose and Estella Joan
are pictured with their godparents after receiving Baptism
and making their First Communions!
An authentic Indian papoose after the manner of the Flathead and Blackfeet Indian tribes of Idaho!

This little one is snuggled into the papoose after being placed on a comfortable and cushioned board and then wrapped in soft cloth. The babies seem to love them!

The Native American Indian tribes of this region were ministered to by the famous Fr. de Smet in the late 1800's.

And a Baptism in Sacramento!
Father Hewko's nephew Jared and his wife welcomed their youngest baby boy:
Xavior Camillus Tomaquino Ellison!

Here is the blessed family with the baby's godparents!

May young Xavior's many patron saints protect him his throughout his life
and help him earn Heaven!
A Visit to Northern Ontario in Eastertide
An Easter visit to the Polish family in northern Ontario!
The children take Father on a hike overlooking a local lake.
The parents of this good family, Michal and Marzena, renewed their wedding vows on their anniversary!
Young Clara and Aniela make their
First Communions and are enrolled in the Brown Scapular!
First Communions in Sacramento
Little Savio Calix-Sanguinis and Madilynne Elizabeth made their First Communions this spring.
May they remember this day with joy for the rest of their lives!
UK Spring Retreat and Mission Circuits
London Happenings
English friends bid farewell on one of the streets bordering Westminster Cathedral
 in London where they just prayed a public rosary.
A sick call to Mrs. Barry with Mr. & Mrs. Taylor
[Mr. Taylor is the Editor of The Recusant !].
In the background you can see a portion of Mrs. Barry's garden with lovely spring roses climbing up the trellis. Afterwards, everyone was treated to the famous English tea and crumpets!
Pedro and Vittorio take Father on a tour of Brompton Oratory, or as it is formally known, the Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
home to priests living under the rule of St. Phillip Neri.
It was founded by Fr. Fredrick Faber in in 1849.
Some might know of Fr. Faber from his extensive writings and hymn,
 one of the most beloved hymn being, Faith of Our Fathers!
The Men's Ignatian Retreat in London!
The men are pictured here with the very-necessary two young bell ringers
and two altar boys who assisted during the retreats

Friends Vittorio and Peter bid farewell as Vittorio prepares
to make a pilgrimage to Rome!

But not before Vittorio kindly acted as Father Hewko's London guide!
A Visit to the Tyburn Convent and its Relics
The front façade of this Convent of Benedictine nuns.

The green plaque reads: 105 Catholic Martyrs Lost Their Lives at the Tyburn Gallows Near This Site 1535-1681
The inscription beneath the plaque reads:

"The circular stone on the traffic island 300 paces east of this point marks
the site of the ancient gallows known as Tyburn. Tree. It was demolished in 1759."

A very interesting fact: the convent's existence was prophesied
several hundred years ago!

"The convent’s very existence fulfils the prophecy made in 1585 by Fr Gregory Gunne when, during his own trial, he rebuked an Elizabethan court for having sentenced St Edmund Campion to death at Tyburn. “'You have slain the greatest man in England,” he said. “I will add that one day there, where you have put him to death, a religious house will arise, thanks to an important offering.'” - Source
A replica of the Tyburn Tree stands over this traditional altar, ad orientem.
It is known as the Martyrs Altar.

An old drawing of the infamous
Tyburn Tree.

Over 100 Catholics, mostly priests, were hung, drawn, and quartered beneath these 'trunks.'
The relics, images, and drawings that follow are all found within these convent walls.
Fr. Arthur (aka "Francis") Bell, a Franciscan priest.
He was arrested and was hung at Tyburn in 1643.
A drawing of Fr. Robert Persons. He was a Jesuit priest who often had to travel in disguise to minster to the outlawed Catholics. He traveled with Fr. Edmund Campion throughout England in the year 1580.
A piece of the rope which graced the neck of the martyr Ven. Fr. Thomas Holland at his death at Tyburn.

Finger of Bl. John Roberts, a Benedictine monk, blessed to be martyred in his full habit!
A rib from the martyred layman
 Mr. Barlow.
The caption reads: " From the skin of an English Martyr found beneath the altar of the Benedictine Monastery at Douai."
Vittorio, Father's guide through the London train systems, lifts the veil over several relics.
A piece of hair from St. Thomas More.

A piece of bone of Blessed John Southworth, priest and martyr.

An oil painting of Fr. William Ward, martyred for the Faith in 1641 at Tyburn. His famous last words were, "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, receive my soul" while he was being drawn and quartered.
These blood-stained clothes are relics from the martyrs Ven. Thomas Reynolds (a priest) and Ven. Bartholomew Alban Roe (a Benedictine priest). Both were martyred for the Faith in 1642.
A quote from St. Thomas More watching the martyrdom of Carthusian monks from his prison window.

"Lo dost thou not see, Meg (his daughter) that these blessed Fathers be now going to their deaths as cheerfully as bridegrooms to their marriage?"
Words of the Carthusian priest and prior, John Houghton. He was later martyred at Tyburn.
Words of John Houghton as he stood in the cart, with a rope around his neck.
Retreats 2023
Frs. Hewko and Ruiz gave Ignatian Retreats for both Men and Women this year in Kansas at the Red Rock Ranch in a town called Soldier!
Above, Fr. Ruiz offers the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the Ranch's newest building.

Below, Fr. Ruiz offers Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament for the Retreatants.
Pictures of the Retreatants!
Many good souls traveled far to refresh their souls at these powerful Retreats!

From left to right,
Aiden, Matthew, and Joseph all traveled to Kansas to help out at the retreats!
They served at Holy Mass, helped with the readings during meals, helped in the kitchen and at table, and were in charge of the ringing of the bells to mark the start of retreat conferences!
The priests make a visit to the new Immaculata Church built
by the SSPX in St. Marys, Kansas.
Matthew and Joseph are pictured here with the owners of the Red Rock Ranch, Mr. and Mrs. Brown.

They have told Fr. Hewko how much they are in awe of the silence and peace that is present during the retreats, broken only by the sound of the bells!

They have enthusiastically welcomed the Priests and Retreatants back for a few years now!
A picture of the wonderful kitchen helpers who make so many delicious meals for the priests and retreatants!

A very special thanks to Mrs. Beth Cline and her daughters who have done so much to keep things flowing smoothly!
Fr. Ruiz's 38th Priestly Ordination Anniversary was celebrated in between retreats!

Congratulations to Fr. Ruiz on his priestly anniversary!

May the Lord bless you and keep you as you continue to serve
Him faithfully and without compromise!
During the last Sunday Mass at the Red Rock Ranch, little Matilda made her
First Holy Communion!

May her sweet and obvious joy from this great Sacrament remain with her all her days!
Young Adult Gathering 2023
The 2023 Young Adult Gathering in Montana!

These events are organized for the benefit of young adults, to strengthen and fortify them in living the Catholic Faith in the world.

Below are some amazing pictures in the foothills of the Montana Rockies!
Letter from Father Hewko

Summer 2023

Dear Faithful,

The two great gifts of God given for our age as the last remedies against charity having grown cold and the post-Conciliar apostasy, are the Most Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary!

Our Divine Lord revealed His Heart all on fire, encircled by thorns, and dripping with Blood. He asked St. Margaret Mary Alocoque in 1673, to request that His Heart be placed on the national flag and the country of France be solemnly consecrated to His Most Sacred Heart. All this was ignored by the Kings.

Closer to our times, the Immaculate Heart of Mary was first manifested to the three shepherd children of Fátima in June of 1917. In this apparition, our Blessed Mother held Her Heart in Her right hand. It was also encircled by sharp thorns and surrounded by flames of burning charity.

The second time was in 1929 to Sr. Lucia in the convent in Tuy, Spain. In that sanctuary, was manifested: God the Father in brilliant light, God the Son on the Cross, crucified and dripping Blood from His Sacred Wounds, and God the Holy Ghost in the form of a shining Dove. Next to the Heart of Jesus, dripping Blood onto a large Host and into a golden Chalice, was standing Our Lady of Fátima holding Her Immaculate Heart encircled with thorns. The words “Grace and Mercy” appeared pouring out over the Altar, as truly happens in every valid Sacrifice of the Mass.

In her last interview in 1957 with Fr. Fuentes, Sr. Lucia remarked that the Immaculate Heart of Mary was given by God as the last and final remedy, as a final “lifesaver” cast to rescue souls in a world drowning in sin, and save them from the fires of Hell. She asked for the Pope to consecrate Russia to Her Immaculate Heart and for the Five First Saturday Devotions in reparation (in Pontevedra, Spain), in particular for the five great crimes against Her Heart.

These five are:

1. Blasphemies against Her Divine Maternity;
2. Blasphemies against Her Perpetual Virginity;
3. Blasphemies against Her Immaculate Conception;
4. Irreverence and sacrilege against Her holy statues and images;
5. Instilling hatred and antipathy into children against the Holy Virgin Mary.

Needless to say, all the Popes from Pius XI on, like the Kings of France, ignored Heaven’s request! The Sacred Heart of Jesus warned that punishments will be inflicted on Rome and the Church if these requests were ignored, just as France suffered the bloody Reign of Terror during the Masonic Revolution of 1789. What kind of punishments await Rome now, when the Sodomite agenda is being lauded and promoted by Pope Francis and his fellow wolves? What insults to Christ the King! What a scandal to souls! What a great number of souls are being cast to Hell for these scandals!

Our Lady said if Her requests were not heeded, Russia will spread her errors throughout the world, the good will be martyred and persecutions will be unleashed on the Church. One has only to read Fr. Denis Fahey’s book, “The Rulers of Russia,” to see that the hidden powers that financed the Bolshevik Revolution, were straight out of the banks of Wall Street! Yes, the old “Synagogue of Satan” that St. Paul spoke of, was at it again!

The same Marxist ideas were also the inspiration for the Liturgical Movement as early as 1909, starring Dom Lambert Beauduin, Dom Pius Parsch, Josef Jungmann and later, the infamous Fr. Anabale Bugnini. Based on the Marxist idea of “equality,” that the working class should not be deprived of what the wealthy class enjoy and possess. The Marxist solution would be reached by eliminating all distinctions in society and leveling all men to the same class. For the Communists, there must be no distinctions, no privileges, no higher ranks in society, only one working class, and by that, everyone was guaranteed “active participation” in the material wealth of the State.

The Marxist principle of false equality that influenced the architects behind the Liturgical Movement, was expressed in such slogans as: “diminish clerical distinctions”, “the prayers at Mass should not be said exclusively by the priest”, “the laity must be more involved,” “there must be more active participation of the laity in the Liturgy,” etc. These were the very same democratic principles driving Marc Sagnier of the “Sillonist Movement” condemned by Pope St. Pius X. The liturgical wreckers would eventually call for changes that would allow for more ecumenism and active participation of the laity in the Mass. For instance, in the 1940’s, Fr. Gerald Ellard in his book, “The Mass of the Future,” illustrates pictures of a priest offering Mass on a table facing the people during their “experimental Masses”! He was a Jesuit priest in St. Mary’s, Kansas and is buried there. That was in the 1940’s! We all know where that would eventually lead! From the liturgical changes introduced in 1955 to 1969, Bugnini triumphantly boasted in his autobiography that they were intentionally implemented in stages, to prepare for the final fabrication; the Ecumenical New Mass of Paul VI!

Could not this destructive liturgical revolution be also included as part of the “errors of Russia” that Our Lady spoke of, penetrating into the very intestines of the Church? Would not the Marxist ideas infiltrating into the liturgical reforms, changes, and innovations, not also form part of the very “errors” She forewarned? Did not the enemies of Christ (be they Communists or Freemasons) rejoice at the dissolving of the unique role of the priesthood and the sacrificial character of the Mass, successfully attained by Bugnini’s liturgical reforms? Is it possible that Pope Pius XI by ignoring the request to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, lost the graces that would have prevented his betrayal of the Cristeros in Mexico and a Catholic-backed movement in France? Is it possible that Pope Pius XII, who had received numerous supernatural graces specifically to Consecrate Russia, also became blinded to the evil direction the Liturgical Movement was taking right under his nose, during his declining years? Was not the New Mass the long-desired replacement for the Tridentine Mass, dreamt of by the liturgical wreckers as far back as the 1920’s? Is not the New Mass the practical triumph of the heresy of Ecumenism misguiding souls into a new “law of prayer” and as a result, to a “new system of belief” and a consequent loss of the Catholic Faith?

Truly, the only way out of this Communist-inspired political, economic, social and liturgical Revolution is the solution given from Heaven! That is, the devotion to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary! There is no other solution. As the great Cardinal Pie of Poitiers put it: “If modern governments will not enjoy the blessings coming from the Reign of Christ the King over society, they will have to endure the disaster and ruins resulting from His absence!” What goes for governments, also applies to the Church. The Church is collapsing due to the rejection of Christ the King at the Second Vatican Council!

The last two remedies for society have been given to us from Heaven! Let us embrace the Most Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary! Let us proclaim their Reign over us by making reparation to Them by the daily Rosary, the Nine First Friday Communions and Five First Saturday Devotions. We must pray and fight for Their sweet Reign over all nations, so that They mercifully grant us the final overthrow of Communism and Freemasonry violently suffocating the Church! Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Thy Kingdom Come! O Immaculate Heart of Mary, grant us a Pope who will obey Thee and issue-in Thy glorious Victory over Satan! This done, God will precipitate the triumphant Age of Our Lady! “In the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph!” Down with the Conciliar Church! Down with the New Mass! Down with Ecumenism! We remain faithful to the Catholic Church of all time! “Viva Cristo Rey!

In Christ the King,

Fr. David Hewko
Contacts and Resources

  • Correspondence mailing address and Mass Requests and Stipends: Rev. Fr. David Hewko, 16 Dogwood Road South, Hubbardston, MA 01452

  • Donations: Checks can be made out to Sorrowful Heart of Mary Inc., P.O. Box 366017, Atlanta, GA 30336 or electronic donations can be made via PayPal.

  • To subscribe to Fr. Hewko's newsletters, the Sorrowful Heart of Mary Newsletter, and the Mary, the Cause of Our Joy! Newsletter, contact: [email protected].

  • The Recusant website contains many erudite articles on the new direction of the SSPX of the last ten years.