Mary's Shelter Happenings

"If we have no peace it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other"
-Mother Teresa

An Update from our Executive Director 
Kathleen Wilson

Dear friends,

This has been a very different season for all of us. When the virus first hit, it was difficult to figure out how to keep all our moms and children safe and healthy, as well as follow CDC regulations. We knew we would have to follow proper procedures, which meant quarantining women in need before allowing them to move into our homes with other families.  We also knew there would be many calls for assistance, more than we could accommodate. So, we decided the word "TRUST" was going to be our motto. We would help any woman who came our way, not worry about the funding, and TRUST that all needs would be met. We worked out a great deal with a local hotel, extended our respite budget and provided shelter to all women in need who reached out to us. We helped pay rents for women to keep them safe where they were. We paid car insurance, food expenses and more so women could meet their needs and the needs of their children. We also moved many families into our homes. We TRUSTED. Thanks to you, we were financially able to do this. Our friends have been, and continue to be, generous with their time, donations and prayers. We always say we could not do this without you. That will never change. 

Special thank you to David Bereit for organizing and hosting our first virtual Soirée. It was a great success and helped allow us to meet the many needs that came our way.


Kathleen Wilson
Executive Director
2020 Life Walk Information!
Once again, Mary’s Shelter is teaming up with Bethany Christian Services and Choices Women's Center to WALK and RUN to promote the dignity of life. 
The virtual Life Walk can be completed anytime between October 17th and November 17th. This is a great opportunity to support local, life-affirming ministries while walking at the time and place of your choice.
Invite your friends and family to walk with you for LIFE! 
Our Kiddos
One of our greatest joys at Mary's Shelter is seeing all the beautiful children of our residents. We just have to show off a few of them here! Aren't they adorable?

Meet our Newest Staff Member: Margaret Bereit
Margaret is the newest member of the Mary's Shelter staff. She is such a perfect addition to our team as the parent-child coordinator and we are thrilled to have her around! Please visit this link to watch her video interview during which she explains a little bit about her role here and the impact it has had on her.
Volunteer Spotlight:

Dee Spencer Smith
 Office Volunteer
You have volunteered for Mary's Shelter before. Can you tell us a little about that time?
I first volunteered with Mary’s Shelter as a resident mentor, six years ago. I mentored a young mother while she was pregnant and after she gave birth to a beautiful set of twins. I took her to prenatal appointments, baby wellness checks and just spent time with her showing her how to take care of her babies. She was overwhelmed at times, so sometimes I watched the children so she could get a rare rest. I showed her how to bathe, feed and hold her babies. I would then keep an eye out while she would follow those suggestions and become comfortable with her children. We developed a bond. She felt comfortable sharing with me. There were pit falls as well. I was happy to be there to talk her through problems and to encourage her to continue being the best mom she could be. I fell in love with her babies!

What brought you back to volunteering? 
I started volunteering again at Mary's Shelter this year. After several years away, I felt called to return. Although being a mentor was extremely rewarding, I felt I had failed. My young mom was arrested for shop lifting and her babies were placed with a relative. One day, I ran into Kathleen Wilson downtown. She asked how I was doing. I told her I felt I failed at Mary’s Shelter. I distinctly remember Kathleen saying you loved and saved two babies lives. Success. ❤️❤️
Update on my mom- she was reunited with her twins and they have been happily living together!

In what capacity do you now serve?
I now volunteer in the office fielding phone calls, writing thank you notes, organizing donations and whatever else is needed. Working with women who have such loving and giving hearts is such a gift!!

What is the best part about volunteering at Mary's Shelter?
The best part of spending time at Mary's Shelter is giving back. My passion is “Pro Life”. This organization gives me the opportunity to practice what I preach. While in the office, I often get to see young women who live in our homes. One of the most rewarding moments happened just yesterday. A young mom returned from her first ultrasound. You could see the love in her eyes for her little baby to be. She was so excited and just wanted to share this blessing with us. I was the one who felt blessed to be part of that. We truly make a difference at Mary's Shelter. Saving young, sweet, innocent lives is extremely rewarding.

If you could tell a woman something from the heart about life and motherhood what might that be?
Being a mother is one of Gods greatest gift. Life is a journey with highs and lows but walking with God keeps us on the right path. He called all of us by name before birth. It is an honor to be a part of God's creation. 

Our heartfelt thanks to the many who have donated in a million ways during this time. Words cannot express how thankful we are, but also, how thankful the families we serve are. We have truly been blessed by so many.