December | 2023

In This Issue:

  • Holiday Greetings
  • Quarterly Meeting - December 11, 2023
  • Our Partnership is Growing
  • End of Year Giving
  • FEMA Resource: Take Control 1-2-3!
  • Eastern Shore Long Term Recovery Committee Updates
  • Volunteers Needed: M&T Full Scale Exercise
  • Nonprofit Security Grant Program - FY24 Winter Webinar Series
  • Facebook page

Happy Holidays!

Quarterly Meeting - Monday, December 11, 2023

10am - 2pm

Christ Church - Inner Harbor

701 S Charles Street

Baltimore 21230

Review minutes from last meeting.

Access December meeting here.

Virtual Access

Meeting ID: 891 4291 6006

Passcode: 287936

One tap mobile

+13017158592,,89142916006# US (Washington DC)


2023 has been a banner year for welcoming new organizations to Maryland VOAD. Learn more about these great organizations by following the link below.

Do you know an organization that should be part of Maryland VOAD? 

Please share: or email for more information.

Thinking of Maryland VOAD During the Holidays

It’s that time of year when thoughts go to those who are in need. Maryland VOAD focuses on those families who have unmet needs following a disaster. 

Tell your relatives, friends, and neighbors that there is no greater gift than that which lifts up others from the sense of helplessness after they have lost so much.  Consider donating to Maryland VOAD’s general disaster fund.


Take Control in 1-2-3! Disaster Preparedness Guide

Download FEMA's latest disaster preparedness guide for older adults. Use the worksheets and checklists to create a a plan then add it to your emergency kit.

Eastern Shore Long Term Recovery Committee Updates

The Eastern Shore Long-Term Recovery Committee continues to assist families devastated by Tidal flooding that occurred in October 2021. The residents of House #7 are back in their home pictured here.

The bedroom in House #8 gets a fresh coat of paint to welcome the owner home.

The first home elevation has begun.

Volunteers prepped house for the lifting company.

Work included removing the chimney, the entry steps, and the rear utility room and furnace.

Home #9: Construction continues

Home #10: Construction continues

M&T Stadium Full Scale Exercise

December 6th

8:45 am - 2:30pm

CISA and M&T Stadium are in need of actors playing the role of event fans during an upcoming Full Scale Exercise. Interested individuals can register and sign the required liability waiver here.

When registering, be sure to record the timeslot you select for the mandatory 2-hour training.

Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) FY2024 Winter Webinar Series

The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Grant Programs Directorate (GPD) invites interested organizations to attend upcoming webinars regarding the Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP). The NSGP is a competitive grant awarded to nonprofit organizations at high risk of a terrorist or other extremist attack for the purposes of facility hardening and other security enhancements.

Please note that depending on the timing of a Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 appropriations bill, final FY 2024 information on the NSGP may not be available at the time of the webinars. Interested nonprofits should maintain communication with their State Administrative Agency (SAA) for all deadlines and application requirements.

Following registration, you will receive a calendar invitation via email for the webinar. The link to join the webinar will be contained in that calendar event email. It may take time for this email to arrive – please be patient following registration and be sure to check your junk/spam folders.


Friday, December 8

Tuesday, December 19

Wednesday, December 20

Time (ET)

3:00 PM

2:00 PM

3:00 PM

Registration Link

Registration link

Registration link

Registration link

Visit, Like and Share - MDVOAD Facebook Page
Be sure to visit the MD VOAD Facebook page. While there, support our VOAD members by liking and sharing their content. This helps everyone reach broader audiences with our important message.
Newsletter Content
Do you have an update, event, or announcement to share with the rest of Maryland VOAD? Send your information and pictures to to be shared on our Social Media or by the 15th of each month to be included in the next newsletter issue.
Donate to Maryland VOAD