August 12, 2022
Elizabeth Alex

Marisa Olszewski
Md League of Conservation Voters, 443-810-6584,

Maryland Environmental and Equity Organizations Praise Congressional Approval of Landmark Climate Change Legislation 

Bill will bring major environmental and economic benefits to Maryland
The organizations listed below released this joint statement of support for the federal Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) that received final approval today in Congress.

“Today’s passage of the Inflation Reduction Act represents a tremendous and historic moment for our country. It is the single biggest investment in climate, justice, clean energy, and jobs ever, and we applaud President Biden and the members of Congress who supported it. Taken together with the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law passed in 2021, we are now on the path toward a once-in-a-generation investment for tackling the climate crisis, supporting American families, and building America’s clean energy economy. 

“The IRA will fight inflation by driving down consumer energy costs, increase American energy security, and substantially reduce greenhouse gas emissions, while also accelerating our move to a clean energy economy that will provide millions more well-paid, green jobs.

“The Maryland General Assembly has set ambitious climate goals, and the IRA will provide funding to help us take meaningful climate action here. And the bill is paid for by taxes on the largest billion-dollar corporations, many of whom pay no taxes now. We need strong leadership from the next Governor and General Assembly to ensure the equitable distribution of these historic clean energy investments. Long overdue federal funds must be prioritized in communities overburdened by pollution and at higher risk from climate change, especially communities of color and working class communities.

“Maryland Leaders must prepare to leverage funds in a way that will reshape our transportation and building sectors, which are major contributors to climate pollution. And Marylanders deserve full transparency from our state and local governments on how they plan to disperse these funds in support of our communities.

“We know that the IRA includes some significantly concerning provisions that will keep us more dependent on fossil fuels and increase pollution for already impacted communities. We are committed to working to mitigate the damage and call on elected officials to ensure continued progress toward a clean energy future.”

Signed by These Organizations

  • CASA
  • Chesapeake Climate Action Network
  • Maryland League of Conservation Voters
  • NAACP Maryland State Conference, Environmental and Climate Justice Committee
  • Sierra Club, Maryland Chapter
